美文分享|我希望自己有足够的勇气和运气,去见到命运里更多的不同的风,也期待在未来的日子里,能够被这些涌动的气流雕刻成不一样的山川与河流。 I hope I have enough courage and luck to see more different winds in my destiny, and I also look forward to being able to be carved into differe ...展开全文c
#美文分享# You know, the future is more important than love, but love is rare than the future. But you should also know that the right, person will stand in your future. 你要知道,前途比爱情重要,但爱情比前途难得。但你更应该知道,对的人会站在里的前途里。 (Cr:于秋)