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Baseball Notables Who Died By Way
Of Accidents
1861: Jim Creighton (21)....................Ruptured Inguinal Hernia From Swinging At A Pitch
1872: Al Thake (22)....................Drowned While Fishing Off Fort Hamilton in New York
1886: Bill Smith (26)....................Broke His back In a Diving Accident
1887: John Ake (25)....................Drowned Tryng To Row Across The Mississippi
1888: John Glenn (39)....................Accidentally Shot By A Cop While Being Protected From A Lynch Mob
1888: Denny Mack (37)....................Internal Hemmorhage And Seizures From a Fall At Home
1889: Lew Brown (31)....................Pneumonia as a result of an accidental wrestling injury
1890: Jake Goodman (36)....................Stroke of Palsy due to being hit in the head with a baseball several years before
1890: Ben Young (30) (Former AA Umpire)....................Northern Pacific Railway Crash Near Eagle Gorge, WA
1891: Jerry Dorgan (35)....................Alcohol Poisoning
1893: Tom Zacharias (32) (NL Umpire)....................Hit by a freight train at Homestead, PA
1895: Ed Colgan (37)....................Killed Coupling Railroad Accident
1895: Jim McLaughlin (34)....................Trolley Accident
1896: John Curran
(44)....................Fell backwards into a basement and broke his neck
1896: George Heubel (46)....................Injuries from a fall at home
1897: Jim Dee
(32)....................Smothered in grain in the hold of a train
1898: Vincent Hudson
(39) (Former Union Association Umpire)....................fell from the porch roof of a boarding house while sleepwalking
1899: Frank Kreeger (38)....................Drowned while swimming in the Okaw Kaskaskia) River in Illinois while on a fishing trip
1900: Ed Knouff (32)....................Renal Failure Due To Complications From A Broken Back
1900: Walter Plock (30)....................Killed when he fell off a Hoisting Engine while building a bridge in Richmond, Virginia
1900: John Traffley (38)....................Brain Injury
1900: Fred Zahner (30)....................Drowned
1901: Dennis Driscoll (38)....................Boiler Explosion At A Bleach Factory
1901: Jim Duncan (30)....................Drowned
1901: Chappy Lane (38)....................Injuries Received When A Barrell Of Brass Fell On His Head
1901: Charles Snyder (28)....................Fractured His Skull While Being Evicted From A Hotel
1902: Dave Eggler (50)...................Hit By A Train
1903: Hardie Henderson (40)....................Run Over By A Train Trolley
1903: Ed Delahanty (35)....................Fell Over Niagara Falls
1904: George Seward (53)...................Shock & Injuries received in an Accident
1905: Al Mays (39)....................Drowned
1905: Pete Dowling (28)....................Hit By A Train
1905: Fergie Malone (60)....................Accidental Alcohol Poisoning after a prolonged drinking spree
1907: Nat Hicks (62)....................Gas Asphyxiation In A Hotel Room
1908: John Brown (32)....................Extensive Thermal Burns On Body And Limbs
From An Accident At work
1909: Mike Dorgan (55).....................Blood Poisoning After Knee Surgery
For An Old Playing Injury
1909: William Bedford (Cuban Giants 2nd Baseman).....................Hit By Lightning
At Inlet Park In Atlantic City
1910: George Boone (39)....................Accidental Overdose of medication taken
to relieve sleeplessness
1910: Jack Horner (46)....................Skull Fracture From Slipping In The
1911: Ed Glenn (36)....................Fell Into A Railroad Pit
1911: Lew Simmons
(73)....................Hit By Truck
1911: Wil White (56)....................Drowned
1912: Fred Corey (55)....................Gas Asphyxiation In A Hotel Room
1912: Harry Keener
(43)....................Found dead on
the street after a night of drinking due to Alcohol Poisioning
1912: Charlie Sprague (48)....................Head Injury
1912: Rube Taylor (34)....................Skull Was Crushed When He Was Run Over
By A Street Car
1912: Charlie Waitt (59)....................Fell While Washing A Window
1913: Henry Murphy (59) (Former NL Umpire)....................Cerebral Hemmorhage
from head injuries due to a fall from a Carriage.
