有效期 | 长期 |
类 别 | 油漆 - 聚酯漆 |
规格型号 | 20kg |
产品数量 | 1000000 |
地区 | 北京 |
详细链接 | www.bj358.cn |
821腻子粉说明 上苑821腻子是一种经济实用型墙面找平材料。适用于室内砖混砂浆墙面批刮找平。精白细腻,和易性了,施工性能优异。上苑821腻子通过了中国环境樗产品认证,是绿色环保产品。 主要成份:碳酸钙,滑石粉和添加剂。 消耗量:理论上是2公斤821刮墙腻子可以批刮一平方米(两遍)。实际用理因施工方法,墙面平整度的不同而不同。 搅 拌:水的加入量以施工稠度为准,搅拦均匀后,放置10分钟,再进行搅拌即可使用,不可以加入其他材料混合使用。 基层处理:基层坚实无浮灰和污物,墙体表面含水率低于5%如果墙面平滑或疏松,需进行表面处理,待干净后方可批刮821刮墙腻子。 批刮找平:腻子找平应在半干状态大于0。5MM(夏季),腻子批刮厚度超过2mm应分次批刮,每次批刮厚度不超过2mm。批刮过厚易出现干缩开裂。 执行标准:技术标准:JG/T3049 (Y):环保标准:GB18582-2001。 施工温度:施工环境温度5度以上,固化过程温度不低于0度。 贮存和运输:存放阴凉干燥处,保持期12个月,产品无毒不燃,贮存运输可按(非危险品规则)办理。 Shangyuan 821 NiZi for interior wall is an economic and efffective wall surface leveling material,used for scrapingand leveling of brick &concrete wall surface. Thpure white putty enjoys high placeability and umique workability.821lacquer putty,which has passed the certification for Hhina enviromenr labei produc, is recognized as an environment-friendly green producr.. Principal components:Gypsum,calcium carbonate and additives,. Consumption:Theorestically,one-kilogran putty can cover an area of one square meter(twice)The acrual consumption varies with the comstruction method and smoothness of the wall surface. Mixing:The quanrity of warer added depends on the consistecy applied.put it aside for 10minures after mixing it evenly.Stirit agani and it isready to serve .No.other materisls are allowed to mix with it for use. Base:treatment:The base should be solid,and free from dust and dirt, The water content of the wall surface should be under 5%.if The wall surface is smooth or loose,wall sticker JC500should be applied fro inter face treatment. Scraping and leveing :The putty should be made level when it is in a seni-dry state(i.e.until on distortion appears when it is slightly pressedwiht hand ).After being solidified,it can be nade level with abrasive cloht.The thickness of sutty scraped should execeed 0.5mm Appiicable standard:Thchnical standard:JG/T3049(Y):quantity limitation standard of hazardous materisls:GB18582-2001 Construction temperature:Costruction ambient temperature should be above 5.Sand the temperature dring the solidification should be on less than 0C Storage and transportation:kept in a cool and dry place. Service life is 6 months .The producr is nontoxic and noncornbustible.Refer to Rules of Non-hazardous Goods for storage and transportation.