Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Age of team
Adam does a great job of averaging age along a non-linear scale. It's not as useful for the non-pitchers, since the slope of the curve looks pretty symmetrical. However for pitchers, we see that the simple average by age wouldn't produce the same result as a weighted average of the age, and this is evidenced by the second chart that doesn't show as strong a fit between the simple and weighted averages.
It's also not clear if Adam further weighted the age by playing time. That should definitely be done in any case.
Finally, another way to weight it is by the absolute value, to see how far away from the peak age the teams are. A team with a bunch of players in their late 20s would have a number close to zero, while a team that is filled with youngsters and/or veterans would have a number that will be quite large. So, the combination of this number and the number that Adam presents will tell you the age makeup of a team.?
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