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Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Soundtrack
Disc 1 [7145441]
This soundtrack was included in the Collectors Edition of the game.
Also released on iTunes for $9.99. Composed by Tracy W. Bush ( Derek Duke ( Jason Hayes (8) Glenn Stafford (4.10.11) Recorded at: Blizzard Entertainment Thanks to: Susan Stafford, The Duke Family, Ted, Mamais, Alison Bush, Medeline Jane Bush, Steven W. Bush, Chris Molinari, Linda Novak and Kelly Push; Tiffany Hayes, Ben Hayes and Katryn Schmidt, Bandit, Harry and Nikita, and our former piano teachers: Mrs. Lynn Swann, Mrs. Craighead, Dan Pasternak, and Dr. William Chapman-Nyaho. In memory of Bert Kramer |
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