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Chata Works Best III茶太 Works Best III
Disc 1
M-01 - PC Game "Lover Able" Opening Theme
Composition and arrangement: Soundstudio B Lyrics: tae M-02, 15 - PC Game "Sakura Sakura FESTIVAL!" Opening Theme Composition and arrangement: Ryo Kyona Lyrics: keikei M-03 - PC Game "Kisaragi GOLD STAR" Ending Theme Composition and arrangement: Yack. Lyrics: Chata M-04 - PS3 Game "Atelier Meruru" Insert Song Composition and arrangement: Daisuke Achiwa Lyrics: Kanae Aoki M-05 - PC Game "Lover Able" Insert Song Composition and arrangement: Soundstudio B Lyrics: tae M-06 - New Song Composition and arrangement: Yoko Shimomura Lyrics: Chata M-07 - PC Game "Worlds and World's end" Opening Theme Composition, arrangement and lyrics: shby M-08 - PC Game "MeltyMoment" Ending Theme Composition and arrangement: Akiyo Toda Lyrics: Mao Sumida M-09 - PC Game "Love2Quad" Ending Theme Composition and arrangement: Dani Lyrics: Mao Sumida M-10 - PS2 Game "Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica" and PS3 Game "Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel" from "Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical Vocal Mini Album ~Cocona~" Composition and arrangement: Dani Lyrics: Reiko Takahashi Vocals: Sasha feat. Chata M-11 - PC Game "Yumeiro Alouette!" Asahi Tachibana Theme Song Composition: Tomohiro Takeshita Arrangement: emon Lyrics: Kai M-12 - PC Game "Hatsukoi 1/1" Morino Yukino Image Song Composition and arrangement: Ryo Mizutsuki Lyrics: Kai M-13 - PC Game "Tsukumo no Kanade ~Kaketsuki no Yasoukyoku~" Ending Theme Composition and arrangement: pesama Lyrics: Mao Sumida M-14 - PC Game "Motto Nee, Chanto Shiyou yo! Afterstory" Ending Theme Composition, arrangement and lyrics: Benio Tendou |
Album StatsGame Lover Able Sakura Sakura FESTIVAL! Kisaragi GOLD STAR Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland Worlds and World's end MeltyMoment Love2Quad Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel Yumeiro Alouette! First love * One over one Tsukumo no Kanade ~Kaketsuki no Yasoukyoku~ Motto Nee, Chanto Shiyou yo! Afterstory PC, Sony PlayStation 2, Sony PlayStation 3 Available at
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