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Field |
Institution |
Degree |
Date |
Electrical Engineering |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
B.S./M.S. E.E. |
June 1969 June 1970 |
Economics |
University of California at Berkeley |
Ph.D. |
June 1981 |
- Emeritus Professor, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin, September 2019-present.
- Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin, September 2007-August 2011.
- Malcolm Forsman Centennial Professorship, University of Texas at Austin, September 1996-August 2019.
- Professor, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin; September 1992-present.
- Visting Research Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Calif. at Santa Cruz, Fall 1996.
- Visiting Associate, Institute for Economics and Statistics, Oxford University, July-August 1994.
- Visiting Fellow, CentER, Tilburg University, The Netherlands; September 1991-December 1991.
- Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin; July 1988-August 1992.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Boston University, September 1986 - December 1986.
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; September 1985-August 1986.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Duke University; September 1981-August 1988.
- Research Associate, Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University, New York, (via U.C., Berkeley), July 1980-June 1981.
- Research Associate, Sloan Foundation, Department of Economics, U.C., Berkeley, July 1979 - June 1980.
- Research Associate, Institute for Transportation Studies, U.C., Berkeley, October 1978 - June 1979.
- Transportation Policy Analyst, North Carolina State Government, Office of State Planning, 1973 - August 1978. Governor's representative on the National Governor's Conference task force on Transportation, Commerce and Technology. Advisor on NGC positions, federal legislation, state legislation, and state DOT budget.
- Production Manager, Rural California Housing Corporation, Sacramento, California, 1971-1973. Responsible for total management of the Western Division (4 counties). Business encompassed market analysis, land acquisition and development, sales, financing, construction, cost control. Supervised 5 professional, 20 line personnel and over 100 laborers.
- NSF #SES-0519168; August 2005 - July 2007; $24,675.
- NSF #IIS-0219825; September 2002-August 2005; $496,318.
- NSF #SES-9986379; February 2000-January 2002; $45,000.
- NSF #SBR-9631389; October 1996-September 1998; $25,392.
- NSF #IRI-9509914; September 1995 - August 1998; $299,140.
- Electric Power Research Institute; January 1994 - January 1995.
- NSF #SBR - 9410501; October 1994 - September 1996; $147,811.
- NSF #IRI-9225010; July 1993 - June 1995; $239,093.
- NSF #SBR-9308914; August 1993 - July 1994; $28,500.
- Electric Power Research Institute; January 1993 - August 1993.
- University of Texas Research Institute SRG-233; October 1992 - August 1993.
- University of Texas Research Institute SRG-182; April 1992 - August 1992./li>
- University of Texas Research Institute, Faculty Research Assignment, September 1991 - December 1991.
- NSF #IRI-9005969; March 1, 1990 - February 28, 1991; $20,000.
- University of Texas Research Institute SRG-427; September 1989 - June 1990.
- Duke Research Council: July 1980 to June 1982; July 1984 to June 1985; July 1986 to June 1988.
- Dissertation Fellowship, Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York, July 1980-June 1981.
- The Economics of Electronic Commerce, (with S. Choi and A. Whinston), MacMillan, 1997.
- Getting Beyond the Mind-Body Problem: Scientific Phenomenism, Amazon, 2014.pdf
- "A Bayesian Method for Characterizing Population Heterogeneity," Games, 10, 2019,
- "Assessing the Forecast Performance of Choice Models," J. of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 73, 2018, 86-92.
- "An Empirical Evaluation of the Toolbox Model of Lottery Choices," Review of Economics and Statistics, 100, 2018, 528-534.
- "Boundedly Rational Search with Positive Search Costs," Economics Letters, 168, 2018, 138-140.
- "Conditional Behavior and Learning in Similar Stag Hunt Games," (with J. Van Huyck), Experimental Economics, 21, 2018, 513-526.
- "Dynamic Programming and Behavioral Rules," Economic Theory Bulletin, 5(2), 2017, 165-174.
- "Finitely Precise Dynamic Programming and Portfolio Choice," Computational Economics, 45, 2015, 397-405.
- "Heterogeneity of Ambiguity Preferences," Review of Economics and Statistics, 96, 2014, 609-617.
- "An Experimental Test of the Efficacy of Simple Reputation Mechanisms to Solve Social Dilemmas," J. of Econ. Beh. and Org., 94, 2013, 116-124.
