Wednesday, January 14, 2015
HOF Revamp idea
1. Keep the BBWAA as-is, but change the limit to vote on a player to five years. If they can't get him in in five years, he's no longer eligible. (I'd also change it that the player has to be at least 45 years old, in addition to the 5-yr waiting period, to prevent a Kirby Puckett situation.)
Based on historical precedent, that means getting around 1.5 players per year.
2. Replace the various version of the Vet committees with Bill's idea. Bill's idea becomes the permanent vet committee. Bill's idea would have to go one more level down, to a final 2.
So, we'd end up, in the end, voting in around 3.5 persons per year, which is what we're used to already.
What does this accomplish? We let the writers keep voting on the easy ones, because that's all they are really qualified to do. Let them handle pitching in the 9th with a 5-run lead. And let's be honest, a whole revamp won't be in the cards.
Then the historians take over, and handle the tough cases. They'll pitch in the 9th with the tieing run on base. The vet committees has always been very flexible. They've tried a whole bunch of different ones. Bill's idea is the best here.
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