2014-11-19 UTC
chrissaad joined the channel
# 00:12 GWG Linode has told me they think I am subject to an XML-RPC vulnerability and should shut it off.
# 00:17 GWG I can't turn it off. It would turn off Webmentions
# 00:18 GWG aaronpk: No. But pfefferle's webmention plugin hooks into the ping functionality
sparverius joined the channel
# 00:19 kylewm GWG: you have to turn pingbacks on in order to receive webmentions, right?
# 00:20 tantek GWG - can you provide a citation for the vulnerability?
# 00:20 tantek ^^^ perhaps stub that page with a citation to the vulnerability?
sparverius joined the channel
# 00:20 GWG The vulnerability is to DDOS. Wouldn't Webmention also be vulnerable to that?
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 00:21 aaronpk are they talking about a pingback-specific issue?
# 00:21 GWG aaronpk: Linode has no data on it
# 00:21 GWG "We have received a report of malicious activity originating from your Linode. It's likely that your Linode is being used to pass on pingbacks via the XML RPC Wordpress exploit."
# 00:22 GWG I asked if they had additional details...they said no.
# 00:22 GWG So...they have a report, but can't tell me where it came from
# 00:23 GWG WordPress took out the button to disable XML-RPC
# 00:23 GWG Requests for XML RPC are limited.
# 00:24 kylewm seems like enabling pingbacks is a big ask for a lot of wordpress users
# 00:25 GWG kylewm: I'm not sure it is strictly necessary. I may talk to pfefferle about options.
chrissaad joined the channel
# 00:27 GWG It uses the settings to accept pings.
chrissaad and andrunix joined the channel
brianloveswords, wagle and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:48 tantek whoa bret - nice find. but AFAIK no relation.
# 00:48 bret notice the gates out of hell are "publishers of permalinks" lol
# 00:50 bret oauth, openid and microformats are near the shoulders of giants, just above the lost cave of webdav
# 00:53 bret behold, the holy prophetic illustration!
pfefferle joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:09 snarfed i just noticed webmention.io doesn't handle u-url
# 01:10 snarfed i just noticed webmention.io doesn't handle u-url
chrissaad and brianloveswords joined the channel
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 01:24 GWG tantek: You available about that thing from earlier?
# 01:26 GWG tantek: I added something to private posts.
# 01:27 GWG But this is in need of more development
# 01:30 GWG I may start some suggestions. Not sure what has been done before.
npdoty and brianloveswords joined the channel
fmarier, richardlitt and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:12 mlncn-agaric https://thegrid.io/#9498 has some indiewebcamp-ish talking points: "stop building Zuckerberg's site and build your own" — but presumably not any implementation of standards like webmention. My co-worker-owner at Agaric is acquainted with one of the people involved — and there's always twitter — if people think they should be introduced to doing it right
gr0k, wolftune and mdik joined the channel
cjcahala joined the channel
# 02:51 gRegor` snarfed: Did anything change recently with bridy's TLS? Was running into internal errors trying to publish and realized it's bc curl wasn't verifying the cert. Maybe (probably) something changed on my server, but it was working for a while without problems.
# 02:53 gRegor` Adding SSL_VERIFYPEER: false makes it work, of course. Just curious why it worked before at all. I thought most PHP cURL installs didn't handle any certs unless you pointed it to a local cert file
yakker, rektide, thedod_, chrissaad and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:26 snarfed gRegor`: hey, thanks for the nudge. yeah, i renewed the cert
# 04:27 snarfed i think i'm seeing the same problem with php clients
# 04:27 snarfed i thought the new cert was fine, but i guess maybe not. i'll debug
# 04:35 snarfed gRegor`: in the meantime, if you do need to verify a cert, brid-gy.appspot.com will work
# 04:44 gRegor` cert verification isn't a big concern for me with bridgy at the moment
# 04:45 snarfed gRegor`: understood. my wordpress stopped working w/bridgy publish due to this too, and i didn't know why until now. thanks for answering that riddle for me :P
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chrissaad joined the channel
# 05:46 snarfed !tell gRegor` bridgy ssl cert is fixed. thanks again for the report!
# 05:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
wolftune and chalettu joined the channel
# 06:29 GWG aaronpk: Oh? What do you want to bookmark?
lukebrooker joined the channel
loic_m_, friedcell, KartikPrabhu, friedcell1 and eschnou joined the channel
pfefferle, michielbdejong and sparverius joined the channel
# 08:52 michielbdejong does anybody know how to run Known behind an ssl offloader? It seems to require some special configuration.
pfefferle_ joined the channel
eschnou and alanpearce joined the channel
Sebastien-L and rime1 joined the channel
# 10:05 rime1 using javascript library for a slideshow that zooms and pans. it works perfectly when i test it but after uploading it, the slideshow works but the zooming and panning does not. it is just static images. anyone know why?
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stream7, michielbdejong, jonnybarnes, pfefferle_, PMurphs, andrunix and parzzix joined the channel
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# 13:12 Erkan_Yilmaz Carol_ why?
# 13:13 Carol_ are you familiar with tethering from mobile phone?
# 13:13 Carol_ I have problem windows started saying since last Sunday dns server not reposting
Pierre-O, michielbdejong, michielbdejong1, friedcell, Garbee, Sebastien-L and andrunix joined the channel
michielbdejong, friedcell, shiflett, reedstrm, danlyke_ and gr0k joined the channel
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# 14:43 thedod_ So far I got no webmentions. Wonder whether it's a technical or popularity problem :)
# 14:44 Erkan_Yilmaz hi thedod_ :-)
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# 14:45 thedod_ I'm quite new at this indie business, so not sure the thing works
verdi_, Sebastien-L, benjamin-agaric, gr0k, Pierre-O and veselosky joined the channel
# 15:40 jonnybarnes whats the difference between `for (i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i)` and `for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)`?
