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Play for Japan: The Album
Disc 1
Available through Amazon and iTunes.
"Super Mario Medley On Two Pianos" is only available on iTunes and because of this, the album is $1 cheaper on Amazon. Nobuko Toda - Reminiscence Laura Shigihara - Jump Penka Kouneva - White Cloud Tommy Tallarico - Greater Lights Mitsuto Suzuki - Play For You Jason Graves - Necromancer Woody Jackson - Moshi Moshi Akira Yamaoka - Ex Animo Sean Murray - The Temple Stone Laura Karpman - Pine Wind Sound Nobuo Uematsu - Every New Morning Bear McCreary - Maverick Regeneration Hip Tanaka - HVC-1384 Chance Thomas - Rise Up! Arthur Inasi - We Are One Inon Zur - Remember Koji Kondo - Super Mario Medley On Two Pianos Yasunori Mitsuda - Dimension Break |
Album StatsGame Advent Rising New Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario World Chrono Cross Microsoft Xbox, NES (Famicom), Nintendo DS, SNES (Super Famicom), Sony PlayStation Available atWebsitesRelated Albums
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