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Touhou Violin 2東方バイオリン2
Disc 1
Released at Comiket 70
Arrangement: Ravy (Scinicade) (1) Itsuki Minase (PURE-POLLUTION) (2, 8) TAM (TAMUSIC) (3, 5, 7) Kai Gojyou (SYNC.ART'S) (4) yellowheart (Cherry Lunaburst) (6) A' (Studio A') (9) Violin: TAM (TAMUSIC) Piano: Jerry (6) A' (Studio A') (9) Guitar: yellowheart (Cherry Lunaburst) (6) Track Origins: 01. Touhou Koumakyou / Septette for the Dead Princess 02. Touhou Youyoumu / Mystic Dream ~ Snow or Cherry Petal 03. Touhou Bunkachou / Tengu is Watching ~ Black Eyes 04. Touhou Koumakyou / Crimson Belvedere ~ Eastern Dream... 05. Touhou Bunkachou / Sleepless Night of the Eastern Country 06. Touhou Youyoumu / The Fantastic Legend of Tohno 07. Touhou Bunkachou / Wind God Girl 08. Touhou Eiyashou / Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes 09. Touhou Bunkachou / Retrospective Kyoto |
Album StatsGame Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. Touhou Bunkachou ~ Shoot the Bullet. Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night. PC WebsitesRelated Albums
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