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MASTERS Génériques TV: Les Succès Saban 2MASTERS GÉNÉRIQUES TV: Les succès Saban Vol.2
Disc 1
Compilation of the best French theme songs from TV series released by the label SABAN RECORDS.
This 2nd volume includes 18 remastered original theme songs (or character songs), mainly related to cartoons. From TV anime "Ulysse 31" (aka "Ulysses 31") 01. 1st French Opening Theme (1981) Vocals: LIONEL LEROY Lyricist: HAIM SABAN Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 02. 1st French Ending Theme (1981) Vocals: LIONEL LEROY Lyricist: HAIM SABAN, PASCAL AURIAT Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 03. 2nd French Opening & Ending Theme (1983) Vocals: APOLLO Lyricist: HAIM SABAN Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 04. Song from Nono's clip Vocals: NONO Lyricist: HAIM SABAN Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 05. TV cartoon "Les Maîtres de l’Univers" (OV: "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe") French Opening Theme (Instrumental) Voice: Philippe Ogouz* Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 06. Cartoon movie "Le Secret des Sélénites" (aka: "The Secret of the Selenites") French Opening Theme Vocals: LIONEL LEROY Lyricist: ALAIN GARCIA, HAIM SABAN Composer: SHUKI LEVY**, HAIM SABAN From TV anime "Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or" (aka "The Mysterious Cities of Gold") 07. French Opening Theme Vocals: APOLLO Lyricist and Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 08. French Character Song Vocals: APOLLO Lyricist and Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 09. French Character Song Vocals: APOLLO Lyricist and Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 10. TV cartoon "Les 4 Fantastiques" (OV: "The Fantastic Four") French Opening Theme Vocals: NOAM Lyricist: M. JOURDAN Composer: J. BARBERA, B. HANNA, H. CURTIN, S. LEVY 11. TV cartoon "Jayce et les Conquérants de la Lumière" (OV: "Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors") French Opening Theme Vocals: NICK CARR Lyricist and Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY French Adaptation: JEAN CHALOPIN From the youth TV program "La Vie des Botes" 12. French Opening Theme Vocals: CLAUDE VALLOIS Lyricist: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY, NOAM KANIEL, JEAN CHALOPIN Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY, NOAM KANIEL 13. Character Song Vocals: LUCIE Lyricist: NOAM KANIEL, SHUKI LEVY, HAIM SABAN, JEAN CHALOPIN Composer: NOAM KANIEL, SHUKI LEVY, HAIM SABAN 14. Character Song Vocals: LE PÉPÉ Lyricist: SHUKI LEVY, HAIM SABAN, JEAN CHALOPIN Composer: SHUKI LEVY, HAIM SABAN 15. TV cartoon "Cops" (OV: "C.O.P.S.") French Opening Theme Vocals: NICK CARR Lyricist: HAIM SABAN Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 16. TV cartoon "Les Popples" (OV: "Popples") French Opening Theme Vocals: NOAM Lyricist: JEAN CHALOPIN, HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY Composer: HAIM SABAN, SHUKI LEVY 17. TV cartoon "Tofffsy et l’Herbe Musicale" (OV: "Tofffsy e l'Erba Musicale") French Opening Theme Vocals: LIONEL LEROY Lyricist: MICHEL SALVA Composer: F. TADINI 18. TV cartoon "Lucky Luke" (1983) French Opening Theme & cartoon movie "Lucky Luke: Les Dalton en Cavale" Song Vocals: JACQUES CARDONA*** Lyricist: HAIM SABAN Composer: CLAUDE BOLLING, SHUKI LEVY, HAIM SABAN Coordination and production: YVES HUCHEZ & OLIVIER FALLAIX for LOGA RYTHME Special thanks to ISABELLE AGHINA (Saban International Paris), FRÉDÉRIC MARIN (Alcyon Musique), PIERRE FAVIEZ, RUI PASCOAL, NICOLAS RUEDY and ROMUALD ZOMINY CHANSONS ©SABAN INTERNATIONAL PARIS CD & PACKAGING ©2001 LOGA RYTHME ULYSSE 31 ©1980 DIC - TMS JAYCE ©1985 DIC - MATTEL LES CITÉS D'OR ©1982 RTL - NHK *Philippe Ogouz is not credited in the booklet. He is actually the French voice of Adam / Musclor in the French version of "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". **Shuki Levy is not credited for this song in the booklet. ***Claude Vallois is wrongly credited in the booklet. |
Album StatsAnimation, Live Action Ulysses 31 (Ulysse 31) He-Man and the Masters of the Universe The Secret of the Selenites (Le Secret des Sélénites) Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or The Fantastic Four (1967) Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors La Vie des Botes C.O.P.S. Popples (1986) Tofffsy e l'Erba Musicale Lucky Luke (1983) Lucky Luke: Les Dalton en Cavale Movie, Series
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