Sunday, June 29, 2014
Soccer is alot like baseball
?If you don't think so, then you have Murray Chass to lead your charge.
Look at when baseball fans get excited: a player gets a base hit, a baserunner steals a base, a bunter moves a runner over. Ultimately, more often than not, these runners will NOT score.
A 40 yard pass, a cross-field pass, these are also things that fans go crazy for, and ultimately, more often than not, no goal is scored.
The back and forth passes in soccer? Balls and strikes in baseball.
Allow a run in baseball? Don't worry, still plenty of chances to win. Score a goal in soccer? Probably has twice as much impact as a run in baseball.
Two key differences:
- no commercials, virtually no stoppages in soccer, other than mid-game intermission. The energy of fans is constant until a goal is scored in which case there's an eruption.
- in baseball, you can build leverage, putting multiple runners on. You have some extremely high leverage scenarios, but at the same time, you will have plenty of very low leverage scenarios, where fan interest is down.
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