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VGM CON Album Jam Vol. 1
Disc 1
You might remember that I had the distinct pleasure of helping to organize a 72-hour charity album jam for VGM CON a few weeks ago. I am proud to announce that the fruits of that labor have finally come to bear in the form of these six amazing tracks. I am truly in awe of these musicians and what they were able to accomplish in such a short time, and I hope that you enjoy VGM CON Album Jam Vol. 1 as much as I do!
100% of all proceeds will support Sweet Relief. Sweet Relief Musicians Fund provides financial assistance to all types of career musicians and music industry workers who are struggling to make ends meet while facing illness, disability, or age-related problems. In other words, Healing Musicians in Need. We all have received so much out of music, it's time to give a little back! TRACK LIST 1. Still Alive - VGMCONcert Version (from "Portal") by Raymusique ft: Raymusique - Arrangement, Clarinet, Backing Vocals Sarah Wolf - Lead Vocals Nate Ringdal - Secondary Vocals, Backing Vocals Ryan McGaughey - Piano SableProvidence - Flute Becca Michaelson - Flute, Backing Vocals V-Ron Media - Drums Ian Martyn - Backing Vocals Brandon L. Harnish - Horn in Eb, Baritone Horn, Trombone 2. 72 Hours of P-A-I-N (from "Pain") by The Arkadian ft: The Arkadian - Vocals, Bass, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Drums Ian Cowell - Lead Guitar Katajun - Lead Guitar Mattmatatt - Lead Guitar platinumazure - Bass Sarah Wolf - Vocals David "musical_daredevil" Werner - Vocals EmeraldArcana - Vocals Montague Pythonius - Vocals evilsonic - Vocals Ian Martyn - Vocals Children of the Monkey Machine - Vocals Lyra_183 - Vocals SuperLukie - Vocals 3. It's a Little Isle (That’s Full of Crocodiles) (from "Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest") by Chris "General Grunt" Addolorato ft: Ian Martyn - Chorus David "musical_daredevil" Werner - Chorus Kritter Khorus (Ian and David) V-Ron Media - Snare Drum/ Bass Drum multimokia - Mixing 4. KK Hero (from "Animal Crossing") by Mattmatatt ft: Mattmatatt - Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, MIDI Programming V-Ron Media - Drums, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Bells Raymusique - Additional Brass Layers SableProvidence - Flute Tony Dickinson - Electric Bass Katajun - Initial mixing 5. Sanic the Swinghag 2: Mystic Speakeasy Zone (from "Sonic the Hedgehog 2") by Tony Dickinson and JohnStacy ft: The Tiberian Sons (Tony Dickinson - Rhythm, Lead & Acoustic Guitars and Bass; Connor Engstrom - Lead Guitar) Frank Klepacki - Drums evilsonic - Lead Guitar Mattmatatt - Lead guitar JohnStacy - Horn Arrangement, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn and Tuba Jamin Morden - French Horn Thomas Kresge - Bari Sax Alex Popoff - Tenor Sax Charles Ritz - Alto Sax Becca Michaelson - Flute keyotter - Piano Austin Colden - Organ Sean R. Hanson - Vibraphone 6. Fibbage 3 (from "Fibbage 3") by Brandon L. Harnish ft: Brandon L. Harnish - vocals, baritone horn, arrangement Ian Martyn - vocals, mixing Josh Pendlebury - vocals, beatboxing Raymusique - vocals Nate Ringdal - vocals Ken Schuster - vocals ---------- Album Art by TheToader Album Mastering by James C. Hoffman Executive Producer: Allen Brasch Executive Producer: Austin Colden Executive Producer: TheToader This album was sponsored by Soundrop. |
Album StatsGame Portal Pain Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Animal Crossing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit) Fibbage 3 Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, PC, Sega Mega Drive (Genesis), SNES (Super Famicom), Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation 4 Available atWebsitesRelated Albums
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