1913: Joe Stewart (33)....................Fell Out A Window
1914: Willie Mills (36)....................Railroad Accident
1914: Heinie Reitz (47)....................Hit By A Car
1915: Otis Johnson (32)....................Shot In A Hunting Accident
1915: Bert Myers (41)....................Blood Poisoning after accidentally stepping
on a rusty nail
1916: John Dodge (27)....................Hit By A Pitched Ball While Playing In The Minor Leagues
1916: Bob Unglaub (35)....................Crushed in a Railroad Pit
1916: Reddy Mack (50)....................Fell And Fractured His Skull
1917: Willie Sudhoff (42)....................Brain Injury
1918: Carl Druhot (35)....................Shipyard Accident
1918: Ralph Sharman (23)....................Drowned
1918: John McCloskey (36)....................Mine Explosion
1919: Harry Blake (45)....................Burned in a Rooming House Fire
1919: Vince Dailey (54)....................Injuries from a fall off the top of the Erie Roundhouse while working for the Erie Railway
1920: Ray Chapman (29)....................Hit In the Head By A Pitch From Yankees
Pitcher Carl Mays
1920: Dick Bayless (36)....................Died In A Copper Mine Explosion
1921: Socks Seybold (51)....................Car Crash
1922: John Coleman (59)....................Hit By A Car
1923: Jack Barnett (43)....................Accidentally Shot While Hunting
1923: Jim Scoggins (32)....................Cerebral Tumor Six Weeks After Being
Hit Beened In The Head By A Baseball
1923: Wild Bill Donovan (47)....................Train Wreck
1924: Tony Boeckel (31)....................Auto Accident
1924: Jay Hughes (50)....................Fell From A Train Trestle And Fractured
His Skull
1925: Marv Goodwin (34)....................Crashed His Plane On A Training Flight
While A Member Of The Army Air Force Reserve
1925: Emil Huhn (33)....................Auto Accident
1925: Charlie Irwin (56)....................Hit By A Bus
1926: Otis Clymer (50)....................Auto Accident
1926: Tom Needham
(47)....................Myelitis from
when he fell and fractured his Spine
1926: Bill Stecher
(57)....................His Car was
hit by a Train at a railroad crossing near his home
1926: Art Sunday
(65)....................1st, 2nd and 3rd
degree burns from a fire while workind for the Ormsby County, NV fire patrol
1927: Bill Gannon (54)....................Drowned
1927: Al Myers (64)....................Tetanus after stepping on a Rusty Nail
1927: Germany Smith (64)....................Hit by a Car
1928: Charlie Dorman (30)....................Coronary Embolism Due To Accidental
Fracture Of Left Patella From Playing Baseball
1928: Jack Ridgway (38)....................Auto Accident
1929: Fred Hayner
(57)....................Burned in a house
1929: Walt Lerian (26)....................Hit By A Truck
1929: Tom Crooke (44)....................Bus Accident
1929: Rupert Mills (36)....................Drowned In Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
1929: Dan Long (61)....................Railroad Accident
1929: Joe O'Brien (54) (Former New York Giants Secretary)....................Accidental
Ingestion of Potassium Cyanide
1929: Mike Scanlon (81)....................Injuries And Shock From A Fall
1929: Denny Williams (29)....................Auto Accident
1930: Gus Sandberg (33)....................Burned
1930: Guy Tutwiler (41)....................Train Accident
1930: Sandy Piez (38)....................Drowned When His Car Hit Some Ice And
Skidded Off a Bridge
1930: Arlie Pond (58)....................Complications From A Botched Appendectomy
1930: Jack Powell (38)....................Choked On A Steak
1931: Sam Brown (53)....................Found Dead In His Garage From Accidental
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
1931: Charlie Ferguson (56)....................Drowned
1931: Doc Newton
(53)....................Food Poisoning
1931: Mark Stewart (42)....................Hit By A Drunk Driver
1932: Howard Freigau (29)....................Drowned
