Publication IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and SystemsVol.E99-DNo.11pp.2836-2839 Publication Date: 2016/11/01 Publicized: 2016/08/08 Online ISSN: 1745-1361 DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2015EDL8237 Type of Manuscript: LETTER Category: Image Processing and Video Processing Keyword: HEVC, CU size, encoding complexity, probability graphical model,
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Summary: In this work, a high efficiency coding unit (CU) size decision algorithm is proposed for high efficiency video coding (HEVC) inter coding. The CU splitting or non-splitting is modeled as a binary classification problem based on probability graphical model (PGM). This method incorporates two sub-methods: CU size termination decision and CU size skip decision. This method focuses on the trade-off between encoding efficiency and encoding complexity, and it has a good performance. Particularly in the high resolution application, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can reduce encoding time by 53.62%-57.54%, while the increased BD-rate are only 1.27%-1.65%, compared to the HEVC software model.