# 15:40 thedod_ there isn't any, because there's no expression like f(++i) that actually uses the value
# 15:52 pfefferle GWG hey hey… have you tried the comment_class changes I commited yesterday?
# 15:52 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: a and i would both increment in that second one
# 15:54 ben_thatmustbeme also, thedod_ it worked on my end in so far that you went in to my whitelist. i just found that the code to make that entry public isn't working though
# 15:54 Erkan_Yilmaz thedod_ I don't use the webmentions yet
# 15:57 thedod_ Erkan_Yilmaz, I've installed kylewm's redwind (although my branches became spaghetti this weekend and I need to carefully catchup with upstream :) )
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# 16:03 kylewm thedod_: I rolled back a lot of the weird changes that I made over the weekend, so hopefully it won't be difficult to merge back up :)
# 16:03 kylewm it seems I am not handling transparency in avatars well
# 16:04 GWG Pfefferle, didn't realize you had committed. Will look.
# 16:04 thedod_ I think best is if I catchup with upstream first, and only then try to debug webmentions :)
# 16:05 thedod_ Got a backlog at work, so I'll probably get to it in the weekend
# 16:07 thedod_ hey! my webmention went through \o/. There was something weird. Had to try/except something.
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# 16:11 thedod_ but we don't have any confirmation re "normal" webmention, like if you do this on your own site
# 16:11 ben_thatmustbeme no, i should have sent that mention by the usual method, and it did not seem to go through
# 16:12 kylewm that would explain why the form method works as well
# 16:13 kylewm although it must be running you are able to send wm's
# 16:13 thedod_ ok. I'll pull your master from scratch and work from it
caseorganic and shiflett joined the channel
# 16:16 thedod_ no biggie. I was in a rush to have a working site for Sunday,
brianloveswords and Sebastien-L joined the channel
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indie-visitor joined the channel
# 16:27 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
friedcell, acegiak, brianloveswords, parzzix, gRegor`, tantek, Deledrius and npdoty joined the channel
# 16:58 parzzix So, would you be more indie using known pro or hosting on a VPS? Neither is in your full control?
# 16:58 tantek hey thedod_ congrats on getting RedWind up & running - and congrats to kylewm on a 2nd deployment of RedWind!
# 16:58 Loqi parzzix: kylewm left you a message on 10/21 at 1:31pm: as much as I would probably enjoy hearing the Bad Voltage guys talk indieweb, the prospect kind of terrifies me :)
# 17:00 kylewm parzzix: re the above, @sil tweeted about adding webmentions to his Pelican based blog *yesterday*, very exciting
# 17:00 parzzix kylewm: that is outstanding
# 17:00 kylewm tantek: thank you! all credit to thedod_, he's done a lot to generalize and 'dekyleify' it
# 17:02 kylewm parzzix: and to the earlier question, I'd say if you own the domain name and the content, we don't worry too much about who is running the server :)
# 17:03 parzzix So as long as known allows us access to our content..or a way to retrieve it..they really are about the same.
# 17:03 tantek kylewm: indeed, the 2nd deployment of any open source project is a big accomplishment.
# 17:04 parzzix tantek: a podcast
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# 17:09 kylewm kind of a lot of dudes making fun of each other
# 17:10 GWG Did someone say Indiewebcamp podcast?
# 17:10 parzzix It's pretty entertaining...makes me chuckle a bit
# 17:11 parzzix bad voltage that is
# 17:11 tantek parzzix: perhaps start a wiki page for it if you think it has some relevance to the indieweb?
# 17:14 ben_thatmustbeme hey tantek, now that you aren't in a conf call. Wanted to hear your thoughts on some way to specify data to intended to be private (for your eyes only, or something)
# 17:15 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: do you have a statement of the issue/question captured on a wiki page e.g. as part of a #Issues section or #FAQ section?
# 17:15 GWG ben_thatmustbeme.. our time will come.
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# 17:15 tantek so you can simply reference that URL instead of a restating the problem in IRC?
# 17:15 gRegor` Morning-ish, #indiewebcamp!
# 17:15 Loqi gRegor`: snarfed left you a message 11 hours, 29 minutes ago: bridgy ssl cert is fixed. thanks again for the report!
# 17:17 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: exactly! or split into multiple smaller questions/issues even!
# 17:18 GWG Pfefferle, looked at the commit on my phone. Looks good, will deploy
# 17:19 GWG ben_thatmustbeme, private posts page?
# 17:20 GWG Pfefferle, I work from the repository. Also I may have more pull requests
# 17:25 ben_thatmustbeme though they kind of hit toward the same issue, i think those two cases are very different
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:38 reedstrm jonnybarnes: is that a clever way to say you think privacy can only be protected via encryption?
agaric and alanpearce joined the channel
# 17:44 gRegor` Venue fell through for HWC tonight.
# 17:45 gRegor` What is TARDIS?
Pea1, tantek, andrunix, michielbdejong and herbsmn joined the channel
# 18:23 thedod_ kylewm, seems like the new code wants different db schema (like post.location). How do I migrate a "legacy" db? :)
# 18:25 kylewm thedod_: run python migrations/20141111-fold-up-locations.py
# 18:28 thedod_ kylewm, pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'redwind1.Location' doesn't exist")
# 18:34 thedod_ BTW, we're doing all this on my mysql at home. Later on, I need to do this on *sqlite* on the live site (don't ask)
andrunix and emmak joined the channel
# 18:37 tantek quits and restarts IRC client to clear scrollback.
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# 18:40 tantek ok that's not bad: The “indie web” is a loose concept more or less centered on the idea that the internet should mean flatter, less centralized, more inclusive forms of participation, not new hierarchies.