1932: Charlie Grant (75) (Negro League Player)....................Auto Accident
1932: Lon Knight (78)....................Gas Asphyxiation
1932: Doug Neff (40)....................Drowned When He Fell Off A Boat
1932: Lou Widrig (61) Reds Treasurer / Part-Owner.....................Pneumonia
Resulting From Burns From A Hotel Fire
1933: Tommy Dowd (64)....................Drowned
1933: Harry G. Fallon (Braves Traveling Secretary)....................Auto Accident
1933: Fred Wood (70)....................Hit By A Car
1934: John Kane (51)....................Auto Accident
1934: Rowdy Elliot (43)....................Fell From A Window
1934: Dan Dugdale (69)....................Hit By A Truck
1934: Harry Hogan (58)....................Fracture
1934: Henry Koons (64)....................Hit By A Public Service Bus
1934: Adrian Lynch (37)....................Drove His Car Into A Ditch
1934: Jim Roxburgh (76)....................Fractured Right Femur and Clavicle
with Pneumonia due to being hit by a car
1934: Joe Ward (49)....................Auto Accident
1935: Frank Navin (64)....................Heart Attack and Fall While Riding His
1935: Charlie Sullivan (32)....................His Car Was Hit By A Train
1935: Rex DeVogt (47)....................Auto Accident
1936: Irv Hach
(63)....................Skull Fracture when
he fell off a truck
1936: Braggo Roth (44).....................Car Was Hit By A Truck
1937: Eddie Foster (49).....................Auto Accident
1937: Harry Wolverton (63)....................Killed By A Hit And Run Driver
1937: Hi Jasper (56)....................Fell Off A Truck
1937: Andy Bednar (29)....................Auto Accident
1937: Rube Benton (50)....................Auto Accident
1937: Gene Connell (31)....................Auto Accident
1937: Nig Fuller (58)....................Injuries from an Auto/Train Accident
1938: Earl Clark (30)....................Auto / Streetcar Crash
1938: Red Hill (45)....................Auto Accident
1938: Still Bill Hill (63)....................Auto Accident
1939: Tiny Chaplin (33)....................Auto Accident
1939: Pete Henning (51)....................Auto Accident
1939: Charles Murphy Stewart (63) (Former Indians Trainer)....................Auto
1940: Axel Lindstrom (44)....................Concussion From A Fall On The Street
1940: Hal Krause (53)....................Auto Accident
1940: Patsy McGaffigan (52)....................Drowned
1941: Rube Kisinger (64)....................Train Accident While On Duty As A
Railroad Bridge Engineer
1941: Lou Kolls (44) (Former AL Uumpire)....................Auto Accident
1941: Joe Boehling (50)....................Fell Off A Porch
1941: George Gilpatrick (66)....................Fell And FractureD His Skull
1942: Bob Bescher (58)....................Car/Train Collison
1942: Frank Connaughton (73)....................Hit By A Car
1942: Chad Kimsey (36)....................Crashed A Truck Into A Bridge
1942: Slim Love (52)....................Hit By A Car
1942: Alvin Montgomery (21)....................Auto Wreck
1942: Harry Spies (76)....................Hit By A Car
1944: Ed Brandt (39)....................Hit By A Car
1945: Bill Hobbs (51)....................Shot In A Hunting Accident
1946: Emil Bildilli (34)....................Crashed His Car Into A Tree On His
34th Birthday
1946: Hick Cady (60)....................Hotel Room Fire
1946: Bill Fincher (51)....................Shot By Accident
1946: Johnny Grabowski (46)....................Burns From A House Fire
1946: Chris Hartje (31)....................Burns From A Team Bus Accident In the
Minor Leagues
1946: Ben Taylor (57)
....................Broken Neck when
he lost control of his car and collided with an embankment
1946: John Woods (48)....................Crashed His Car Into A Truck
1947: Jimmy Sheckard (68)....................Hit By A Car
1947: Tom Sullivan (87)....................Hit By A Car
1947: Bill Keen (54)....................Car / Train Crash
1947: Woody Crowson (28)....................Truck / Bus Accident
1947: Roscoe McDonald (?) (Indians Scout)....................Auto Accident
