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Entertainment System 64
Disc 1
Released at 32 Bit Genocide.
Available also digitally. Track 11 "Fire Emblem" is a Bandcamp-exclusive bonus track. Original Composition: 01: Hajime Hirasawa 02: Setsuo Yamamoto (Prologue Stage), Makoto Tomozawa (Spark Mandrill) 03: Kazuki Muraoka 04: David Wise 05: unknown 06: Kazuo Sawa 07: Hiroshi Kawaguchi 08: unknown (1943), Kazuki Muraoka (Metal Gear), Harumi Fujita (Bionic Commando) 09: unknown 10: Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy VI, VII, IV), Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy Tactics) 11: Yuka Tsujiyoko Mega Guitar: Chris Baines SuperGuitar: John DeCampos Ultra Guitar: Rex Anderson Bass Guitar: Tyler Merchant Drums: Andy Porter Recorded 2008 at Nice Package Studios in Towson, MD. Engineering by Jason George. All artwork by John DeCampos. Coloring by Alex Fine. Text & layout by Dominic Ingoglia. THANKS Our fans, all of our parents, Jason & Damon George, Matt the Dong, Jeff the Hammer, Pokematt, Dominic Cerquetti, Bob and Jeanne Hartge, Cara Lubarsky, Lauren Aycock, Lauren Kerr, Joshua Green, Kyle Snibb, Dominic Ingoglia, Lucas Gerace, 8-Bit Artist, Jude Buffum, Levi Buffum, Brad Bukowsky, Aran Keating, Curt Shmeltz, Stephanie Clark, Mike TV, Ben Wyatt, Matt Brown, Matty Pants, Tofu & Mako, pIENESS, The Advantage, Power- glove, This Place is Haunted, Year 200X, The Megas, The Protomen, The Sidebar Tavern, National Bohemian Beer, Camel & Marloboro Cigarettes, Line 6, pizza, Christopher Columbus, Nintendo, Sega, Konami, Capcom, all the video game composers for the inspiration and ingenuity. |
Album StatsGame Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Pipe Dream River City Ransom Space Harrier 1943: The Battle of Midway Metal Gear (NES) Bionic Commando (NES) EarthBound FINAL FANTASY IV FINAL FANTASY VI FINAL FANTASY VII FINAL FANTASY TACTICS Star Fox Mega Man X Contra Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Arcade, NES (Famicom), Sega Master System (Mark III), SNES (Super Famicom), Sony PlayStation Available atWebsites
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