# 18:42 tantek do any of the sites mentioned support *any* aspect IndieWeb? ThinkUp, The Toast, MLKSHK, Metafilter, NewsBlur?
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# 18:44 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, so i'm trying to update indieweb-messaging to the latest protocol, but honestly, I can't seem to find anywhere that the protocol flow itself for indieauth
# 18:47 tantek should we perhaps accept a looser definition for "indie web" the way the WIRED article defines it? (essentially a semi-obvious generic use of both the adjective "indie" and the noun "web") and then a more specific dfn for "IndieWeb" as in relating specifically to this community?
# 18:48 tantek upside is, then "indie web" includes more things, people, efforts, however loosely aligned (seems like a good thing, bigger tent and all)
# 18:48 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: specs are hard. let's go build stuff.
# 18:49 tantek plus popularizing "indie web" only sends people our way - since that's what Google shows for "indie web"
# 18:49 tantek aaronpk, indeed, specs *are* hard, which is why I often get stuck writing them more than coding :/
# 18:51 tantek aaronpk: does it make sense for Loqi to include the leading "the" in such queries? Or should Loqi drop the leading "the" article the way it drops the leading "a" or "an" article?
# 18:55 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, soo on my todo list, document something of a spec for how indieauth works right now at least. then rewrite indieauth.com with a competitor :P
# 18:56 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: aaronpk, soo on my todo list, document something of a spec for how indieauth works right now at least. then rewrite indieauth.com with a alternative :P
# 18:56 aaronpk remember indieauth.com has two roles, so you can actually replicate just one of the roles and still have a totally viable service
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# 18:56 tantek aaronpk, sounds like indieauth.com needs a roles diagram ;)
# 18:58 tantek wow the aggregators section in business-models looks dumb - as in, it just lists a bunch of free things
# 18:59 aaronpk three of the things listed there are public companies
# 18:59 aaronpk just because a business does not charge end users does not mean it's not a business
# 18:59 tantek yeah - and their business is advertising, not aggregating, which we specifically say to avoid in #Avoiding
# 19:00 tantek business-models should be clustered by how they make their money, not by what they are
# 19:01 aaronpk hm, well I think having them grouped by what they are is useful, what page would that be better on then?
# 19:01 thedod_ kylewm, so what do I do with that migration? it also cries about the location table being missing (and I don't see such a thing at models.py). I'm lost
# 19:01 tantek the point of business models page are the *business models*
# 19:01 aaronpk a lot of the sections actually have full pages there anyway
# 19:02 tantek aggregators is only a business model in as much as people *pay* for aggregation
# 19:02 tantek we should be very upfront about that sort of thing on the business models page
# 19:02 aaronpk maybe we can reorganize the page based on models, and have a short section at the bottom that links to the main pages like dns, hosting, etc
# 19:03 tantek how do the companies/services listed actually make money?
# 19:03 tantek in that list aaronpk, dns, web hosting are already business models
# 19:03 tantek the only problem is how the "free" stuff (impled ad revenue) stuff snuck in
# 19:03 aaronpk dns and web hosting are the same model. the model is charging website owners for services
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# 19:04 tantek they're different services, therefore different models
# 19:04 tantek they even charge differently (typically annually vs. monthly)
# 19:04 aaronpk no, the model is the relationship between payer and payee, and they're the same
# 19:05 tantek no, it's not useful to just generalize everything as "paid service"
# 19:05 tantek the model is the combination of what you build / what service you offer *and* how people pay for it
# 19:05 tantek makes much more sense from page usability perspective to list "things you can build and charge for"
# 19:06 tantek regardless of whether that charge is one-time, monthly, annual etc.
# 19:06 tantek charging people money is the definition of business
# 19:07 aaronpk yes but the people you're charging aren't always the people who buy domains
# 19:07 tantek if you're not charging people money, you're doing community/charity/hobby work
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# 19:07 tantek doesn't matter if the people you're charging don't have their own domains
# 19:08 tantek the point of business models is, how does an indie web project/effort/service *make money*, not, "how do I charge indieweb people money"
# 19:08 tantek (or rather, the latter is a strict subset at best)
# 19:09 aaronpk okay, so i'm not clear on why aggregators can't be in the list then
# 19:09 tantek *aggregators* can (I'm about to add an example) but NONE of the current aggregators listed qualify
# 19:10 tantek because NONE of them charge for their service or aggregation
# 19:10 aaronpk okay. then they can be grouped under a subheader indicating as such
# 19:10 tantek existing aggregator examples DO NOT have an aggregator business model. they ALL have an *advertising* business model
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# 19:11 aaronpk how about "Ad-Supported" as a header instead of "Avoid", let people make their own judgment on whether they want to do that
# 19:13 Loqi A feed reader is an application (local or on the web, like the defunkt Google Reader) that subscribes to feeds (typically legacy Atom & RSS) and presents them in an interface for reading http://indiewebcamp.com/aggregators
