Trektober Day 21 - Canon Event Fix-It. I have a lot of these (Dr Pulaski stays and has a rivalry with Crusher, Sulu is in all of season 2, Tasha survives the evil puddle, Ziyal lives and dates Jake, Julian goes to Cardassia at the end of DS9, etc etc etc) but this will always be my biggie.
Like, seriously. Miles. You are there. You literally saved a person that medical science could not save (albeit with Geordi and Data teaming up) only a few years ago. Did you not remember? Can you not tell Julian to put your buddy in stasis for a few hours while you reprogram a single computer?
This of course brings up a bit of a major problem with Trek. We’ve seen so many different issues be solved that when they crop up later we can look at them and go ’… don’t you know how to deal with this?’ - especially when it involves the same characters.
I’m seeing Miles in my mind’s eye being at dinner a decade later and suddenly just freezing up and slapping himself in the face.
Anyway. We could have double Dax. It would be EASY. Jadzia would be such a good and terrible influence on Ezri. People would be constantly so confused.
This was a bit of a bugger to do in one day for the challenge so I may draw it more coherently in the future.