- "Intertemporal Choice and Liquidity Constraints: Theory and Evidence, Economics Letters, 118, 2013, 101-103.
- "Between-Game Rule Learning in Dissimilar Symmetric Normal-Form Games," (with E. Haruvy), Games and Economic Behavior, 74, 2012, 208-221.
- "Cooperation in the Sporadically Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma via Reputation Mechanisms," J. of Evolutionary Economics, 21, 2012, 687-702.
- "An Analysis of Incentives for Network Infrastructure Investment under Different Pricing Strategies," (with A. Gupta, B. Jukic, and A. Whinston) Information Systems Research, 22, 2011, 215-232.
- "Testing Theories of Behavior for Extensive-form Two-Player Two-Stage Games," (with E. Haruvy) Experimental Economics, 12, 2009, 242-251.
- "Level-n Bounded Rationality and Dominated Strategies in Normal-Form Games," (with E. Haruvy) J. of Econ. Beh. and Org., 66, 2008, 226-232.
- "Subgame Perfection in Ultimatum Game Trees," (with E. Haruvy) Games and Economic Behavior, 63, 2008, 292-307.
- "Level-n Bounded Rationality in Two-Player Two-Stage Games," (with E. Haruvy) J. of Econ. Beh. and Org., 65, 2008, 41-61.
- "Equilibrium Selection and Bounded Rationality in Symmetric Norm-Form Games," (with E. Haruvy) J. of Econ. Beh. and Org., 62, 2007, 98-119..
- "Other Regarding Preferences: Warm Glow Egalitarianism, Empathy and Group Size," (with E. Haruvy) J. of Econ. Beh. and Org., 61, 2006, 20-41.
- "Deductive versus Inductive Equilibrium Selection: Experimental Results," (with E. Haruvy) J. of Econ. Beh. and Org., 53, 2004, 319-332.
- "Action Reinforcement Learning versus Rule Learning," Greek Economic Review, 22, 2003, 27-56. Also appears in Transfer in Knowledge in Economic Decision Making, D. Zizzo (ed), Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2005.
- "Aspiration-based and Reciprocity-based Rules in Learning Dynamics for Symmetric Normal-form Games," (with E. Haruvy)J. of Mathematical Psychology, 46, 2002, 531-553.
- "The Inefficiency of Auctions in Stochastic Dynamic Environments," Netnomics, 4, 2002, 1-18.
- "Modeling and Testing for Heterogeneity in Observed Strategic Behavior," (with E. Haruvy and P. Wilson), Review of Economics and Statistics, 83, 2001, 146-157.
- "Estimation of Internet Users' Demand Characteristics," (with A. Gupta, B. Jukic, M. Li and A. Whinston), Computational Economics, 17, 2001, 203-218.
- "Population Rule Learning in Symmetric Normal-Form Games: Theory and Evidence," J. of Economic Behavior and Organization, 45, 2001, 19-35.
- "Variable-Frame Level-n Theory," Games and Economic Behavior, 32, 2000, 220-246.
- "Rule Learning in Symmetric Normal-Form Games: Theory and Evidence," Games and Economic Behavior, 32, 2000, 105-138.
- "Extracting Consumers' Private Information for Implementing Incentive Compatible Internet Traffic Pricing," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston) J. of Management Information Ssytems, 17, 2000, 9-29.
- "Evidence for Optimistic and Pessimistic Behavior in Normal-Form Games," (with E. Haruvy and P. Wilson), Economics Letters, 63, 1999, 255-260.
- "Evidence Based Rule Learning in Symmetric Normal-Form Games," International Journal of Game Theory, 28, 111-130, 1999.
- "Is Step-j Thinking an Arbitrary Modeling Restriction or a Fact of Human Nature?" J. of Economic Behavior and Organization, 37, 1998, 33-51.
- "Managing Computing Resources in Intranets: An Electronic Commerce Perspective," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston), Decision Support Systems,, Elsevier, 1998.
- "Streamlining the Digital Economy: How to Avert a Tragedy of the Commons," (with A. Gupta, B. Jukic, M. Parameswaran, and A. Whinston), IEEE Internet Computing, 1, 3846, 1997.
- "A Decentratlized Approach to Estimate Activity-Based Costs and Near-Optimal Resource Allocation in Flexible Manufacturing Systems," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston), International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 9, 1997, 167194.
