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Kumiko Osugi 40th Anniversary: Kirameki no Toki ~Yasashisa no Uta~

大杉久美子 40th Anniversary 燦(きらめき)のとき やさしさの歌


Vocals / Kumiko Osugi / , Young Fresh / , Nelly Schwarz / , Choral Echo / , Columbia Yurikago-kai / , Koorogi '73 / , Antwerp Children Chorus / , Kazuyuki Sogabe / , Ichiro Nagai / , Saint Mary Children's Chorus, Feeling Free / , Kaneta Kimotsuki / , The Chirps / , Tree of the Forest Children's Choir / , Toei Jidou Gasshoudan / , Osamu Saka / , Chika Yahagi / , Osamu Fujita / , Shino Numadate / , Ema Osugi / , Akiko Kosaka / , Kingo Hamada /
Dialogue / Masako Nozawa / , Nobuyo Oyama / , マイテ・ルエラン
Lyricist / Tokyo Movie Kikakubu / , Tokiko Iwatani / , Eriko Kishida / , Toshio Oka / , Keisuke Yamakawa / , Kougo Hotomi / , Ichiro Wakabayashi / , Etsuko Bushika / , Yoshiko Kohyama / , Noboru Tani / , Kazuo Fukazawa / , Isao Takahata / , Kei Tsukasa / , Tsuzuru Nakazato / , Takumi Kusube / , Susumu Baba / , Makoto Kitajyo / , Fujiko Fujio / , Hiroo Takada / , Shotaro Ishinomori / , Saburo Yatsude / , Eiichi Sekine / , Kazuko Wakaya / , Tetsuya Takeda / , Yoko Mizugaki / , Daizo Saito / , Michio Mado / , Hachiro Sato / , Tetsuzo Furumura / , Kayoko Fuyumori / , Yasushi Akimoto / , Akira Ito / , Takako Suzuki / , Hiroshi Osada / , Akiko Kobayashi / , Hikaru Kataoka / , Katsuo Inoue / , Yoko Narahashi / , Kounosuke Fuji /
Additional Lyrics / Susumu Baba /
Composer / Takeo Watanabe / , Shunsuke Kikuchi / , Go Misawa / , Makoto Kawaguchi / , Akihiro Komori / , Taiji Nakamura / , Koichi Sakata / , Nobuyoshi Koshibe / , Chumei Watanabe / , Yusuke Hoguchi / , Titine Schijvens / , Koichi Morita / , Shuko Mizuno / , Masaharu Kikuchi / , Seiichiro Uno / , Asei Kobayashi / , Norimasa Yamanaka / , Akiko Kobayashi / , Shinichiro Ikebe / , Akira Miyoshi / , Katsuo Inoue / , Katsuhisa Hattori / , Yukihide Takekawa / , Izumi Kobayashi /
Arranger / Shigeru Matsuyama / , Shunsuke Kikuchi / , Go Misawa / , You-she Matsuyama / , Makoto Kawaguchi / , Seiji Yokoyama / , Akihiro Komori / , Kensuke Kyou / , Nozomi Aoki / , Koichi Sakata / , Reijiro Koroku / , Shinichi Tanabe / , Nobuyoshi Koshibe / , Chumei Watanabe / , Joe Hisaishi / , Masahito Maruyama / , Shuko Mizuno / , Seiichiro Uno / , Hisashi Ichi / , Tadashige Matsui / , Seiichi Kyoda / , Akira Miyoshi /

Disc 1 [COCX-36193]

01 アタックNo.1
02 幸わせを呼ぶリミットちゃん
03 センチなリミットちゃん
04 エースをねらえ!
05 ひとりぼっちのコート
06 白いテニスコートで
07 ユキとわたし
08 ペーターとわたし
09 夕方の歌
10 まっててごらん
11 草原の少女ローラ
12 わたしはローラ
13 みんなのローラ
14 ローラの子守唄
15 女の子だもの
16 ぼくはピコリーノ
17 ごめんねおじいさん
18 たのしく行こうよ
19 オリーブの木陰
20 ポールの冒険
21 オカルトハンマーのうた
22 ちいさいかわのうた
23 3人のうた
24 ゆめみるコラル
25 森へおいでよ
26 おやすみチュチュナ
27 仲良しピグコとミドリちゃん
Disc 2 [COCX-36194]

