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Melodies From Video Games Past
Disc 1
"Well, this is an interesting album. It was not planned at all, it was a happy fluke. someone reached out to me, they were interested in me producing a arrangement album to offer user during the holidays. I could not turn back such a challenge. They wanted a 12 video game arrangement album. I was quick to realize I would never be able to choose just 12 songs that reminded me of Christmas past so that's how I ended up with a 50 track, double disc, nearly two and a half hour of melodies that remind me me of holiday seasons well spent in front of the television screen with a game controller in hand. You can find works from my usual childhood references: Chris Huelsbeck, Yuzo Koshiro, Koji Kondo, Hiroki Kikuta, David Wise, Rob Hubbard and many others. If you are familiar with my precious "Shiryu's Arcade" ten LP project, you will recognize most of these tracks, but please note they were all made from scratch for this special release. Yep, these fifty tracks are all baked fresh! Even if this was a commission LP for someone, I want to publicly state that I refused payment. I'm not making anything out of this, I just want everyone who listens to it get some nostalgic goose bump and get reminded some awesome memories of simpler times. Hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making it. Happy holidays and... see in 2016?" - Shiryu
Album StatsGame Turrican Galaxy Force II Super Mario World Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Shinobi (Arcade) ActRaiser Speedball Super Castlevania IV AFTER BURNER Turrican II: The Final Fight F-ZERO Ghouls 'n Ghosts Battle Squadron Secret of Mana Donkey Kong Country Pilotwings Out Run Super Metroid The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts Cannon Fodder Streets of Rage Agony Super Hang-On The Revenge of Shinobi Eternal Champions Gunstar Heroes Axelay Streets of Rage 2 Assault Suits Valken Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Space Harrier Arcade, Commodore Amiga, Sega Mega Drive (Genesis), SNES (Super Famicom) Available atWebsites
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