1947: Phil Stremmel (67)....................Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
1948: Frank Browning (65)....................Burns From A House Fire
1948: Pete Knisely (60)....................Fell Off A Trestle
1948: Chick Bowen (51)....................Fell Out A Window
1948: Roy Ellam (62)....................Hit By A Falling Weight
1949: John Carden (27)....................Electrocuted
1949: Mike Jacobs (71)
....................Accidental Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning from a stove
1949: Marty O'Toole (60)....................Fell Down A Stairs
1949: Bill Steele (64)....................Hit By A Streetcar
1949: Harvey Watkins
Coal Gas Poisoning
1950: Jing Johnson (56)....................Auto Accident
1950: Duke Kenworthy (64)....................Drowned While Fishing off the Coast
Of California
1950: Carroll Yerkes (47)....................Cerebral Hemmorhage Due To A Skull
Fracture From A Fall
1951: Vance Page (45)....................Fell Off A Barn And Fractured His Skull
1951: Rube Vinson (72)....................Fell While Washing a Window
1952: Ray Jacobs (50)....................Auto Accident
1952: Burt Keeley (72)....................Complications From A Fractured Hip
1952: Ed McNichol
(73)....................Burned in house
1952: Arky Vaughan (40)....................Drowned While Fishing
1953: Roy Van Graflan (54) (Former AL Umpire).....................Broncho Pneumonia
due to injuries from an Auto Accident
1954: Les Channell (68)....................Fell at Home and Broke His Hip
1954: Fred C. Miller (48) (Milwaukee Braves Executive).....................Plane
1954: Earl Whitehill (54)....................Auto Accident
1955: Rube DeGroff (76)....................Auto Accident
1955: Frank Gregory (67)....................Drowned In The Rock River In Beloit,
1955: Harold Roettger (41) (Pirates Assistant To The President)....................Drowned
In A Swimming Pool
1955: Whitey Willis (?) Former Tigers Batboy)....................Auto Accident
1956: Tommy Sewell (50)....................Drowned
1956: Danny Claire (59)....................Burned
1956: Tom Gastall (24)....................Drowned When His Plane Crashed Into
Chesapeake Bay
1956: Charlie Peete (27)....................Plane Crash On His Way To Winter Ball
In Venezuela
1957: Johnny Nee (67) (Yankees/Phillies Scout)....................Burned to death
when he fell asleep with a lit cigarette in bed
1957: Dixie Leverett (62)....................Injuries from a Fall
1957: Ivy Griffin (60)....................Auto Accident
1957: Charlie Babington (61)....................Injuries from a Fall
1958: Joe Berry (53)....................Auto Accident
1958: Howie Fitzgerald (56)....................Auto Accident
1958: Walt Lonergan (72)....................Fell And Fractured His Skull
1958: Bill McAfee (50)....................Plane Crash
1958: Walt Meinert (67)....................Injuries From A Fall While Loading
A Shaft At Work
1958: Mel Ott (49)....................Auto Accident
1958: Jack Phillips (39)....................Electrocuted
1958: George Quellich (52)....................Auto Accident
1958: Snuffy Stirnweiss (39)....................Train Wreck
1959: Boileryard Clark (90)....................Hip Fracture
1959: Howie Fitzgerald (56)....................Auto Accident
1959: Terry Lyons (50)....................Gas Asphyxiation By His Dentist
1959: Ed McFarland (85)....................Injuries From A Fall
1960: Fritz Clausen (90)....................Injuries From A Fall
1960: Al Kellett (58)....................Skull Fracture
1960: Uke Clanton (62)....................Auto Accident
1960: Bob Thorpe (25)....................Electrocuted
1960: Wil Thompson (91)....................Complications From A Broken Hip
1962: Johnny Scalzi (55)....................Auto Accident
1962: Bill Bell (28)....................Auto Accident
1962: Possum Whitted (72)....................Complications From A Broken Hip
1963: Dave Shean (79)....................Auto Accident (Drove His Car Into A Fence)