- "A Stochastic Equilibrium Model of Internet Pricing," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 21, 1997, 697-722.
- "Review of Public Access to the Internet," (with A. Whinston), B. Kahin and J. Keller (eds.) in the Journal of Economic Literature, 34, 1986-8, December 1996.
- "Boundedly Rational Rule Learning in a Guessing Game," Games and Economic Behavior, 16, 1996, 303-330.
- "An Economic Approach to Network Computing with Priority Classes," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston), Journal of Organizational Computing, 6, 1996, 71-95.
- "Oligopolistic Pricing with Sequential Consumer Search and Heterogeneous Search Costs," October, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 14, 1996, 243-268.
- "On Players' Models of Other Players -- Theory and Experimental Evidence," (with P. Wilson), Games and Economic Behavior, 10, 1995, 213-254.
- "Lexicographic Rationalizability and Iterated Admissibility," Economics Letters, 47, 1995, 155-159.
- "Tariff Games: Cooperation with Random Variation in Political Regimes," (with A. Turunen-Red), European Journal of Political Economy, 11, 1995, 215-238.
- "Arbitrage and Information in a Sequential Economy with Many Credit Agencies," Mathematical Finance, 5, 1995, pp. 33-54.
- "Experimental Evidence on Players' Models of Other Players," (with P. Wilson), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 25, 1994, 309-327.
- "Oligopolistic Pricing and Advertising," Journal of Economic Theory, 64, 1994, pp. 162-177.
- "Informative Advertising and Product Match," (with M. Meurer), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 12, 1994, 1-19.
- "Responsive and Strong Responsive Evolutionary Dynamics," (with X. Lu), International Journal of Game Theory, 23, 1994, 101-117.
- "Evolution of Smartn Players," Games and Economic Behavior, 5, 1993, 604-617.
- "Strategic Choice of Waiting and Reaction Times in Bargaining," Economics Letters, 43, 1993, 31-34.
- "Informative Price Advertising in a Sequential Search Model," (with J. Robert), Econometrica, 61, May 1993, 657-686.
- "The Graph of Prisoners' Dilemma Supergame Payoffs as a Function of the Discount Factor," Games and Economic Behavior, 3, August 1991, 360-384.
- "Bargaining with Durable Offers and Endogenous Timing," Games and Economic Behavior, 2, June 1990, 173-187.
- "Entropy Control Costs and Entropic Equilibria," International Journal of Game Theory, 19, 1990, 129-138.
- "Oligopolistic Pricing with Sequential Consumer Search," American Economic Review, 79, September 1989, 700-712.
- "On Stability Analysis with Disequilibrium Awareness," (with F. Fisher), Journal of Economic Theory, 46, December, 1988, 309-321.
- "Price-Setting Merchants in a Simple Trade Model," Journal of International Economics, 24, May, 1988, 197-216.
- "Bertrand Competition for Inputs and Walrasian Outcomes," American Economic Review, 78, March, 1988, 189-201.
- "Queue-Rationing and Price Dynamics," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 89 (4), 1988, 469-485.
- "On the Instability of Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibria," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 9, 1988, 59-69.
- "Temporary Equilibrium with Storable Commodities," Journal of Economic Theory, 42, August, 1987, 262-274.
- "Stochastic Decentralization of Competitive Allocations," Economics Letters, 22 (2), 1986, 111-113.
- "Revocable Pricing Can Yield Collusive Outcomes," Economics Letters, 22 (1), 1986, 87-90.
- "Specification Errors in Models of Aggregate Labor Supply," (with M. Luger), Review of Economics and Statistics, 69, May, 1986, 274-283.
- "Relaxing the Sure-Solvency Conditions in Temporary Equilibrium Models," Journal of Economic Theory, 37, October, 1985, 1-18.
- "Bankruptcy in Temporary Equilibrium Forward Markets with and without Institutional Restrictions," Review of Economic Studies, 52, July, 1985, 459-471.
- "The Influence of Black Markets on a Queue-Rationed Centrally Planned Economy" (with M. Alexeev), Journal of Economic Theory, 35, April 1985, 234-250.
- "Monotonic Variations of Consumer Surplus and Comparative Performance Results," Southern Economic Journal, 51, October, 1984, 503-520.
