Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Much Ado About Bunting
The good news is that the researcher did alot of research. He also tackled alot of different issues. And he brought alot of those issues together. If you keep your expectations from that standpoint, I think you can get alot out of the article.
There's a few things that are correctable, such as the writer needing to do things on a per-rate basis, and not correlate gross numbers. Disspelling with the notion as to what's an acceptable correlation (expecting r=.84 is going to make you wait a long time and end up missing alot). And talking about Carlos Pena and not talking about shifts. There's a few others, but, I'm not in the mood.
I think that the article would have played better as a series of smaller articles, so that the writer could have incorporated ideas from readers.?
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