[BOOK][B] How to Repair Your Credit Score Now: Simple No Cost Methods You Can Put to Use Today

J Burrell - 2007 - books.google.com
… Chapter One, "What is a Credit Score?," will tell you how to obtain your credit score and its
significance. It defines obligations, rights, and responsibilities specified by the FCRA and the …

Bad credit: the character of credit scoring

A McClanahan - Representations, 2014 - online.ucpress.edu
This essay reads twenty-first-century credit scoring against eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
forms of credit evaluation. While the latter famously draws its qualitative model of …

Improving credit scores for individuals and small businesses: implications for digital bank's credit risk

ZJ Yu - 2024 - eprints.utar.edu.my
… 850 and is used to score a user's credit report; a score of 700 and above is considered a
good credit score; a score of 580-660 are considered a fair credit score (What is a Credit Score, …

Credit Reports, Credit Checks, Credit Scores

E Hendricks - GPSolo, 2011 - HeinOnline
An attorney in the Pacific Northwest agrees with his new client that her previous lawyer
committed malpractice when he allowed a judgment to be entered against her. The main damage…


R Wandmacher, Y Thorhauer, C Sturm… - … Journal of Banking …, 2025 - e-journal.uum.edu.my
The basic concept of credit scoring is to assess an individuals payment ability as well as the
specific individuals credit default risk, hence determining an individuals creditworthiness. …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of Credit Record Revalidation on Consumer Credit Scores: Implications for Lending Decisions

IA Bakare - researchgate.net
The periodic revalidation of consumer credit records is an essential practice that can
significantly impact credit scores, lending decisions, and overall credit availability. This paper …

More than a score? Indirect associations between credit score and romantic relationship quality in emerging adulthood

MT Saxey, AB LeBaron-Black, CJ Totenhagen… - 2023 - repository.arizona.edu
Higher credit scores have unique financial benefits that may aid in emerging adults’ efforts
toward financial independence. Yet, it is unknown if higher credit scores may also yield …

A Centralized credit scoring prototype for micro lending institutions in Kenya

LM Karingithi - 2020 - su-plus.strathmore.edu
Microlending involves giving small loans to people in need. Usually, these loans are issued
to entrepreneurs or those who need extra cash to either expand their businesses or for …

[PDF][PDF] Errors and gotchas: How credit report errors and unreliable credit scores hurt consumers

M Mahoney - 2014 - advocacy.consumerreports.org
In today’s economy, it’s especially important to have a good credit record. In addition to lenders,
potential employers, landlords, and insurance companies also may check credit reports …

What's in a score? Differences in consumers' credit knowledge using OLS and quantile regressions

AC Lyons, M Rachlis, E Scherpf - Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Credit literacy depends, in part, on understanding credit reports and scores. The US Government
Accountability Office conducted a study in 2004 to assess consumers’ knowledge of …