1963: Karl Drews (43)....................Hit By A Drunk Driver
1963: Ed Hock (64)....................Drowned
1963: Dinny McNamara (58)....................Hit By A Car
1964: Ken Hubbs (22)....................Plane Crash
1964: Andy Palich (49) (Cleveland Plain Dealer Sports Reporter)....................Auto
1964: Ted Pawelek (44)....................Car / Truck Crash
1964: Ed Pipgras (58)....................Auto Accident
1964: Lefty Scott (48)....................Skull Fracture
1964: Al Wingo (66)....................Car / Truck Crash
1964: Fred Vaughn (45)....................Auto Accident
1965: Jim Joe Edwards (70)....................Auto Accident
1965: Jay Dahl (19)....................Auto Accident
1965: Dick Newsome (56)....................Auto Accident
1965: Jack Quinlan (38) (Cubs radio Announcer)....................Auto Accident
1966: Julio DeArcos (43) (Indians Scout)....................Auto Accident
1966: John Gaddy (52)....................Auto Accident
1966: Jack Niemes (46)....................Auto Accident
1966: Bing Miller (71)....................Heart Attack After An Auto Accident
1966: Frank Delahanty (83)....................Injuries From A Fall
1966: Tom Gulley (66)....................Drowned
1966: Malcom C. Wild (52) (Former Browns Treasurer...................Struck By
A Car
1967: Jimmie Foxx (59)....................Choked On A Piece Of Meat
1968: Al Benton (57)....................Motel Fire / Explosion
1968: Ned Porter (63)....................Explosion On A Cabin Cruiser
1968: Don Rudolph (37)....................Crushed By A Dump Truck
1969: Nestor Chavez (21)....................Jet Airliner Crash
1969: Milt Gray (55)....................Auto / Train Accident
1969: Joe Grace (55)....................Auto Accident
1969: Curt Roberts (40)....................Hit By A Car While Changing A Flat
1970: Mal Eason (91)....................House Fire
1970: Herman Hill (25)....................Drowned
1970: Paul Edmondson (27)....................Auto Accident On His Way To Spring
1970: Marshall Renfroe (37)....................Burns From An Auto/Gas Truck Accident
1970: Sherry Robertson (51)....................Auto Accident
1970: Joe Wyatt (70)....................Shot In A Hunting Accident
1971: George Kirksey (67) (Astros Part Owner) (1962-66)....................Auto
Accident In France
1971: Rube Melton (54)....................Auto Accident
1971: Mike Ryba (68)....................Fell Off A Ladder While Trimming Branches
1972: Chico Ruiz (33)....................Auto Accident
1972: Moe Berg (70)....................Injuries From A Fall AT Home
1972: Roberto Clemente (38)....................Airplane Crash
1973: Frank Calo (48) NL Scout.....................Auto Accident
1973: Pat Hardgrove (77)....................Auto Accident
1973: Frankie Frisch (74)....................Injuries From An Auto Accident
1974: John Weekley (37)....................Auto Accident
1975: Irv Medlinger (48)....................Plane Crash
1975: Don Wilson (29)....................Accidental Carbon Monoxide
1976: John Bottarini (58)....................Drowned When His Boat Overturned
1976: Claude Davenport (78)....................Auto Accident
1976: Bob Moose (29)....................Auto Accident On His 29Th Birthday
1977: Bill Bonness (53)....................Injuries From A Fall At Home Down His
Basement Steps
1977: John Chambers (66)....................Drowned When His Fishing Boat Overturned
1977: Dick Farrell (43)....................Auto Accident In England
1977: Danny Frisella (30)....................Dune Buggy Accident On New Years
1977: Bob Klinger (69)....................Auto Accident
1977: Danny Lynch (52)....................Head-On Collision With A Cement Mixer
1977: Mike Miley (22)....................Auto Accident
1978: Mike Gazella (81)....................Auto Accident
1979: Jack Butterfield (50) (Yankees VP In Charge Of Scouting And Player Development).....................Auto
1979: Thurman Munson (32)....................Private Jet Crash
1980: Wenty Ford (33)....................Auto Accident
