Monday, May 06, 2013
Captain Rule in the NHL
Hockey has alot of little things that I like. One of them is that there's a team captain (and two alternative captain), designated as such with a C or A on their jersey. The NHL rule:
Only the Captain, when invited to do so by the Referee, shall have the privilege of discussing any point relating to the interpretation of rules. Any Captain, Alternate Captain or any player who comes off the bench and makes any protest or intervention with the officials for any purpose shall be assessed a minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct under Rule 40 – Abuse of Officials. Should this protest continue, he may be assessed a misconduct penalty, and if it further continues, a game misconduct penalty shall be warranted.
A complaint about a penalty is NOT a matter “relating to the interpretation of the rules” and a minor penalty shall be imposed against any Captain, Alternate Captain or any other player making such a complaint.
Basically, in hockey, the referee is like a parent, and the players are like children. It's enough that the ref tells the player what to do, that the player has to do it, and, the ref does not require that he justify himself with the player. Because of that, the ref won't engage the player, and the player won't bother engaging the ref, because he knows the ref won't bother to explain himself anyway. There's something to be said for those kinds of bright lines.
In practice, a captain or alternate will ask the ref, and the ref will be cordial enough to just give a matter-of-fact response. He definitely will never argue with the player. He'll skate away, and the player will then just keep quiet. There's a certain level of respect both ways, because both sides know how issues get discussed and resolved.
There's even less discussion with the officials in the NFL, probably because of the clock, it's a big field, lots of players, etc. It doesn't allow for that.
Not sure about NBA. I'm sure someone can chime in for that.
Baseball? You guys will have to provide all the commentary there.
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