Hi devs!
I've improved the Romanian translation from default 2.30 as:
For romanian.nsh:
- Use Romanian letters ăâîşţ
- ".. produsului" removed as unnecessary
- "Elimină" related terms replaced with more appropiate "Dezinstalează"
- Misc language tweaks
For romanian.nlf
- "Rasfoieşte" replaced with "Alege" - more appropiate
- "Elimină" related terms replaced with more appropiate "Dezinstalează"
- Fixed: Wrong translation in ^FileError and ^FileError_NoIgnore -> no translation
needed Abort/Retry/Ignore, as these are not translated into local language, OS related
I've attached the improved files (from Contrib directory) in the attached zip.
Hopefully, these files will make their way in a newer release of NSIS.
Romanian Language Files v2.30 (improved)
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Hi Vlad,
Thanks for your updates.
Have you discussed these changes with the official translator?
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>Hi Vlad,
>Thanks for your updates.
>Have you discussed these changes with the official translator?
Hi Kichik!
No, I haven't talked anybody but I guarantee the files are ok. I've double-checked them and I am a perfectionist type of guy. ;)
Who's the official translator of NSIS?
Should I write directly to him/her?
Thank you very much!
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Hi Kichik!
No, I haven't talked anybody but I guarantee the files are ok. I've
double-checked them and I am a perfectionist type of guy. ;)
Who's the official translator of NSIS?
Should I write directly to him/her?
Thank you very much!
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Hi Vlad,
Sorry for the late reply, I haven't noticed your first one.
The official translator is usually listed in language file itself or the credits section. It's our policy to pass any translation through the official translator first. We had some unfortunate cases in the past where skipping this resulted in bad language files. CC me to the e-mail (kichik@users.sf.net) and let me know if he/she doesn't reply in a reasonable time.
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Ok, i've just sent him (Cristian Parvu - pcristip[AT]yahoo[DOT]com) a message with the subject Translatare romana updatata (NSIS) (Updated romanian translation (NSIS)). I added you at CC.
Va salut!
Am facut niste modificari importante pentru traducerea in romana a
NSIS (versiunea 2.30-ultima sau mai noua).
V-am atasat fisierele. In header gasiti ce e nou.
Va rog sa dati ok-ul pentru includerea acestor fisiere in urmatoarea
versiune de NSIS. In acest caz, raspundeti prin "OK" acestui email,
adaugand la CC "kichik@users.sf.net".
Va doresc o zi buna!
English translation:
I've made some important updates for the romanian translation of NSIS
(version 2.30-last or newer).
I've attached the files. In header you'll find what's new.
Please give your "ok" for the inclusion of these files in the next
version of NSIS. If you agree, answer "OK", to this address, adding at CC
Have a good day!"
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He replied to me and gave his "OK".
The message was forwarded to you.
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Thanks, uploaded. Will be in 2.31.