Publication IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and SystemsVol.E78-DNo.4pp.508-510 Publication Date: 1995/04/25 Online ISSN: DOI: Print ISSN: 0916-8532 Type of Manuscript: LETTER Category: Medical Electronics and Medical Information Keyword: Bayesian classification, ICD-10, psychiatric diagnosis, pattern recognition,
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Summary: This paper describes a method for screening psychiatric patients based on a questionnaire consisting of simple yes/no questions regarding to physical, mental conditions and subjective symptoms which is provided at their first visit to the hospital. The analysis of the questionnaire is important to understand patients' background. One hundred filled out questionnaires were utilized for constructing and evaluating a pseude Bayesian classifier which classifies patients into three categories i.e. Schizophrenic, emotional and neurotic disorders with average correct prediction rate of 73.3%. The rate was 16.6% higher than the result given by experienced medical doctors and the method will be a useful mean for automatic screening of the psychiatric patients.