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Eden no Wakaremichi Song of donkey that stops walkingエデンの分かれ道 Song of donkey that stops walking
Disc 1
Collaboration album among several doujin circles released by Altamira Create. The participating circles include WHITEPAPER, Maple Leaf, Tynwald Music, and Transparent Blue.
Staff: M-01 and M-08 Composition & Arrangement: myu (refio) Vocal & Lyrics: Haruka Shimotsuki (Maple Leaf) Guitar: Shinichi Iwai Violin: Wisswurst Cello: Snuggl Recording Engineer & Mixing: Naoki Takehana (Jeo inc.) M-02 to M-05, M-07 and M-09 Composition: Hideki Higuchi (Tynwald music) Piano: Noriko Nakamura Cello: 中山雅俊 (tr.5) Clarinet: Takashi Wada (tr.5) M-06 Composition: Johann Pachelbel Piano Arrangement: Noriko Nakamura |
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