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StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Soundtrack Volume II
Disc 1
Released exclusively at BlizzCon 2013 with no iTunes release planned.
Credits: Composers: Glenn Stafford, Neal Acree, Derek Duke, Russell Brower Additional Music: Cris Velasco, Jason Hayes Score Performed by: The Skywalker Symphony Orchestra Conducted by: Eímear Noone Contractor: Janet Ketchum Violins: Laura Albers, Dan Banner, Mariya Borozina, Jeremy Cohen, Jeremy Constant*, Dawn Dover, Joe Edelberg, Josepha Fath, Connie Gantsweg, Michael Grossman, Candace Guirao, Robin Hansen,Adrienne Herbert, Julie Kim, Mia Kim, Melissa Kleinbart, Suzanne Leon, Kelly Leon-Pearce, Daniel Lewin, Roy Malan, Michelle Mauryama, Yasushi Ogura, Florin Parvulsecu, Ellen Pesavento, Deborah Price, Evan Price, Barbara Riccardi, Victor Romasevich†, Philip Santos, Wenyi Shih, Mariko Smiley, Mads Tolling, Igor Veligan, Heidi Wilcox, Chen Zhao Violas: Su Buchignani, Paul Ehrlich, Nancy Ellis, David Gaudry†, Marcel Gemperli, Patricia Heller, Katie Johnk, Jeremy Kittel, Polly Malan, Emily Onderdonk, Elizabeth Prior, Carla Maria,Rodrigues, Nanci Severance, Meg Titchener, Natasha Vershilova Celli: Teressa Adams, Michelle Djokic, Victoria Ehrlich, Nina Flyer, Joe Hebert, Emil Miland, Thalia Moore, Miriam Perkoff, Vanessa Ruotolo, Mark Summer, Eric Sung Basses: Charles Chandler, Steve D’Amico, Shinji Eshima, Bill Everett, Pat Klobas, Jon Lancelle, Ken Miller, David Schoenbrun, Michel Taddei Flutes: Janet Ketchum, Stephanie McNab, Cathy Payne Oboes: Marilyn Coyne, Laura Griffiths Clarinets: Carey Bell, Clark Fobes, Jerry Simas Bassoons: Steve Braunstein, Rufus Olivier, Steve Paulson, Horns: Eric Achen, Alex Camphouse, Nicole Cash, Chris Cooper, Doug Hull, Jonathan Ring, Bruce Roberts, Glen Swarts, Alicia Telfor Trumpets: Jeff Biancalana, Ron Blais, Mark Inouye, Adam Luftman Trombones: Jeff Budin, Bruce Chrisp, John Engelkes, Tom Hornig, Mark Lawrence, David Ridge, Paul Welcomer† Tuba: Peter Wahrhaftig† Percussion: Raymond Froehlich, Galen Lemmon, Artie Storch†, Trey Wyatt Harp: Karen Gottlieb, Sarah Voynow Piano: Marc Shapiro, Richard Riccardi Guitars & Textures: David Torn Additional Guitar/FX: Jonas Laster Flute soloist: Sara Andon Choral Performance by: The Skywalker Symphony Chorus Choirmaster: Ian Robertson Sopranos: Aimee Puentes, Claire Kelm, Eileen Meredith, Jennifer Brody, Karen Huff, Mary Finch, Mitzie Weiner Altos: Deborah Benedict, Janet Campbell, Kathy Roberts, Nicole Takesono, Rachelle Perry, Sarah Mouzon, Shelley Seitz, Sonia Gariaeff Tenors: Christopher Jackson, Dan Stanley, David Gustafson, David Huff, Harold Truett, Mark Hernandez, Michael Adam Flowers, Seth Arnopole Basses: Bill Pickersgill, Jere Torkelsen, Karl Saarni, Michael Taylor, Paul Thompson, Peter Tuff, Torlef Borsting Orchestration: Bill Liston, Penka Kouneva Score Copy and Prep Services: Robert Puff, RPM Seattle Music Preparation Scoring Mixer: John Kurlander Score Recorded at: Skywalker Sound, a Lucasfilm, Ltd. Company, Marin County, CA; Assistant Engineers: Dann Thompson, Judy Kirschner, Robert Gatley, Pro Tools Operato r/Edito r:, Andre Zweers Stem Mixes By: John Kurlander, John Rodd Soundtrack Mastering: Mastered by Patricia Sullivan at Bernie Grundman Mastering, Hollywood, CA Production: Coordination/Planning: Caroline Hernandez, Colton Carmine Talent Relations: Andrea Toyias, Tina T. Nguyen Soundtrack Producer: Glenn Stafford * Concertmaster, † Principal SPECIAL THANKS TO: Susan, Ethan, Quinn and Aaron Stafford, Yuliya, Jasper, and Esmeralda Duke, SEAFlute, Savina Ciaramella, Leslie Ann Jones, Tina, Margaret and Karen Brower, Margarita Kravets, Dave and Jo Acree, Tiffany, Taylor, Kate, and Bronte Hayes, Evelyn Fredericksen, Kevin Crook, Lynda Do, Sylvia Whiteshield, Jamie Crooks, Edo and Shelly Guidotti, NASA and their Curiosity, Chris Metzen, Nick Carpenter, Jeff Chamberlain, Frank Pearce, Mike Morhaime, Paul Sams, and the Blizzard Entertainment Sound Department. We would especially like to extend our appreciation and love to all in our family of wonderful and cherished musicians. |
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