# 19:13 aaronpk an aggregator has its own public URLs for posts, a feed reader is private to the user
# 19:14 tantek wat? never heard that definition before or even the idea of distinction!
# 19:15 tantek except that in common discussions about blogs etc., if you say "aggregator" people hear "feed reader"
# 19:15 aaronpk HA apparently I was supposed to set up planet.indiewebcamp.com last year
# 19:18 tantek alright I'm fine with using "Feed Reader" to label RSS readers etc. instead of aggregator
# 19:18 bret i think a timeline would work better than a table there
# 19:18 bret feed reader is appropriate and is independent of the feed type
# 19:19 tantek bret - "feed reader" does assume/imply *separate feed URL* and *separate reader app from posting*
# 19:20 tantek so yes, let's continue to refer to that old model as "feed readers", because they deserve that framing
# 19:20 aaronpk is it just me or does anyone else find the distinction between public URLs vs private readers useful?
# 19:20 bret at the time, most feed readers have always had some kind of share/response button
# 19:20 bret they tended to be really limited actions though
# 19:21 bret google reader had a starred feed iirc
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# 19:21 bret IE when you stared something, it generated a web page with those starred items and their content
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# 19:22 bret most all of the new feed readers have a laundry list of services you can post an item to
# 19:23 bret aaronpk: basically, but you only turn on the ones you want
# 19:25 gRegor` tantek: Personally I've always preferred referring to this community as the IndieWebCamp community, and indieweb as a broader, generic term (not capitalized)
# 19:26 gRegor` bret: Yeah, gReader had a star feed
# 19:28 kylewm thedod_: hey sorry it's giving you problems. the previous version had a location table with latitude, longitude, and a bunch of fields for geocoding (region, county, locality) ... i converted that to a json string and just stuck it in each individual post and venue that has location data associated with it
mko joined the channel
# 19:33 tantek gRegor`: is ThinkUp really a silo? or is it more of a service that monitors your silo accounts for you?
# 19:34 gRegor` quoting self: It's a silo for the analytics data, afaik
# 19:34 tantek what do you "post" to ThinkUp that then gets stored there?
# 19:34 Loqi A silo, or web content hosting silo, in the context of the IndieWeb, is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls) http://indiewebcamp.com/silo
# 19:34 gRegor` > I'm a little unclear, actually. I know it started as an open source project you installed on your own site. I did ages ago. They've changed into a paid service model, it appears, though the code is still on GH
# 19:34 tantek perhaps capture that history in a summary in the definition
# 19:34 aaronpk I don't think it counts as a silo because the content is generated byt hat service, not contributed from outside
# 19:34 GWG tantek: To recap, you are correct that the Indieweb version of a gravatar is h-card plus URL. I want to replace gravatar in WordPress with H-Card+URL.
# 19:35 tantek aaronpk - agreed, it's not a silo, it's a silo service
# 19:35 aaronpk it's just a service. it could just as easily monitor posts from your own site.
# 19:35 tantek and I have no idea what the current ThinkUp is vs. what the open source project used to be
# 19:35 mko Regarding an IndieWeb profile photo, you could do something like Gravatar. Specifically, they use a unique hash (specifically the hash of the email address of the user). You could easily do the same with the hash of the user's email or domain. Basically, search for h-card on homepage. If there's a picture available in the h-card, use it. If there's not, check for email and hash it and use your own service (or Gravatar if you like their placeholders).
# 19:35 mko Then if there's not an email, hash their domain and force the default using the "f=y" so you don't accidentally get someone else's photo.
# 19:36 aaronpk i think i signed up for the free 14-day trial, logged in once, then forgot to check it again later before my trial was up
# 19:36 gRegor` mko: As a service on their site, yes.
# 19:36 GWG mko: I think you can still host an instance.
# 19:36 gRegor` You can probably still host it. Code is on GH
# 19:36 GWG I think the pivot is they now offer a hosted service as well as an open source project
# 19:37 mko They went the WordPress route. Good for them.
# 19:37 gRegor` I can find very little info on the site detailing installing it, though.
# 19:37 gRegor` checks thinkup.org
# 19:37 GWG mko: I think that is a good move.
# 19:37 mko tantek: I was just referring to their business model.
# 19:37 GWG tantek: Hosted content no. They are hosting your Thinkup instance, which is a statistics gathering service
# 19:37 tantek does anyone have thinkup installed on their own site and use that to post content to their own site?
# 19:38 aaronpk I think mko was referring just to the "open source plus paid service" aspect of wordpress
# 19:38 gRegor` I have an early early version on a domain. After a year of forgetting to check it, I turned off the cron for it.
# 19:38 gRegor` It probably stopped working anyway
# 19:38 mko Note: "pretty easy" for a Developer. Not for a normal person.
# 19:39 mko Not really. It does more than just metrics.
# 19:39 tantek that didn't seem to be the case when Gina demoed it at XOXO this year
# 19:40 mko It does things like give you diffs of profile data of your friends, bubbles up content that you wouldn't normally see, etc.
# 19:40 tantek but now it seems more like a Twitter navel-gazing analysis tool
# 19:40 aaronpk i'd log in and screenshot it but my trial ran out
# 19:40 aaronpk the screenshots on the home page are good examples tho
# 19:40 mko It is definitely mostly a navel-gazing thing, unless you're actually optimizing your behaviors.
# 19:40 gRegor` mko: where'd you find the docs links? Can't seem to find them anywhere
# 19:41 GWG tantek: Stats are a big business.
# 19:41 mko In the GitHub repo's "CONTRIBUTING.md"
# 19:41 mko Interestingly, though, the docs were last updated in January of this year, which isn't very reassuring.
# 19:43 tantek sounds reasonable. link to the legacy from the current thing.
# 19:43 tantek just as we use indieauth as our openid provider
# 19:44 gRegor` What is gravatar?
# 19:45 gRegor` What is avatar?
# 19:46 tantek.com edited /feed_reader (+1051) "dump Other Aggregators to leave for someone else to cleanup, someone thought these were interesting to list on business-models so keeping the list despite the fact that none of them actually make money for charging for aggregation" (
view diff )
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# 19:51 parzzix Decided to sign on to known pro, looking forward to trying it out.
