Friday, July 12, 2013
Fun with WAR
Fun little list-making for each franchise.
The one that I think you need to think about a little is the Braves, where Smoltz is on the leaders for starting pitchers, Glavine is not in the top five, and Garber is the leading relief pitcher. Except if you were to only look at Smoltz's relief years, he's a rounding error away from Garber, which is just how amazing Smoltz was. And Glavine in rotation and Smoltz as reliever, makes alot more sense than Smoltz in rotation and Garber as reliever. In this case, I think the blogger was far too rigid in his list-making.
Given the opportunity to construct a roster based on franchise performance, ?there's just no way that you pick Garber over Glavine. You pick Glavine, and you sort out who's the reliever later.
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