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Disc 1
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dj KAGA (1) kozato (2, 11) ルゼ (3, 6, 12) あおいろおおかみ (4) ねこみりん (5) electrium m (7) L-more (8) O-SE (9) BACO (10) spine (13) AOiRO_Manbow (14) LV.4 (15) Source Tracks: 01. Sunny Day / VibRibbon 02. LAB / beatmania IIDX 8th style 03. FTR / DJMAX 04. Hello Pinky / DJMAX 05. e-motion / beatmania 06. Opening + Music Select BGM / beatmania IIDX 9th style 07. Rock is sponge / Rez 08. ABSOLUTE / beatmania IIDX 4th style 09. Far E@st Network / pop'n music 12 Iroha 10. Music Select BGM / beatmania IIDX 10th style 11. End of the Moonlight / DJMAX 12. Hamsin / DJMAX Portable 13. Blue Noise / Paca Paca Passion 14. Lovely Days / Ez2DJ 4th TraX -Over Mind- 15. HORIZON / beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX Red Released at M3-20. |
Album StatsGame vib-ribbon beatmania (Arcade) beatmania IIDX 4th style beatmania IIDX 8th style beatmania IIDX 9th style beatmania IIDX 10th style beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED DJMAX Portable Rez pop'n music 12 Iroha Paca Paca Passion Ez2DJ 4th TraX -Over Mind- Arcade, Sony PlayStation, Sony PlayStation 2, Sony PlayStation Portable WebsitesRelated Albums
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May 26, 2010 07:42 PM May 26, 2010 07:42 PM 2677 visitors 0 freedb 0.03 seconds |