# 19:52 gRegor` There's a DeLorean in the venue for tonight's Chicago HWC
# 19:52 gRegor` A Back to the Future one, specifically.
# 19:52 bret parzzix: what do you like about pro over basic? ( not familiar with the differences)
# 19:54 parzzix pro isn't out yet, but supposed ti have a bunch of new features, like static pages, different silos and the like
# 19:55 GWG Besides, I've already seen a parking lot full of Deloreans
# 19:55 gRegor` Only if a third person comes. :)
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# 19:55 mko I love Wormhole. gRegor` -- how many people are in Chicago for HWCs?
# 19:55 parzzix bret: It will be a little cheaper than what I am paying for VPS right now also...part of my decision.
# 19:56 bret parzzix: from a time input perspective, i bet it will be
# 19:56 gRegor` I've not been there. Looking forward to it.
# 19:57 parzzix bret: that is another plus...I'll let ben and the gang manage the backend.
# 19:57 bret until docker can remove the complexity of VPS management, I'm personally going to stick with whatever option is the easiest to maintain
# 19:58 bret so right now, thats gh-pages, PAAS helper services, irc cloud, and feedbin
# 20:00 gRegor` Haha. It's a coffeeshop, tantek.
# 20:00 tantek michielbdejong: so "LXC based containers" = linux containers based containers ?
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# 20:02 GWG I want to see, if I get earlier hours on Wednesdays, if I can get an in-person HWC going in NYC.
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# 20:04 bret michielbdejong: do you have any getting started with docker references that you thought were good or particularly helpful?
# 20:05 tantek if it's worth doing once, it's worth doing twice?
# 20:05 michielbdejong yeah, it doesn't hurt to have two I guess. although this is a curse in general, when working with Docker. For WordPress, there are hundreds of images.
# 20:10 gRegor` Portland having HWC tonight?
# 20:11 michielbdejong yeah, it's the docker registry is the default location to pull images from. but in practice you often find more dockerfiles in github search than in the docker registry
# 20:12 mko I've never tried searching Github for dockerfiles. That's a good idea.
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# 20:15 michielbdejong mko: yeah, there are lots. unfortunately, they're about the same quality as the ones in the registry, usually: close, but no cigar
# 20:15 aaronpk looks like it's not checking the subject alternate name
# 20:16 aaronpk but I do see michielbdejong.com in your cert, so it should be matching it
# 20:16 aaronpk huh actually it looks the same as mine (also a startssl cert)
# 20:17 Loqi michielbdejong meant to say: and you do indieauth with the domain root?
# 20:17 aaronpk just checked again and it had no problem fetching my site
# 20:20 aaronpk something causes it to freak out after a "while" and if I restart the app it works fine
# 20:21 aaronpk this is one of the reasons I prefer php. way easier to avoid bizarre memory leak bugs since there isn't an "app" running the whole time.
# 20:21 bear didn't we track down an issue with one of the ssl libs recently that had bad timeout behaviour?
# 20:21 aaronpk yeah and someone filed a bug on it, I forget where that is tho
# 20:22 snarfed aaronpk: (tangent) huh, really? i don't pay that much attention to modern web dev, but i assumed that was determined by fastcgi/wsgi/etc as much as language or runtime
# 20:22 snarfed ie wouldn't fastcgi or wsgi keep the php runtime up between requests?
# 20:22 bear I think we did - IIRC it was for a ruby lib
# 20:22 aaronpk snarfed: well in fpm mode the php runtime stays running, so it's possible to have memory leaks
# 20:22 bear php-fpm keeps them alive if it's configured to do so (or after N uses)
# 20:23 bear you can tell it to recycle the php session after N uses
# 20:23 snarfed right, ok. same with similar configs for python, etc
# 20:23 aaronpk i guess? good luck getting a ruby app to handle a request instantly tho
# 20:24 snarfed sure, definitely differences in runtime startup time
# 20:25 aaronpk michielbdejong: cool! I think I'm gonna add a cron job to restart the app every hour
# 20:25 michielbdejong If i use indieauth to log into my own WordPress site, can I then use my own indieauth instance instead of using the central indieauth.com one?
# 20:26 aaronpk bear: I've been switching everything to nginx+php-fpm lately. still have a few things hanging around on apache and mod-php
# 20:26 aaronpk michielbdejong: the wordpress indieauth plugin uses indieauth.com to handle all the hard parts, so it'll always redirect you there
fmarier joined the channel
# 20:27 bear aaronpk - the config setting you want to enable then is pm.max_requests - the default is 0 which means an instance will stay around forever
# 20:28 bear another I like is slowlog - to watch for php sessions that are bogged down
# 20:28 michielbdejong aaronpk: right, but I could fork the plugin, change the URL, and then it would work, right?
# 20:30 bret tantek: unfortunately i don't have much time for meetups till the quarter is over
# 20:31 bret I will have more time probably by mid december
# 20:31 bret so unless some of the other recent atendees want to get together
# 20:33 snarfed tantek++ for not replying with an lmgtfy.com link
# 20:33 tantek snarfed - they did specifically say "Didn't find it in indieweb wiki" which I thought was reasonable enough of a passive request ;)
# 20:34 tantek uh GWG - hoping that -514 becomes a +514 in your next edit (better to edit the whole page when moving upcoming to past)
# 20:34 snarfed tantek: i dunno. googling it is a reasonable expectation too. the iwc wiki doesn't need to reproduce all information :P
# 20:35 snarfed (but that's proably why i'm not the best first line representative. :P anyway…)
# 20:35 tantek snarfed - I assumed that before (or after?) they checked the IWC wiki they also googled it
# 20:35 tantek that is, I assumed checking the IWC wiki was a proxy for more work than just googling
# 20:36 GWG But I'm the only local person. So when do I show?
# 20:36 snarfed tantek: really? very first google result for lockss for me is lockss.org. acronym expansion is even in the search result. both when logged in and in incognito window
andrunix joined the channel
# 20:38 GWG aaronpk: At least I'm not alone anymore
brianloveswords and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:42 michielbdejong GWG: we tried to start a HWC in Lisbon, Portugal, but didn't find many takers so far. Our timezone is UTC. :)
# 20:42 michielbdejong Maybe we'll try to connect with the WordPress meetup, which apparently has about 30 people
# 20:43 bret michielbdejong: all it takes is two people to be a meetup. Start with a friend and advertise, you are bound to get more attendees.