01 よあけのみち
02 まどをあけて
03 パトラッシュぼくの友達
04 手をつないで
05 あおいひとみで
06 どこまでもあるこうね
07 草原のマルコ
08 ピクニックのうた
09 陽気なマルコ
10 ペッピーノ一座のうた
11 かあさんの子守唄
12 かあさん おはよう
13 ロックリバーへ
14 つりびより
15 すてきなカヌー
16 もえるゆうひ
17 いたずらっこポー
18 おはようドニイブルック
19 さよならをゆうときがきたね
20 おいでラスカル
21 ペリーヌものがたり
22 少女の夢
23 ボンジュール!
24 ロザリーは友だち
25 気まぐれバロン
26 旅すりゃ友達
Disc 3 [COCX-36195]

01 ドラえもんのうた
02 いいやつなんだよドラえもん
03 ドラえもんの夢
04 ドラドラどこかにドラえもん
05 ゾウさんの瞳はなぜ青い
06 ドラえもん子守唄
07 ぽかぽかふわふわ
08 青い空はポケットさ
09 おおきなくまになったら
10 ランとジャッキー
11 ジャングル黒べえの歌
12 ウラウラ・タムタムベッカンコ?
13 ぼくらは旅の音楽隊
14 風船少女のうた
15 ちいさなふたり
16 テンプルバンドのうた
17 わたしはテンプル
18 旅は風船にのって
19 風船少女テンプルちゃん
20 透明ドリちゃん
21 夢の国の王女さま
22 くじらのホセフィーナ
23 さよならサンティー
24 おかあさんのにおい
25 ジャンプ!ジョリィ
26 ねぇハットリくん
27 わたしが不思議
Disc 4 [COCX-36196]

01 ドンチャックといっしょに
02 夢みるドンチャック
03 空いっぱいの夢
04 星の川
05 ゆきがふる
06 ちょびっとちょびっと春がきた
07 さんご礁
08 あしたになれば
09 手紙がきた
10 パパをさがして
11 小さなバレリーナ
12 私の小公女
13 タコローダンシング
14 おいかけロック
15 動物くらべっこ
16 あさりの住む町
17 きみはねこの友だちですか?
18 めぐみちゃんの決心
19 魔法のクレヨン
20 いま、地球が目覚める
21 きこえるかしら
22 裸足のフローネ
23 虹になりたい
24 誰よりも遠くへ
25 ニルスのふしぎな旅
26 ストップ!!ひばりくん!
  Total tracks 106


All performed by Kumiko Osugi

[DISC 1] "Anime Song Masterpiece Collection"
01. "Attack No.1" opening theme
Lyrics: Tokyo Movie Kikakubu
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: Shigeru Matsuyama

02. "Miracle Shoujo Limit-chan" opening theme
Lyrics: Tokiko Iwatani
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi
Performed with: Young Fresh

03. "Miracle Shoujo Limit-chan" ending theme
Lyrics: Tokiko Iwatani
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

04. "Ace wo Nerae!" opening theme
Lyrics: Tokyo Movie Kikakubu
Composed and Arranged by: Go Misawa

05. "Ace wo Nerae!" image song
Lyrics: Tokyo Movie Kikakubu
Composed and Arranged by: Go Misawa

06. "Ace wo Nerae!" ending theme
Lyrics: Tokyo Movie Kikakubu
Composed and Arranged by: Go Misawa

07. "Alps no Shoujo Heidi" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

08. "Alps no Shoujo Heidi" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

09. "Alps no Shoujo Heidi" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

10. "Alps no Shoujo Heidi" ending theme
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Yodel: Nelly Schwarz

11. "Sougen no Shoujo Laura" opening theme
Lyrics: Tokiko Iwatani
Composed and Arranged by: Makoto Kawaguchi
Performed with: Choral Echo [コーラル・エコー]

12. "Sougen no Shoujo Laura" image song
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed by: Makoto Kawaguchi
Arranged by: Seiji Yokoyama

13. "Sougen no Shoujo Laura" image song
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed by: Makoto Kawaguchi
Arranged by: Seiji Yokoyama
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

14. "Sougen no Shoujo Laura" ending theme
Lyrics: Tokiko Iwatani
Composed and Arranged by: Makoto Kawaguchi

15. "Yuusha Reideen" insert song
Lyrics: Keisuke Yamakawa
Composed and Arranged by: Akihiro Komori

16. "Pinocchio yori: Piccolino no Bouken" opening theme
Lyrics: Kazuko Katagiri
Composed by: Taiji Nakamura
Arranged by: Kensuke Kyou
Performed with: Young Fresh

17. "Pinocchio yori: Piccolino no Bouken" insert song
Lyrics: Kougo Hotomi
Composed by: Taiji Nakamura
Arranged by: Kensuke Kyou

18. "Pinocchio yori: Piccolino no Bouken" insert song
Lyrics: Kougo Hotomi
Composed by: Taiji Nakamura
Arranged by: Kensuke Kyou
Performed with: Young Fresh