- "Cardinal vs. Characteristic Indices of Preference for Applied Welfare Economics," Public Finance Quarterly, 19, October, 1984, 473-486.
- "On Benefit-Cost Analysis with Quality Attributes," Z. fur Nationalokonomie, 43 (3), 1983, 273-287.
- "Quasi-homotheticity, the Generalized Divisia Quantity Index, and Aggregation," Economica, 50, February, 1983, 87-93.
- "A Note on the Consumer Surplus Path-of-Integration Problem," Economica, 50, February, 1983, 95-98.
- "Economic Analysis of Transportation Pricing/Tax and Investment Policies," Transportation Research Record, No. 791, 1981, 14-20.
- "A Simultaneous Equation Model of Travel Demand," Transportation Engineering Journal, ASCE, November, 1977, 741-750.
- "The Economics of Smart Routing and QoS," (with R. Dai and A. Whinston), Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop on Networked Group Communications, 2003.
- "A Survey of Rule Learning in Normal-form Games," chp 3 in Cognitive Processes and Economic Behavior, N. Dimitri, M. Basili, and I. Bilboa (ed), Routledge, 2003.
- "Mixture Models of Individual Heterogenity," in Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, L. Nadel (ed), Nature Publishing Group: London, 2003.pdf
- "An Economic Analysis of Multiple Internet Quality of Service Channels," (with R. Dai and A Whinston), chp 10 in The Economics of the Internet and E-Commerce, M. Baye (ed), Elsevier Science, 2002.
- "Exploring Traffic Pricing for the Virtual Private Network," (with Z. Lin, P. Ow, and A. Whinston), Information Technology and Management, 3, October 2002.
- "Benefits and Costs of Adopting Usage-based Pricing in a Subnetwork," (with A. Gupta, L. Linden, and A. Whinston), Information Technology and Management, 2, April 2001.
- "Strategic Advertising and Pricing in E-Commerce," in Industrial Organization, Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Vol. 9, M. Baye (ed), JAI Press, 2000.
- "The Economics of Network Management," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston), Communications of the ACM, September 1999.
- "A Simulation Study of Competitive Internet Pricing: AOL Flat-Rates versus GSW Usage Rates," (with A. Whinston and K. Zhang), ACM Proceedings, 1998.
- "Intermediation, Contracts and Micropayments in Electronic Commerce," (with S. Choi and A. Whinston), Electronic Markets,, Taylor & Francis, 1998.
- "Economic Issues in Electronic Commerce," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston), chp 8 in Readings in Electronic Commerce, R. Kalakota and A. Whinston (eds), Addison-Wesley, 1997.
- "The Internet: A Future Tragedy of Commons?" (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston) Computational Approaches to Economic Problems, in H. Amman, B. Rusten and A. Whinston (eds), Kluwer, 1997.
- "A Critical Survey of Internet Pricing," in The Economics of the Information Society, A. Bumort and J. Bryden (eds), Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997.
- "A Priority Pricing Approach to Manage Multi-Service Class Networks in Real-Time," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston) in Internet Economics, L. McKnight and J. Bailey (eds), MIT Press, 1997.
- "Pricing of Services on the Internet," (with A. Gupta and A. Whinston) in IMPACT: How IGC Research Affects Public Policy and Business Markets, A Volume in Honor of G. Kozmetsky, F. Phillips and W. Cooper (eds.), Quorum Books, CT, 1997.
- "Pricing of Information Services Using Real-time Databases: A Framework for Integrating User Preference and Real-time Workload," (with P. Konana and A. Gupta), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Systems, Cleveland, OH, 1996.
- "A General Economic Equilibrium Model of Distributed Computing," (with A. Whinston), in W. Cooper and A. Whinston, New Directions in Computational Economics, Kluwer, 1994.
- "Boundedly Rational Search with Positive Search Costs: Appendix" 2018.pdf
- "A Bayesian Method for Characterizing Population Heterogeneity" University of Texas, December 2018,pdf
- "A Dynamic Behavioral Model of Sequential Choices," University of Texas, December, 2017.
