The new methodology and compendium relate to both encapsulated and unencapsulated
beneficial uses of industrial non-hazardous secondary materials.
Scholarship recipients were chosen from a field of applicants who submitted essays on topics related to the
beneficial use of coal combustion products from power generation.
Is it possible to refocus an EST in this way to become a completed building instead of a mere building block, as asserted by the court in In re Fisher, while still capturing all or some of the economically
beneficial use? If so, will patent law allow the legal monopoly that results from fencing the technology as described above?
"The guidebook will help state and federal regulators develop produced water regulations that are most protective of the environment and that encourage
beneficial uses appropriate to the region, without disrupting domestic oil and natural gas production," said Arthur.
Beneficial Use: Not every possible use of water is given legal recognition.
In 1997, however, the New Jersey Legislature expressed disapproval with this emerging trend, fearing rampant expansion of wireless towers throughout the state.(117) In pertinent part, the legislature amended the Municipal Land Use Law(118) (discussed above), codifying the principle that even with an inherently
beneficial use, the negative criteria must be satisfied.(119) Although courts continued to treat inherently
beneficial uses with deference under the balancing test, the actions of the legislature reduced that deference.(120) Therefore, when the New Jersey Supreme Court faced wireless facility siting disputes in the summers of 1998 and 1999, it was forced to consider the restrictive intentions of the state legislature.(121)
For example, within Colorado's appropriation systems, environmentally-related appropriations for
beneficial use can be and have been effectuated.(58)
The Risk Assessment of Spent Foundry Sands in Soil-Related Applications evaluated the
beneficial use of non-olivine foundry sand produced by iron, steel and aluminum metal-casting operations in manufactured soils, soil-less media or road base.
In the 138-page document's discussions of how RCRA subtitle C or D might cloud fly ash specification for concrete, the agency invites "comment on potential refinements for certain
beneficial uses"; "other suggestions on how EPA might promote
beneficial use of CCRs"; and, "suggestions that would reduce any perceived impacts resulting from 'stigma' due to [RCRA subtitle C] identification of CCRs."
Beneficial uses for solid wastes from forest products manufacturing.
"Tires should never be stored anywhere waiting for a disaster to strike when they can be put to a
beneficial use through recycling," said Smith.