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Install Eclipse on Ubuntu

Installing Eclipse on Ubuntu has never been easier, and the latest version of Eclipse has never been better. Here's how to get started with these two popular open source tools.

Swing vs. JavaFX: Compare Java GUI frameworks

Swing has been used with Java GUIs since 1998, but there are good reasons to adopt JavaFX instead. Here's how to know which to choose for your next Java project.

Install Java's JDK on Ubuntu

It's incredibly easy to install Java 21 on the latest version of Ubuntu. A single command will do it.

Stubs vs. mocks in software testing

Running a software test and need to simulate a function or object? Here's how to choose between two common options, stubs vs. mocks, and ensure reliable and maintainable tests.

A JavaScript functional programming basic tutorial

JavaScript's versatility makes it useful for webpages and web servers, but also functional programming. This tutorial shows how to implement JavaScript functional programming.

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