# 20:50 michielbdejong bret: yes, we tried it, but only two times so far. Lisbon has quite a modest tech scene, most meetups (bitcoin, javascript, whatever) are about 10 people, and usually the same faces. But we'll keep trying! :) (also in Berlin maybe)
benwerd joined the channel
# 21:05 tantek in having frustrations photo-tagging on a silo (because said silo can't seem to reliably serve https), it makes me wonder if a "photo-tag post" makes sense, as a kind of interaction
# 21:05 aaronpk that'd be a neat way for other people to be able to tag people in your photos
# 21:06 tantek an in-reply-to a photo post, with a name/URL of a person (who is presumably in the photo), and optional 2d point or rect or square or polygon?
# 21:06 tantek and then call Bridgy Publish to POSSE a copy of your "photo tag post" to the silo that has the photo, where Bridgy could do the photo-tagging for you as your post specifies to do.
# 21:07 tantek presumably the reply-context for a photo-tag post would include the entire photo that you're tagging
# 21:07 tantek so that your photo-tag post could actually display a name/link of the people-tag, optionally on top of the person in the photo via 2d point/rect
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 21:08 bear isn't that a variation of a fragmention?
# 21:08 tantek whcih also makes me thinkg a people-tag post should be able to specify multiple people-tags
# 21:08 tantek it's not marginalia as it's not in the margin
# 21:09 bear sorry, I was typing fast and trying to use "fragmention" as short-hand for a webmention targetting a specific mf2 item within a url
# 21:09 tantek though a way of specifying a point/rect on an image URL would be interesting
# 21:10 gRegor` snarfed: What did you update with bridgy's TLS?
# 21:11 snarfed gRegor`: i originally only used the domain cert, but it also needed the CA's intermediate cert. i added that
# 21:14 tantek aaronpk - so yes, I'd like to post people-tag posts on my own site as replies to photo posts on silos
# 21:14 tantek anyone could people-tag across the indieweb of photo posts
# 21:15 tantek and the original photo post would simply accumulate all the people-tags via the same webmention receiving mechanisms we use for everything else
# 21:15 tantek is braindumping into IRC as thoughts pop into his head
# 21:16 tantek of course this brings up the challenge/question of - how do I see all the photos that I'm tagged in?
# 21:16 aaronpk presumably you'd be tagging the person and link to their home page
# 21:16 tantek not only is there a need for a people aggregator for people search, but now a people-tags aggregator to see what photos you've been tagged in across the web!
# 21:16 aaronpk so your post would send a webmention to their home page which could recognize it as a tag
# 21:17 tantek yes! your people-tag post sends webmentions to BOTH the original photo post AND the home page of the person you're tagging
# 21:17 tantek ok - still don't need an aggregator for that then ;)
# 21:17 tantek then when you're people-tagged in something, you get a home page webmention from a people-tag post, and you can keep all those in a list too
# 21:17 aaronpk but that sort of smart recognition of the semantics of the post is a perfect thing for services like webmention.io, which could give you interfaces for browsing your webmentions not just as a list of most recent, but grouped by "photos i'm tagged in", etc
# 21:18 aaronpk (of course your site could do it too, but using a service would be the lazy way)
# 21:18 tantek this enables a sort of SWAT 0.1 where there are FOUR actors
# 21:19 tantek A takes photo of B and posts it, *D* is following A so sees the photo and people-tags B in it. C comments on the photo which notifies A, B, and D
# 21:20 aaronpk and that's how they found the photo, because B was tagged in it
# 21:20 tantek where you see stuff your friends are passively involved in
# 21:20 Loqi tantek meant to say: where you see stuff your followings are passively involved in
# 21:21 tantek in addition to stuff your followings actively post
# 21:22 tantek dang why do I keep coming up with new post type ideas faster than I can code them :/
# 21:22 tantek I blame the silos for being a source of frustration.
# 21:23 aaronpk and now i'm seriously considering a whole reworking of how i handle content and URLs which is gonna delay all the new stuff
# 21:23 aaronpk i need to take like 2 weeks off and churn through all this
# 21:24 GWG I'm going to take a rest for a few. Someone ping me when HWC starts
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# 21:32 tantek does anyone get home page webmention notifications? and have a list of them they can look at? (separate from just a list of all webmentions you've received)
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# 21:35 snarfed (i don't think any visible right now are homepage mentions, but they do show up there)
# 21:35 bear my arrives via xmpp alerts from my bot
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# 21:37 snarfed er, disregard ben_thatmust's, looks like his is all wms, not just homepage
# 21:40 tantek KevinMarks_: separate from just a list of all webmentions you've received?
# 21:42 tantek as in - ways we can build better indieweb sites than any silo
# 21:43 tantek do you have a <noscript> fallback with a hyperlink to a page somewhere that renders those webmentions server-side instead?
# 21:44 tantek SVG is basically *begging* for someone to invent a simpler more robust more minimal more authorable vector graphics format.
# 21:49 tantek I'm thinking a single person per person-tag post might actually be ok / accurate, as it is a distinct action that has its own dt-published time that you "do" / "save" it.