19. "Pinocchio yori: Piccolino no Bouken" ending theme
Lyrics: Kazuko Katagiri
Composed by: Taiji Nakamura
Arranged by: Kensuke Kyou
Performed with: Young Fresh
Dialogue: Masako Nozawa

20. "Paul no Miracle Daisakusen" opening theme
Lyrics: Ichiro Wakabayashi
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

21. "Paul no Miracle Daisakusen" ending theme
Lyrics: Ichiro Wakabayashi
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

22. "Miimu Iro Iro Yume no Tabi" ending theme
Lyrics: Etsuko Bushika
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki

23. "Coral no Tanken" opening theme
Lyrics: Yoshiko Kohyama
Composed and Arranged by: Akihiro Komori
Performed with: Koorogi '73

24. "Coral no Tanken" ending theme
Lyrics: Yoshiko Kohyama
Composed and Arranged by: Akihiro Komori

25. "Mori no Youki na Kobitotachi: Belfy to Lillibit" opening theme
Lyrics: Kougo Hotomi
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Koorogi '73

26. "Mori no Youki na Kobitotachi: Belfy to Lillibit" ending theme
Lyrics: Kougo Hotomi
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

27. "Ultraman Kids: M7.8 Sei no Yukai na Nakama" ending theme
Lyrics: Noboru Tani
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

[DISC 2] "World Masterpiece Collection"
01. "Flanders no Inu" opening theme / 1st ending theme
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Antwerp Children's Chorus

02. "Flanders no Inu" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

03. "Flanders no Inu" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Antwerp Children's Chorus

04. "Flanders no Inu" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

05. "Flanders no Inu" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

06. "Flanders no Inu" 2nd ending theme
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

07. "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri" opening theme
Lyrics: Kazuo Fukazawa
Composed and Arranged by: Koichi Sakata

08. "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri" insert song
Lyrics: Kazuo Fukazawa
Composed by: Koichi Sakata
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki
Performed with: Koorogi '73

09. "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri" insert song
Lyrics: Kazuo Fukazawa
Composed by: Koichi Sakata
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki
Performed with: Kazuyuki Sogabe

10. "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri" insert song
Lyrics: Kazuo Fukazawa
Composed by: Koichi Sakata
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki
Performed by: Ichiro Nagai

11. "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri" insert song
Lyrics: Kazuo Fukazawa
Composed by: Koichi Sakata
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki

12. "Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri" ending theme
Lyrics: Isao Takahata
Composed by: Koichi Sakata
Arranged by: Reijiro Koroku

13. "Araiguma Rascal" opening theme
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Saint Mary Children's Chorus [セントメリーチルドレンコーラス], Columbia Yurikago-kai

14. "Araiguma Rascal" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

15. "Araiguma Rascal" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Saint Mary Children's Chorus

16. "Araiguma Rascal" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

17. "Araiguma Rascal" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

18. "Araiguma Rascal" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Saint Mary Children's Chorus

19. "Araiguma Rascal" insert song
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

20. "Araiguma Rascal" ending theme
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

21. "Perrine Monogatari" opening theme
Lyrics: Kei Tsukasa [つかさ圭]
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

22. "Perrine Monogatari" insert song
Lyrics: Kei Tsukasa
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Feeling Free

23. "Perrine Monogatari" insert song
Lyrics: Tsuzuru Nakazato
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Feeling Free

24. "Perrine Monogatari" insert song
Lyrics: Kei Tsukasa
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

25. "Perrine Monogatari" ending theme
Lyrics: Kei Tsukasa
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

26. "Moero Arthur: Hakuba no Ouji" ending theme
Lyrics: Kougo Hotomi
Composed by: Shunsuke Kikuchi
Arranged by: Shinichi Tanabe
Performed with: Koorogi '73, Columbia Yurikago-kai

[DISC 3] "Eternal Friends Collection"
01. 1979 "Doraemon" 1st opening theme
Lyrics: Takumi Kusube
Additional Lyrics: Susumu Baba
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi
Performed with: Nobuyo Oyama (CV of Doraemon)

02. 1979 "Doraemon" image song
Lyrics: Takumi Kusube
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

03. 1979 "Doraemon" image song
Lyrics: Susumu Baba
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

04. 1979 "Doraemon" insert song
Lyrics: Makoto Kitajyo
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

05. 1979 "Doraemon" insert song
Lyrics: Makoto Kitajyo
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

06. 1979 "Doraemon" insert song
Lyrics: Fujiko Fujio
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

07. 1979 "Doraemon" insert song
Lyrics: Hiroo Takada
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