- "A Bayesian Approach to Characterizing Heterogeneity of Rank Dependent Expected Utility Models of Lottery Choices," University of Texas, November 2016,pdf
- "Framing Lottery Choices," University of Texas, February, 2016.pdf
- "A Reexamination of Experiment Data on Lottery Choices," University of Texas, October, 2014.pdf
- "Implementing SPE of Repeated Games with Finite Automata," University of Texas, September, 2014.pdf
- "Boundedly-Rational vs. Optimization-Based Behavior: A Distinction Without a Difference," University of Texas, January 2014.pdf
- "Learning Transference Between Dissimilar Symmetric Normal Form Games," (with E. Haruvy), University of Texas, March 2009.pdf
- "Towards a Theory of Bounded Rationality for Sequential Decisions," University of Texas, August 2003.
- "Rationalt Players," (with Jorgen Weibull), University of Texas, July 2003.
- "Sophisticated Learning and Learning Sophistication," Center for Applied Research in Economics, University of Texas, Working Paper 99002, August 1999.
- "A Horse Race Among Action Reinforcement Learning Models," March 1999.
- "Empirical Tests of Equilibrium Selection Based on Player Heterogenity," (with E. Haruvy) March 1999.
- "Local Rule Learning: Theory and Evidence," December 1997.
- "Variable-Frame Level-n Theory," November 1997. pdf
- "Fixed-Cost Queues and Price Dynamics," Working Papers in Economics 85-90, Duke University, revised July 1992.
- "The Choice of Walkout Periods in Bargaining," Center for Economic Research Working Paper 90-11, University of Texas at Austin, revised June 1992.
- "Strategic Advertising and Pricing with Sequential Buyer Search," Center for Economic Research Working Paper 90-04, University of Texas at Austin, revised December 1991.
- "Lexicographic Rationality, Common Knowledge, and Iterated Admissibility," Center for Economic Research Working Paper 91-10, University of Texas at Austin, June 1991.
- "Nash and Walrasian Equivalence in a Bertrand Merchant Model," June 1987.
- "Interest Rate Fluctuations and Aggregate Labor Supply" (with M. Luger), June 1986; revised May 1987.
- "Bargaining in Continuous Time with Durable Offers," Working Papers in Economics 87-01, Duke University, March 1987.
- "Temporary Equilibrium with a Specialized Dealer in Forward Markets," September, 1982 presented to the Econometric Society Meetings, December 1982; revised May 1986.
- "Queue and Production Dynamics in a Centrally Planned Economy," March 1986.
- "Temporary Equilibrium with a Specialized Dealer in Forward Markets," September, 1982 presented to the Econometric Society Meetings, December 1982; revised May 1986.
- "Queue and Production Dynamics in a Centrally Planned Economy," March 1986.
- "Probabilistic Knowledge and the Information Content of Theory"; presented to American Economic Association meetings, December 1985.
- "Bankruptcy Anticipation in a Bilateral Trade Model," September 1983, revised August 1985.
- "An Integrated Economic Transportation Model for Policy Analysis," Institute for Transportation Studies, UCB-ITS/PRC-WP-80-1, University of California, Berkeley, June 1980.
- "The Existence of a Sequence of Temporary Equilibria in an Exchange Economy with Unlimited Short-Sales, Diverse Expectations, and a Central Brokerage House," March 1980.
- "Indicies of Individual Preference for Applied Welfare Economics," Working Paper SL-8002, Sloan Foundation Workshop in Transportation Economics, University of California, Berkeley, February 1980.
- "A General Temporary Equilibrium Analysis of Bankruptcy and Related Institutional Rules"
- Honor Societies: Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi
Description |
Level |
Environmental Economics |
U |
Intermediate Macroeconomics |
U |
Intermediate Microeconomics |
U |
General Equilibrium Theory |
G |
Mathematical Analysis for Economists |
G |
Seminar in Advanced Theory |
G |
Game Theory and Applications |
U/G |
Experimental Economics |
U/G |
- American Economic Review, Econometrica, Economica, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Journal, International Economic Review, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Public Economics, National Science Foundation, Rand Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Economic Studies, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Z. fur Nationalokonomie.
- Department of Economics, Uniersity of Sydney, Sydney, Austratia, AZ, March 2012.
- World Congress of Econometric Society, Montreal, August 2015.
- North American Economic Science Association, Dallas, October 2015.
- Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, November 2015.
- Economic Science Association, San Diego, July 2017.
- Department of Economics, University of California at San Barbara, October 2017.
- Department of Economics, Purdue University, October 2017.
- Department of Economics, University of California at Irvine, November 2017.