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Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Original Soundtrack
Disc 1 [SE-3014-2]
Disc 2
COMPOSED BY Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori ADAPTED AND ORCHESTRATED BY Paul Lipson, Lennie Moore, Tom Salta, Brian Trifon PRODUCED BY Kristofor Mellroth and Paul Lipson RECORDED AT: Pyramind Studios, San Francisco, CA and Skywalker Sound, Marin, CA May 21st, 2011 and June 16th-20th, 2011 PYRAMIND STUDIOS Audio Director/Score Supervisor: Paul Lipson Mix/Master Engineer: Gregory J. Gordon Recording Engineers: Matt Donner, Steve Heithecker, Peter Steinbach Project Manager: Michael Roache IT Manager: Hideki Yamashita Marketing Manager: Dheeraj Sareen Production Assistants: Ryan DeBolt, Kevin Dusablon Conductor: Wataru Hokoyama Vocalist: Jilian Aversa Lead Guitar: Paul Lipson Rhythm Guitar: Bryan Dale Drums: Daniel Blum Bass: Jeff Schmidt Piano: Lynda Arnold CHANTICLEER President & General Director: Christine Bullin Director of Operations: Curt Hancock Music Director: Matthew Ottman Vocalists: Eric Alatorre, Michael Axtell, Casey Breeves, Matthew Curtis Brian Hinman, Ben Jones, Michael McNeil, Cortez Mitchell, Gregory Peebles, Alan Reinhardt, Adam Ward, Jace Wittig THE SKYWALKER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Music Contractor: Janet Ketchum Concertmaster: Victor Romanesevich SKYWALKER SOUND, A LUCASFILM LTD. COMPANY Director of Muisc Recording and Scoring: Leslie Ann Jones Assistant Engineers: Dann Thompson, Judy Kirschner, Robert Gatley ProTools Operator: Andre Zweers {GAME CREDITS} Composed by: Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori Adapted and Orchestrated by Paul Lipson, Lennie Moore, Tom Salta, and Brian Trifon Produced by Kristofor Mellroth and Paul Lipson Senior Audio Director (Microsoft Studios): Kristofor Mellroth PYRAMIND STUDIOS Audio Director / Score Supervisor: Paul Lipson Senior Mix/Mastering Engineer : Gregory J. Gordon 5.1 Mix Engineer: Matt Donner Recording Engineer: Steve Heithecker Technical Engineer: Peter Steinbach Project Manager / Music Editor: Michael Roache Orchestrator / Score Librarian: Lennie Moore Percussion and Synthesis Specialist: Tom Salta Synthesis and Musical Sound Design Specialist: Brian Trifon Conductor: Wataru Hokoyama Pianist: Lynda Arnold Vocalist: Jillian Aversa Guitarist: Bryan Dale Part Preparation: Dan Blum CHANTICLEER President & General Director: Christine Bullin Director of Operations: Curt Hancock Music Director: Matthew Ottman Assistant Music Director: Jace Wittig Vocalists: Eric Alatorre, Michael Axtell, Casey Breves, Matthew Curtis, Biran Hinman, Ben Jones, Matthew Knickman, Cortez Mitchell, Gregory Peebles, Kory Reid, Alan Reinhardt, Adam Ward THE SKYWALKER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Music Contractor: Janet Ketchum Concertmaster: Victor Romasevich Director of Music Recording and Scoring: Leslie Ann Jones Assistant Engineers: Dann Thompson, Judy Kirshner, Robert Gatley ProTools Operator: Andre Zweers |
Album StatsGame Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Microsoft Xbox 360 Available atRelated Albums
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