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Disc 1 [FG17]
Disc 2 [FG17]
Light blue and red marble colored vinyl. D-side features a zoetrope etching called "Dance of Dog".
Music composed by Toby Fox Track 1.11 Solo arrangement and transcription by Lena Raine Track 2.1 Arrangement assistance by Lena Raine Transcription by Marcy Nabors Track 2.14 "Don't Forget" original vocals by Laura Shigihara Album art by ADE Layout by Audrey Waner Zoetrope Etching Design by Drew Tetz Vinyl Produced by Noah Lane for Fangamer LLC Vinyl Mastering by Telegraph Mastering / Adam Gonsalves Vinyl Pressed at Cascade Record Pressing in Milwaukee, OR Special Thanks: 8-4, John Ricciardi, Yutaka Ohbuchi, Keiko Fukuichi, Noah Lane, Steven Thompson, Reid Young, Audrew Waner, Erika Sielski, Alexandro Arvizu, Materia Collective, ADE |
Album StatsGame Nintendo Switch, PC, Sony PlayStation 4 Available atRelated AlbumsMusic Box Classics: DELTARUNE MCOL-0173 Will Be Fine N/A Lullaby for Lancer MCOL-0182
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