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Falcom jdk BAND Diva Kanako's How To Sing Falcom Songs DVD Videoファルコムjdkバンドディーバ小寺可南子のファルコムソングスの歌い方DVDビデオ
Disc 1 Arrangement, Vocal, Video
Disc 2 Original Soundtrack
All music by Falcom Sound Team jdk
Disc 1 Vocal: Kanako Kotera Arrangement: Kohei Wada(1,2) / Yukihiro Jindo(3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12) / Toshiharu Okajima(7) / Falcom jdk BAND(11) Lyrics: Ayako Shibazaki(1,3) Hideaki Hamada(2,10,11) / Kyo Hifumi(4,5,6,12) / Kanako Kotera(7) / Falcom Sound Team jdk(8) / Midori Kawana(9) Chorus: Kanako Kotera(1,2,6,7,8,9,10,12) / Ayako Shibazaki(3,4) / Miki Sumiya(5) / Falcom jdk BAND(11) Violin: Akiko Nagano(4) / Mizuki Mizutani(7) Piano: Noriyuki Kamikura(7) Keyboard: Noriyuki Kamikura(11) Guitar: Akihiro Goto(1) / Masaru Teramae(5,6,8,10,12) / Daisuke Miyazaki(7) / Terukazu Inoue(9) Bass: Atsushi Enomoto(6,7,8,9,10,11,12) Drum: Kotarow Hatanaka(9,10,12) Percussion: Toshiharu Okajima(11) Conga: Seiji Okajima(7) Recording and mixing engineer: Kazuhiro Miyasaka(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12) / quad[luvtrax](7) / Toshiharu Okajima(11) Vocal recorded: branch studio(6,8,9,10,12) / STUDIO emPOINT(7) Mastering Engineer: Koki Tochio Assistant Engineer: Kazumi Iwano Mastering: branch studio Disc 2 Vocal: Kanako Kotera Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo(1,2,3,4,7,9,11) / Noriyuki Kamikura(5,6,10) / Wataru Sato(8) Lyrics: Kyo Hifumi(1,2,8,9) / Hideaki Hamada(3,4,5,7,11) / Kanako Kotera(6) / Anemone[blue chee's](10) Chorus: Kanako Kotera(1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) / Miki Sumiya(2) Violin:Akiko Nagano(7,11) Keyboard: Noriyuki Kamikura(10) SAX: Kenta Fukui(5) Guitar: Mikihito Tanaka(2,3,4) / Daisuke Miyazaki(6,10) / Kohei Wada(8,9) / Terukazu Inoue(11) Bass: Atsushi Enomoto(1,2,3,6) / Katsuhiro Fujita(4) / Kohei Wada(9,11) / Noriyuki Kamikura(10) Drum: Tomohide Kinugasa(3) / Hidekazu Nishi(4) Recording and mixing engineer: Kazuhiro Miyasaka(1,2,3,4) / quad[luvtrax](5,6,10) / Koki Tochio(7,8,9,11) Vocal recorded: branch studio(1,3,4,7,8,9,11) / PROCYON STUDIO(5,6) / STUDIO emPOINT(10) Mastering Engineer: Koki Tochio Assistant Engineer: Kazumi Iwano Mastering: branch studio |
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