User profiles for "Cox II"

Derrell Cox II, PhD

CEO, Integrated Research Institute
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Cited by 257

COXII inhibitors—a new generation of safer NSAIDs?

MT Donnelly, CJ Hawkey - Alimentary pharmacology & …, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
A hundred years after the introduction of aspirin as the first effective anti‐inflammatory drug,
problems of tolerability still beset this class of drugs, in particular, gastrointestinal toxicity. …

Design and development of COX-II inhibitors: Current scenario and future perspective

S Chahal, P Rani, Kiran, J Sindhu, G Joshi… - ACS …, 2023 - ACS Publications
… This necessitates the development of COX-II inhibitors that not only … COX-II inhibitors. The
insights from this article could be helpful in seeding the development of next-generation COX-II

Effect of preoperative CoxII‐selective NSAIDs (coxibs) on postoperative outcomes: A systematic review of randomized studies

S Straube, S Derry, HJ McQuay… - Acta Anaesthesiologica …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Cox-II selective NSAIDs have been implicated in increased rates of thrombotic events, mainly
increased myocardial infarction. Evidence comes principally from a study of rofecoxib over …

Increased premotor cortex activation in high functioning autism during action observation

TJ Perkins, RG Bittar, JA McGillivray, II Cox… - Journal of Clinical …, 2015 - Elsevier
The mirror neuron (MN) hypothesis of autism has received considerable attention, but to date
has produced inconsistent findings. Using functional MRI, participants with high functioning …

Urinary retention in patients with BPH treated with finasteride or placebo over 4 years: characterization of patients and ultimate outcomes

…, R Bruskewitz, GC Nickel, S Glickman, C Cox II… - European …, 2000 -
Objectives: Knowledge regarding the incidence and prevalence of acute urinary retention and
the ultimate outcome is very limited. The purpose of the present analysis was to document …

Solubility enhancement of cox-II inhibitors by cosolvency approach

PRS Babu, CVS Subrahmanyam… - … University Journal of …, 2008 -
… Meloxicam and rofecoxib exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity by selective
inhibition of COX-II isoenzyme, which is responsible for the formation of prostaglandins in normal …

The association of an open relationship orientation with health and happiness in a sample of older US adults

JR Fleckenstein, DW Cox II - Sexuality & Ageing, 2017 -
Research shows that increased sexual activity is strongly associated with betterhealth
outcomes and greater personal happiness (Karraker, DeLamater, & Schwartz,2011; Lindau & …

Effects of 13-alkyl-substituted berberine alkaloids on the expression of COX-II, TNF-α, iNOS, and IL-12 production in LPS-stimulated macrophages

DU Lee, YJ Kang, MK Park, YS Lee, HG Seo, TS Kim… - Life sciences, 2003 - Elsevier
… , TNF-α and COX-II were investigated using macrophages in … of iNOS, COX-II and TNF-
α nor protein of COX-II and TNF-α … 13-EB is involved, and COX-II activity is inhibited by 13-MB …

Hepatoprotective effect of withanolide-rich fraction in acetaminophen-intoxicated rat: decisive role of TNF-α, IL-1β, COX-II and iNOS

ST Devkar, AD Kandhare, AA Zanwar… - Pharmaceutical …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
… -2 (COX-II) (Ahmad et al. Citation2012). Our data show over expression of COX-II synthesis,
… Treatment with WRF significantly down-regulated COX-II expression and thus reduced the …

Preoperative use of selective COX-II inhibitors for pain management in laparoscopic nissen fundoplication

Z Alanoglu, Y Ateş, BC Orbey, AG Türkçapar - Surgical Endoscopy And …, 2005 - Springer
… (COX-II), providing effective analgesia without any effect on platelet function, bleeding time,
or reduced gastrointestinal side effects [3]. The effectiveness of COX-II … of preoperative COX-II