Konferenz: IWAENC 2012 - International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement
04.09.2012-06.09.2012 in Aachen, Germany
Tagungsband: IWAENC 2012
Seiten: 4Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF
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Markovich-Golan, Shmulik; Gannot, Sharon (Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 52900, Israel)
Cohen, Israel (Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel)
Beamforming methods for speech enhancement in wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs) have recently attracted the attention of the research community. One of the major obstacles in implementing speech processing algorithms in WASN is the sampling rate offsets between the nodes. As nodes utilize individual clock sources, sampling rate offsets are inevitable and may cause severe performance degradation. In this paper, a blind procedure for estimating the sampling rate offsets is derived. The procedure is applicable to speech-absent time segments with slow time-varying interference statistics. The proposed procedure is based on the phase drift of the coherence between two signals sampled at different sampling rates. Resampling the signals with Lagrange polynomials interpolation method compensates for the sampling rate offsets. An extensive experimental study, utilizing the transfer function generalized sidelobe canceller (TFGSC), exemplifies the problem and its solution. Index Terms — WASN, beamforming, synchronization