The goal of the project is to provide a Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) team provider plugin for Eclipse 4.x from the project. The plugin is well integrated in the IDE environment and provides support for all daily VSS operations.
You can download it using the update site at:
Help => Install New Software => Add as a update site => select vss plugin to install it.
Version ControlLicense
GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)Follow VSS Plugin for Eclipse
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User Reviews
With Eclipse Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) it doesn't work :-( I used it with older versions and it works fine! I hope, anybody can help me getting started the plugin in eclipse luna! I still installed plugin explained by zfuyuan :-(
Been working on an old project and had to use this plugin. Beware that from Eclipse Luna (4.4) onwards, the support for 2.0 old style plugin support has been removed. Read more here: https// Workaround is to install "Eclipse 2.0 Style Plugin Support" from the Help > Install New Software function.
Vssplugin works perfect.
awaiting for help
Awesome!! The best awaiting release ever.