1981: Dick Hoover (55)....................Auto Accident
1981: AL Bool (84)....................Tractor Overturned
1981: George Thompson (55) (A's Scout).....................Hit By A Car
1982: Lou Dimuro (AL Ump)....................Hit By A Car
1982: Randy Bobb (34)....................Auto Accident
1982: Francisco Barrios (28)....................Heart Attack From An Accidental
Drug Overdose
1986: Roberto Peņa (45)....................Accidental Alcohol Poisoning
1983: Bob Hall (59)....................Hit By A Car
1983: Ray Sanders (66)....................Auto Accident
1984: Lynn McGlothen (34)....................Gas Asphyxiation From A Mobile Home
1984: Gonzalo Marquez (38)....................Auto Accident
1985: Joe Wood (65)....................Carbon Monoxide / Soot Inhalation
1986: Eddie Solomon (34)....................Auto Accident
1986: Norm Cash (51)....................Drowned
1986: Joe DeSa (27)....................Auto Accident
1987: Jim Brewer (49)....................Auto Accident
1987: John Burrows (73)....................Died In A Fire
1987: Fred Newman (45)....................Auto Accident
1987: Dick Stello (NL Umpire)....................Hit By A Car
1988: Carl Hubbell (85)....................Auto Accident
1988: Ramon Ramero
(29)....................A crack dealer,
he fell from a fire escape while being chased by the NYPD
1989: Billy Martin (61)...................Auto Accident
1989: Michael McCarthy (30) (Yankees Minor League Strength Coach)....................Accidental
Cocaine Overdose
1989: Mike Reinbach (39)....................Auto Accident
1989: Steve Senteney (33)....................Auto Accident
1989: Specs Toporcer (90)....................Injuries From A Fall At Home
1990: Bo Diaz (37)....................Crushed By A Satellite Dish
1990: Don Bessent (58)....................Accidental Alcohol Poisoning
1990: Aurelio Monteagudo (47)....................Auto Accident
1991: Jim Hardin (47)....................Plane Crash
1991: Jim Magnuson (44)....................Accidental Alcohol Poisoning
1992: Aurelio Lopez (44)....................Auto Accident
1992: Rod Scurry (36)....................Accidental Drug Overdose (Cocaine-related
Cardiopulmonary Arrest)
1993: Bill Atwood (81)....................Auto Accident
1993: Tim Crews (31)....................Boating Accident
1993: Vern Kennedy (85)....................Home Accident (Roof From A Shed Fell
On Him)
1993: Bob Miller (54)....................Auto Accident
1993: Roger Miller
(38)....................Acetylene Tank
1993: Steve Olin (27)....................Boating Accident
1993: Cliff Young (29)....................Pick-up Truck Accident
1994: Jim McKnight (57)....................Car Crash
1994: Eric Show (37)....................Accidental Drug Overdose
1995: George Omachi (?) (Astros Associate Scout)....................Auto Accident
1995: Williams Suero (29)....................Auto Accident
1996: Joe Hoerner (60)....................Farm Accident
1996: Jerry May (52)....................Farm Accident
1996: Dan Monzon (49)....................Auto Accident in the Dominican Republic
1996: Jerry Robertson (52)....................Auto Accident
1996: Mike Sharperson (34)....................Auto Accident
1997: Jose Oliva (26)....................Auto Accident
1998: Red Badgro (95)....................Complications From A Fall
1998: Chet Hoff (107)....................Complications From A Fall
1998: Rufino Linares (47)....................Auto Accident
1999: Ken Robinson (29)....................Auto Accident
1999: TIm Layana (35)....................Car Crash
1999: Catfish Hunter (53)....................Complications From A Fall At Home
While Suffering ALS
2000: Aurelio Rodriguez (52)....................Hit By A Car While Walking
2000: Andujar Cedeno (31)....................Auto Accident
2001: Miguel Del Toro (29)....................Auto Accident
2001: Clem Dreiswerd (85)....................Head Injuries From A Fall At Home
2001: Al Lary (72)....................Drowned
2002: Frank Crosetti (91)....................Complications From A Fall At Home
