UEMS is real projects for real people in real life.
The most precious resource of the UEMS is the people who dedicate time and passion in the projects endeavoured by the UEMS. They believe in the organisation and its core vision and mission to support medical specialists in Europe.
UEMS projects are a means to serve medical specialists in EU to provide the best care to patients. These projects lie under medical specialists training, Continuing Medical Education & Continuing professional development, and liaising and working with the EU institutions.
Contact us
External affairs
Bertrand Daval, CEO • ceo@uems.eu
Isabelle Dumaine, EU Policy & PR Officer • isabelle@uems.eu
Amelia Donighian, Coordinator • coordination@uems.eu
Sandrine Tshimbulu, Administrative Officer • secretariat@uems.eu
Nathalie Paulus, COO & EACCME Coordinator • nathalie@uems.eu