08. 1979 "Doraemon" 2nd ending theme
Lyrics: Hiroo Takada
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

09. "Seton Doubutsuki: Kuma no Ko Jacky" opening theme
Lyrics: Yoshiko Kohyama
Composed and Arranged by: Akihiro Komori

10. "Seton Doubutsuki: Kuma no Ko Jacky" ending theme
Lyrics: Yoshiko Kohyama
Composed and Arranged by: Akihiro Komori

11. "Jungle Kurobe" opening theme
Lyrics: Fujiko Fujio
Composed and Arranged by: Go Misawa
Performed with: Kaneta Kimotsuki

12. "Jungle Kurobe" ending theme
Lyrics: Fujiko Fujio
Composed and Arranged by: Go Misawa
Performed with: Kaneta Kimotsuki

13. "Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan" opening theme
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed and Arranged by: Nobuyoshi Koshibe
Performed with: Young Fresh
Dialogue: マイテ・ルエラン

14. "Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan" insert song
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed and Arranged by: Nobuyoshi Koshibe

15. "Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan" insert song
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed and Arranged by: Nobuyoshi Koshibe
Performed with: Masatake Ookura

16. "Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan" insert song
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed and Arranged by: Nobuyoshi Koshibe
Performed with: Koorogi '73, Young Fresh

17. "Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan" insert song
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed and Arranged by: Nobuyoshi Koshibe
Performed with: Koorogi '73

18. "Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan" insert song
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed and Arranged by: Nobuyoshi Koshibe
Performed with: Young Fresh

19. "Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan" ending theme
Lyrics: Toshio Oka
Composed and Arranged by: Nobuyoshi Koshibe
Performed with: Young Fresh
Dialogue: マイテ・ルエラン

20. "Toumei Dori-chan" opening theme
Lyrics: Shotaro Ishinomori
Composed and Arranged by: Chumei Watanabe
Performed with: The Chirps

21. "Toumei Dori-chan" ending theme
Lyrics: Saburo Yatsude
Composed and Arranged by: Chumei Watanabe
Performed with: The Chirps

22. "Kujira no Josephina" opening theme
Lyrics: Eiichi Sekine
Composed by: Yusuke Hoguchi
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

23. "Kujira no Josephina" ending theme
Lyrics: Eiichi Sekine
Composed by: Yusuke Hoguchi
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki
Performed with: Feeling Free

24. "Meiken Jolie" insert song
Lyrics: Kazuko Wakaya
Composed by: Titine Schijvens
Arranged by: Joe Hisaishi

25. "Meiken Jolie" insert song
Lyrics: Kazuko Wakaya
Composed by: Titine Schijvens
Arranged by: Joe Hisaishi
Performed with: Tree of the Forest Children's Choir

26. "Ninja Hattori-kun" 2nd ending theme
Lyrics: Ichiro Wakabayashi
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

27. "Doraemon: Nobita to Tetsujin Heidan" movie ending theme
Lyrics: Tetsuya Takeda
Composed and Arranged by: Shunsuke Kikuchi

[DISC 4] "Rare Tracks Collection" (01~19) / "Anime Theme Cover Songs Collection" (20~26)
01. 1975 "Don Chuck Monogatari" opening theme
Lyrics: Yoko Mizugaki
Composed by: Koichi Morita
Performed with: Toei Jidou Gasshoudan [東映児童合唱団]

02. 1975 "Don Chuck Monogatari" ending theme
Lyrics: Yoko Mizugaki
Composed by: Koichi Morita

03. 1976 "Don Chuck Monogatari" opening theme
Lyrics: Daizo Saito
Composed by: Koichi Morita
Arranged by: Masahito Maruyama

04. 1976 "Don Chuck Monogatari" ending theme
Lyrics: Daizo Saito
Composed by: Koichi Morita
Arranged by: Masahito Maruyama

05. "Manga Kodomo Bunko" 4th ending theme
Lyrics: Michio Mado
Composed and Arranged by: Shuko Mizuno
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

06. "Manga Kodomo Bunko" 6th ending theme
Lyrics: Hachiro Sato
Composed by: Masaharu Kikuchi
Arranged by: Akihiro Komori

07. "Manga Kodomo Bunko" 12th ending theme
Lyrics: 古村徹三
Composed and Arranged by: Seiichiro Uno

08. 1979 Japanese dubbed version of 1939's "The Little Princess" (Temple-chan no Shoukoujo) live action film opening theme
Lyrics: Kayoko Fuyumori
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

09. 1979 Japanese dubbed version of 1939's "The Little Princess" (Temple-chan no Shoukoujo) live action film insert song
Lyrics: Kayoko Fuyumori
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Osamu Saka

