Friday, April 18, 2014
Unwritten bonuses
?According to this, the Mets have designed a payment system based on Total Average, the stat popularized by Tom Boswell. They've simply turned it into Linear Weights form. What is interesting is this:
Players with less than three years of service time were told that their BPOs would determine bonuses tacked onto future salary offers. Each base -- one for a walk or single, two for a double -- would earn them $200 more than what they would otherwise receive. Each out would slice off $100.
So, that's pretty interesting. Players that are non-arb eligible basically have no rights in terms of salary, other than getting the league minimum. The Mets therefore have devised a system in which they are making it performance-based without necessarily being beholden to that in a contract. Written contract anyway. Verbal contracts are still contracts. And since the reporter has announced the Mets plans, this verbal contract will have pretty much close to the power of a written contract. But the CBA doesn't allow such provisions.
It's kind of a weird situation. Anyway, how much are we talking about here? If Mike Trout was on the Mets, he'd have earned a 100,000$ bonus. But, whether he'd have gotten 900,000$ otherwise, plus the 100,000$ bonus, or with no system in place, he'd have gotten 1 million$, you still get to the same spot. Or, the Mets could have said he's get the league minimum plus 100K, for a 600,000$ deal instead.
Basically, the Mets have publicized a system that they could very well have determined internally and privately.
Very interesting.
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