2002: Mike Darr (23) Padres Outfielder....................Rollover SUV Accident
2002: Jim McKee (55)....................Auto Accident
2003: Sonny Senerchia (72)....................Motorcycle Accident
2003: Riverboat Smith (76)....................Injuries From A Tractor Accident
2004: Gertie Dunn (72) (AAGPBL)....................Private Plane Crash
2004: Ken Caminiti (41)....................Acute Intoxication Due To The Combined
Effects Of Cocaine And Opiates
2005: Dick Radatz (67)....................Severe Head Trauma Due To A Fall Downstairs
In His Home
2006: Chris Brown
(45)....................Burned in house
2006: Steve Howe (47)....................Pick-Up Truck Rollover Accident
2006: Cory Lidle (34)....................Cirrus SR-20 private plane crash in NYC
2006: Russ Swan (42)....................Head Injuries From a Fall Down a Stairwell
2006: Jose Uribe
(47)....................Auto Accident
2007: Mike Coolbaugh (35)....................Hemmorhage from being hit in neck
by a line drive foul ball while coaching first base for the Tulsa Drillers of
the Texas League
2007: Josh Hancock (29)....................Auto Accident
2008: Geremi Gonzalez
(33)....................Struck by
2009: Nick Adenhart (22) (Angels Pitcher)....................Auto Accident
2009: Henri Centeno (39) (Indians Scout)....................Auto accident while
scouting the Venezuelan Winter League
2009: Mark Fidrych (54) ....................Strangulation Resulting from when
his clothes became entangled with the Power Takeoff Shaft Of The Dump Truck He
Was Working On
2009: Preston Gomez (85)....................Injuries sustained when he was hit
by a pick-up Truck 9 months earlier
2009: Jessie Hollins (39)....................Drowned While Fishing
2009: George Kissell (88) (Cardinals Official)....................Injuries From
An Auto Accident
2009: John Marzano (45)....................Postural Asphyxia contributed to by
Blunt Trauma and Ethanol Intoxication from a fall downstairs at his home
2010: Hank Small (56)....................Head Injuries from falling backward off
the front steps of the house he was moving in to
2010: Rogelio Martinez (91)....................Internal Bleeding from a fall at
2010: Jeriome Robertson (33)....................Motorcycle Accident (Crashed his
2007 Yamaha Warrior at 70 miles an hour)
2010: Bill Shannon
(69) (Yankees/Mets Official Scorer)....................House
2011: Rosman Garcia
(32)....................Auto Accident
2012: Frank Pastore
from when his Honda Shadow motorcycle was struck by a Hyundai Sonata on the 210
Freeway one month earlier
2013: Frank Castillo
(44)....................Drowned in
Lake Bartlett, Arizona
2014: Jerry Coleman
from head injuries caused by a fall at home
2014: Brad Halsey
Climbing Accident (Fell 100 feet off a cliff)
2014: Oscar Taveres
(22)....................Auto Accident
in the Dominican Republic
2014: Bob Welch
(57)....................Epidural Hemorrhage
due to Hyperextension of neck from a fall in his bathroom
2015: Tommy Hanson
(29)....................Massive Organ
Failure (Delayed complications of Cocaine and Alcohol Toxicity) Death was ruled
an accident
2015: Buddy Hicks
from a fall at home
2016: Jose Fernandez
(24)....................Boating Accident
2017: Roy Halladay
(40)....................Private Place
Crash in Gulf of Mexico
2017: Andy Marte
(33)....................Auto Accident
in the Dominican Republic
2017: Ross Powell
(49)....................Accidental Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning
2017: Yordano Ventura
(25)....................Auto Accident
in the Dominican Republic
2017: Daniel Webb
(28)....................ATV Accident
2018: Jose Castillo
(37)....................Auto Accident in Venezuela
2018: Luis Valbuena
(33)....................Auto Accident in Venezuela
2020: Angel Echevarria
(48)....................Head Injuries from a fall at home
2020: Jarrod Patterson
(46)....................Auto Accident
2020: Tyson Brummett
(35)....................Private Plane Crash