# 21:49 tantek and then the key may be to intelligently cluster such person-tag posts that are in-reply-to the same photo post
# 21:50 tantek rather than having each look like a distinct post, you could apply a heuristic of detecting consecutive replies you posted in-reply-to the same original permalink
# 21:50 tantek and show them as one big compound reply post, with a single reply-context (since they're in-reply-to the same thing)
# 21:51 aaronpk instead of showing each incoming "like" as a full entry, I want to cluster them based on the common item that is being liked
# 21:51 tantek however having each person-tag be its own post makes sense from a webmention sending/receiving perspective too
# 21:51 tantek on the receiving end - it's perfectly fine (maybe even easier to parses/process/handle) one-person person-tag posts
# 21:53 tantek if we're ok with a limited one-person per person-tag post then the syntax is fairly simple
# 21:53 reedstrm also makes a for easier repudiation/correction: mistags can be corrected individually
# 21:54 tantek by changing just that one post and (re)sending a webmention per CRUD
# 21:56 tantek we already a way of doing in-reply-to, and a pattern for specific interactions: u-*-of
# 21:56 tantek we already have a way of including tags in a post: p-category
# 21:56 tantek an h-entry that has a u-in-reply-to inside that *also* has the class name u-tag-of
# 21:57 tantek and then inside the h-entry (likely inside the e-content, but not essential), a p-category with the tagname string
# 21:57 tantek and if the p-category is also an h-card, e.g. "p-category h-card", then it becomes a person-tag
# 21:58 tantek to tag a person at a specific *point* in a photo, you simply append the server-side-image-map URL syntax to the in-reply-to tag-of URL ?x,y
andrunix joined the channel
# 21:59 aaronpk what if the in reply to URL already has a query string?
# 22:00 tantek KevinMarks: much more extensibility than that ;)
friedcell joined the channel
# 22:01 tantek if it has a name, URL, photo, just process it the same way
# 22:01 tantek aaronpk - not sure - probably worth exploring alternatives
# 22:01 tantek especially since alternatives should allow a whole *rect*, not just a point
# 22:02 tantek much extensibility is what you get by combinging "p-category" with *any* h-*
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# 22:02 tantek e.g. you could tag a photo as being *at a geolocation* by "p-category h-geo"
# 22:02 Loqi tantek meant to say: e.g. you could tag any post as being *at a geolocation* by "p-category h-geo"
# 22:03 tantek you could tag any post as having been taken at an event by "p-category h-event"
# 22:03 Loqi tantek meant to say: you could tag any post as having been posted at an event by "p-category h-event"
# 22:04 tantek you could tag any post, like a photo, as having a specific *product* in it by "p-category h-product", and coordinates for the product in the photo
# 22:05 tantek I think this might just solve the arbitrary object annotated with another type of object that the w3c annotation folks are (over)thinking about.
# 22:05 tantek as this works for people-tagging others' photo posts
# 22:05 tantek it extends trivially to anything-tagging others' anything posts
# 22:07 aaronpk i can tag your stuff and you can choose whether to accept it
# 22:07 tantek right - it builds on all the indieweb building blocks
# 22:07 tantek webmentions - you choose whether to accept them or not from anybody or not
# 22:08 tantek you could even allow only people-tags from A of person B, if there's a vouch from person/site B to A!
# 22:09 tantek you could even use this to tag your own posts
# 22:09 tantek instead of feeling pressured to get it all "right" when you initially post
# 22:09 aaronpk I recently added an interface for adding tags to my own posts
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# 22:09 tantek just post your content, and append the other stuff later if needed / wanted
# 22:09 aaronpk I was originally thinking about doing it via micropub
# 22:10 tantek aaronpk - and of course you can post "just" string tags too
# 22:10 aaronpk but this would be better because then I could accept tags from other people
# 22:10 tantek micropub could be used to *update* a post with tags directly embedded in the post
# 22:10 aaronpk my current implementation is not actually micropub, it's just an internal request
# 22:10 tantek and you could receive webmentions of tag posts and display them on a post like you display comments/likes/reposts on a post
# 22:11 tantek KevinMarks - already discussed above along with implications / presentation etc.
# 22:11 tantek aaronpk - sure. I'm saying that adding tags to micropub *and* receiving webmentions for tag posts both make sense.
# 22:12 aaronpk adding tags via micropub is more like an "edit" of the post
# 22:12 aaronpk which is actually what we hashed out more of during indiewebcamp online
andrunix joined the channel
# 22:14 KevinMarks_ So, concretely, how would I change the output of noterlive to tag the people I'm recording?
# 22:15 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: So, concretely, how would I change the output of noterlive to tag the people I'm quoting?
# 22:17 tantek KevinMarks - could you provide a permalink on your site of an individual noterlive post?
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# 22:24 tantek on an individual post, you would take your existing reference to the person (name & URL), make that a "p-category h-card".
# 22:24 tantek so then we know that your post is about that person
lukebrooker, alanpearce, gRegor`, reidab, Pea1, KevinMarks__, j12t and wolftune joined the channel
# 23:05 tantek side-effect of solving the general annotate an object with another object problem, which was meant to solve the specific use-case of posting a people-tag post about someone else's photo post :
# 23:05 tantek the same syntax works for just person-tagging a post directly
# 23:06 tantek (at least without the consideration of location - that's TBD)
# 23:06 tantek though once that's solved, we can also post arbitrary photo notes
# 23:09 tantek thus on *any* post, if you want to tag the post itself, simply markup your tags for the post with p-category inside the h-entry, e.g. #<span class="p-category">indiewebcamp</span>
# 23:09 aaronpk hmm I suppose they should be treated as the same URL even though they are actually different
# 23:10 tantek thus to add a *person-tag* to any post, make that p-category an h-card as well, and per common usage, a hyperlink to the person's profile/homepage
gRegor` joined the channel
# 23:11 tantek <a class="p-category h-card" href="http://personB.example.com/">Person Bee</a> - anywhere inside the h-entry, e.g. even inline in the e-content!
