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Compressive Phase Retrieval Realized by Combining Generalized Approximate Message Passing with Cartoon-Texture Model
Jingjing SI Jing XIANG Yinbo CHENG Kai LIU
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
pp.1608-1615 Publication Date: 2018/09/01 Online ISSN: 1745-1337
DOI: 10.1587/transfun.E101.A.1608 Type of Manuscript: LETTER Category: Image Keyword: compressive phase retrieval, generalized approximate message passing, cartoon-texture model, adaptive damping,
Full Text: PDF(471.7KB)>>
Generalized approximate message passing (GAMP) can be applied to compressive phase retrieval (CPR) with excellent phase-transition behavior. In this paper, we introduced the cartoon-texture model into the denoising-based phase retrieval GAMP(D-prGAMP), and proposed a cartoon-texture model based D-prGAMP (C-T D-prGAMP) algorithm. Then, based on experiments and analyses on the variations of the performance of D-PrGAMP algorithms with iterations, we proposed a 2-stage D-prGAMP algorithm, which makes tradeoffs between the C-T D-prGAMP algorithm and general D-prGAMP algorithms. Finally, facing the non-convergence issues of D-prGAMP, we incorporated adaptive damping to 2-stage D-prGAMP, and proposed the adaptively damped 2-stage D-prGAMP (2-stage ADD-prGAMP) algorithm. Simulation results show that, runtime of 2-stage D-prGAMP is relatively equivalent to that of BM3D-prGAMP, but 2-stage D-prGAMP can achieve higher image reconstruction quality than BM3D-prGAMP. 2-stage ADD-prGAMP spends more reconstruction time than 2-stage D-prGAMP and BM3D-prGAMP. But, 2-stage ADD-prGAMP can achieve PSNRs 0.2∼3dB higher than those of 2-stage D-prGAMP and 0.3∼3.1dB higher than those of BM3D-prGAMP.
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