10. 1979 Japanese dubbed version of 1939's "The Little Princess" (Temple-chan no Shoukoujo) live action film insert song
Lyrics: Kayoko Fuyumori
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Osamu Saka

11. 1979 Japanese dubbed version of 1939's "The Little Princess" (Temple-chan no Shoukoujo) live action film insert song
Lyrics: Kayoko Fuyumori
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama
Performed with: Osamu Saka

12. 1979 Japanese dubbed version of 1939's "The Little Princess" (Temple-chan no Shoukoujo) live action film ending theme
Lyrics: Kayoko Fuyumori
Composed by: Takeo Watanabe
Arranged by: You-she Matsuyama

13. "Tondemo Senshi Muteking" insert song
Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto
Composed by: Chumei Watanabe
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

14. "Manga no Kuni" opening theme
Lyrics: Akira Ito
Composed and Arranged by: Akihiro Komori
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

15. "Manga no Kuni" insert song
Lyrics: Akira Ito
Composed and Arranged by: Akihiro Komori
Performed with: Chika Yahagi [矢萩知佳], Osamu Fujita [藤田修], Shino Numadate [沼館志乃]

16. "Asari-chan" image song
Lyrics: Takako Suzuki
Composed by: Asei Kobayashi
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

17. "Wagahai wa Neko de Aru" image song
Lyrics: Hiroshi Osada [長田弘]
Composed by: Koichi Morita
Arranged by: Nozomi Aoki

18. "Hanekun" theme song
Lyrics: Kayoko Fuyumori
Composed by: Norimasa Yamanaka
Arranged by: Tadashige Matsui
Performed with: Columbia Yurikago-kai

19. "Oz no Mahoutsukai" ending theme
Lyrics and Composed by: Akiko Kosaka
Arranged by: Seiichi Kyoda
Performed with: Ema Osugi [大杉恵麻], Akiko Kosaka, Kingo Hamada

20. "Mirai Shounen Conan" opening theme cover
Lyrics: Hikaru Kataoka
Composed by: Shinichiro Ikebe
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

21. "Akage no Anne" opening theme cover
Lyrics: Eriko Kishida
Composed and Arranged by: Akira Miyoshi

22. "Fushigi na Shima no Flone" opening theme cover
Lyrics and Composed by: Katsuo Inoue
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

23. "Minami no Niji no Lucy" opening theme cover
Lyrics: Kazuo Fukazawa
Composed by: Koichi Sakata
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

24. "Tom Sawyer no Bouken" opening theme cover
Lyrics: Keisuke Yamakawa
Composed by: Katsuhisa Hattori
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

25. "Nils no Fushigi na Tabi" opening theme cover
Lyrics: Yoko Narahasahi, Kounosuke Fuji
Composed by: Yukihide Takekawa
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

26. "Stop!! Hibari-kun!" opening theme cover
Lyrics: Akira Ito
Composed by: Izumi Kobayashi
Arranged by: Hisashi Ichi

Album Stats

Contained in 1 collections
Contained in 0 wish lists
Animation, Publication, Tokusatsu/Puppetry, Live Action
Products represented
Attack No.1 (Anime) / /
Miracle Shoujo Limit-chan / /
Aim For The Best! (Series) / /
Laura, A Little Girl On The Prairie / /
Reideen The Brave / /
The Adventures of Pinocchio (1976) / /
Paul no Miracle Daisakusen
Miimu Iro Iro Yume no Tabi
Coral no Tanken
Mori no Youki na Kobitotachi: Belfy to Lillibit
Ultraman Kids: M7.8 Sei no Yukai na Nakama
Dog of Flanders / /
From the Apennines to the Andes / /
Rascal / /
The Perrine Story / /
Moeru Arthur Hakuba no Ouji
Doraemon (1979) / /
Seton Doubutsuki: Kuma no Ko Jacky
Jungle Kurobe
Fuusen Shoujo Temple-chan
Toumei Dori-chan
Kujira no Josephina
Meiken Jolie
Ninja Hattori-kun / /
Doraemon the Movie: Nobita and the Steel Troops / /
Don Chuck Monogatari
Manga Kodomo Bunko
The Little Princess
Tondemo Senshi Muteking
Manga no Kuni
Wagahai wa Neko de Aru
Oz no Mahoutsukai
Conan, The Boy in Future / /
The Boy in Future
Anne of Green Gables / /
Flone of the Mysterious Island / /
Lucy-May of the Southern Rainbow / /
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / /
Nils no Fushigi na Tabi / /
Platforms represented
Movie, Series


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