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Metal Kombat for the Mortal Man
Disc 1
01 So Sexy Robotnik
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Aquatic Ruin Zone, Boss Theme, Mystic Cave Zone, Level Complete Composition: Masato Nakamura 02 Mario Minor Super Mario Bros: World 1-1 (Inspired by S.S.H.) Super Mario World: Castle Theme Composition: Koji Kondo 03 Fight On Killer Instinct: Jago, Sabrewulf, Intro Theme, Stage Select Composition: Robin Beanland, Graeme Norgate 04 Vanquish the Horrible Night Castlevania 2: Bloody Tears Castlevania 3: Beginning Composition: Ken-ichi Matsubara, Jun Funahashi 05 Blasting the Hornet Mega Man X 3: Blast Hornet Composition: Kinuyo Yamashita 06 The Duck Grinder Duck Hunt Composition: Hirokazu Tanaka 07 Power, Wisdom, Courage The Legend of Zelda: Overworld Theme A Link to the Past: Hyrule Castle, Master Sword Ocarina of Time: Lost Woods/Saria's song, Song of Time, Title Theme Composition: Koji Kondo 08 Omnishred (We're Gonna Need a Bigger Sword) Final Fantasy VII: Still More Fighting Composition: Nobuo Uematsu 09 Holy Orders (Be Quick and Just Shred) Guilty Gear X: Holy Orders / Ky's Theme Composition: Daisuke Ishiwatari 10 Metal Kombat for the Mortal Man Mortal Kombat Movie: Techno Syndrome Mega Man 2: Metal Man Composition: The Immortals, Takashi Tateishi 11 Red Wings Over Baron Final Fantasy IV: Battle Theme, Boss Battle Theme, Dreadful Battle, Fanfare, Into the Darkness, Red Wings Composition: Nobuo Uematsu Chris Marchiel: Guitar Alex Berkson: Guitar Nick Avila: Bass Bassil Silver-Hajo: Drums All Songs Arranged and Remixed by Powerglove. Mixed by Bassil Silver-Hajo and Powerglove. Produced and Engineered by Powerglove. Matt Pigott: Guitar Solo on "Holy Orders," Synth Programming on "So Sexy Robotnik" and "Metal Kombat." Synths by Alex Berkson and Powerglove. Simon Jeker: Saxophone on "So Sexy Robotnik." Minor Key Transposition on "Mario Minor" by S.S.H. Powergirl, Front and Back Cover Art by Dave Rapoza. Zebediah Portrait, Sprites and Layout by Chris Marchiel. Thanks to: Len Berkson, Brandon Leach, Matt Pigott, Matt Oles, Greta, Shiraz, Sherman, Chris D., Andy Reiner, Stash, Adrian and Greg, Jonny vs. the Ninjas, Entertainment System, Year 200X, Brendan Becker and Magfest, Shawn Phase, TPIH, The Neskimos, and all of our families and friends. |
Album StatsGame Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit) Super Mario Bros. Super Mario World Killer Instinct Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Mega Man X3 Duck Hunt The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time FINAL FANTASY VII Guilty Gear X Mega Man 2 FINAL FANTASY IV Mortal Kombat (Movie) Arcade, Movie, NES (Famicom), Sega Mega Drive (Genesis), SNES (Super Famicom), Sony PlayStation Available atWebsites
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