# 23:12 tantek so if it's a photo post, you've person-tagged your photo post - implying that the photo is *about* the person, thus the person is *in* the photo
# 23:12 tantek really simple incremental markup addition to any post
# 23:12 tantek really simple incremental property to parse (and embedded object to look for)
# 23:12 aaronpk I still wish it was called p-tag instead of p-category given that all the documentation and conversation refers to it as a "tag" instead of a "category"
# 23:13 tantek "tags" are the fashionable term (years) for what has been called / known as "category" or "subject" for *decades*
# 23:13 tantek so no - it doesn't make sense to call something (different) p-tag
# 23:13 tantek plus p-category already exists from h-card hCard vCard etc.
# 23:13 GWG tantek: WordPress defines the difference, interestingly enough, as hierarchy.
# 23:14 GWG A tag lacks a hierarchy, but a category has one.
# 23:14 tantek I bet most uses of category lack any hierarchy as well
# 23:14 tantek sounds like the same way that a wikipedia page name has a hierarchy because it has "/" in the name
# 23:15 aaronpk oh yeah I remember setting up category hierarchies for wordpress blogs
# 23:16 GWG I use categories sparingly and tags regularly.
# 23:16 GWG Categories are what I use to section my site. Tags are what I use to group subjects.
gRegor` and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 23:21 aaronpk ok yeah that's it i'm giving up on segmenting my site based on post type
# 23:21 aaronpk everything is just going to be a "post" from now on, and the post is going to have different attributes
# 23:22 aaronpk i'm still going to publish multiple feeds, because I don't want my reply posts in my main feed
# 23:22 aaronpk but i'll basically be able to put any post into any feed
# 23:23 aaronpk I think my next step is to go through all of my existing posts and document what kinds of properties all of them have
# 23:25 tantek note that person-tags are both an aspect of a post, and potentially a post type in and of themselves!
# 23:26 aaronpk which means I have the first additional attribute I need to add, an "update-of" property
# 23:27 gRegor` I'm experimenting with Chatzilla's motif, which unfortunately requires restarting Firefox, thus my joins/parts.
# 23:27 tantek I'd interpret update-of as a literal update - like inline
# 23:27 gRegor` So sorry about that. But when I'm done, this will resemble the log version of the chat and be much better. Wee!
KevinMarks and gRegor` joined the channel
# 23:30 tantek but question - why does it need explicit markup at all?
# 23:32 aaronpk earlier I mentioned I will be choosing which feeds various posts go into
# 23:32 aaronpk one automatic rule is replies don't go into my home page feed
# 23:33 aaronpk like if a collection changes, it's because of an explicit "update" action?
# 23:34 aaronpk oh interesting point, would you expect to see all posts in a collection without paging?
# 23:34 aaronpk I expect to be able to navigate through all posts in a feed too, but by paging
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# 23:38 tantek aaronpk - not a reasonable expectation - certainly not backed by typical implementation
# 23:38 tantek where feeds have n posts and that's it. zero pagination
# 23:38 tantek whereas there is an expectation of being able to get to
# 23:39 tantek a feed is expected to just be a most recent things slice
# 23:39 tantek aaronpk - if you got person-tag replies to a photo post, would you show them as <area> elements on top of the photo?
# 23:40 tantek of course that would require a way for the person-tag reply to indicate *where* the <area> element should go on the photo
# 23:43 tantek like a <span class="p-category h-shape">…</span>
# 23:44 tantek of course the geo world has an idea of a shape of something with a description of what it is right?
# 23:44 Loqi benwerd: mko left you a message on 11/10 at 4:42pm: Are the Known Pro features going to be available to self-hosted instances on GitHub, or does pre-ordering Known Pro get developer access to Known Pro code as well?
agaric joined the channel
# 23:45 aaronpk i like that "fatberg is down" is the thing that brought benwerd out
# 23:47 tantek benwerd, making it to the 1 year anniversary of HWC tonight?
# 23:47 mko I love that my message for benward was so long ago that it had to use an absolute date instead of a relative date.
# 23:47 mko And, benwerd, I still am waiting on that answer.
# 23:48 benwerd snarfed: oh, we do know about that. It's some teenagers in India. We like their enthusiasm :)
# 23:48 tantek gets the feeling benwerd is drowing in inbox(es).
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# 23:50 tantek oh wait - no need for h-shape - the person-tag post itself can use <area> to do the linking to the person!
# 23:51 tantek <area class="p-category h-card" href="http://personB.example.com" shape="rect" coords="100,100,120,120">
# 23:52 tantek for a "point" you'd simply use 1x1, e.g. coords="100,100,101,101"
# 23:53 tantek <area class="p-category h-card" href="http://personB.example.com" alt="Person Bee" shape="rect" coords="100,100,120,120">
# 23:53 tantek and if you want the person's name to show up as a tool-tip on hover:
# 23:53 tantek <area class="p-category h-card" href="http://personB.example.com" alt="Person Bee" title="Person Bee" shape="rect" coords="100,100,120,120">
# 23:54 Loqi tantek meant to say: to leave a comment on a specific rectangle on a photo:
# 23:55 tantek <area class="p-category h-entry" href="http://b.example.com/note-permalink" alt="This spot in the photo is interesting." shape="rect" coords="100,100,120,120">
# 23:59 tantek has made far too much wiki-work for himself in IRC today. Sigh.
# 23:59 GWG tantek: Think of the benefit to future generations
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