Welcome to ICVIP2025! The 9th
International Conference on Video and Image Processing will take place
on December 5-7, 2025 in Shanghai, China,
which will be sponsored by East China Normal University, China.
With the successful experience in the past 8 editions of ICVIP in
Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Xi'an, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Kyoto, Kuala Lumpur, we can see the
development of ICVIP. The conference features peer-reviewed
presentations showcasing the latest technologies, applications and
services, keynote talks from renowned academics, special session, and
academic visit.
Look forward to meeting you in Shanghai again!
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papers will be included in International Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by Ei Compendex,
Scopus, IET and CPCI (Web of Science), etc.
ICVIP 2023 Proceedings (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0938-8) are included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
ICVIP 2022 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9756-8) are included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
ICVIP 2021 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8589-3) are included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
ICVIP 2020 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8907-5) are included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
ICVIP 2019 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7682-2) are included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
ICVIP 2018 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6613-7) are included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex, CPCI and Scopus already.
ICVIP 2017 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-5383-0) are included in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex, CPCI and Scopus already.
Paper Template(doc) Paper Template(LaTex) Submit Now
The 9th International Conference on Video and Image
Processing (ICVIP 2025) will bring together industry professionals,
academics, and individuals from government agencies and other
institutions to exchange information and ideas on the advancement of
information technology. Topics of interest for submission include, but
are not limited to:
3D images and models |
3D imaging |
Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for images, audio and video |
Affect-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos |
Applications in broadcast, web, cultural heritage, satellite, forensic, and (bio-)medical image and video collections |
Case studies and emerging technologies |
Classification and clustering techniques |
Color and texture |
Compression methods |
Computational geometry |
Computer animation |
Computer art and entertainment (including games) |
Content-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos |
Curves and meshes |
Database architectures for image/video retrieval |
e-Learning applications and computer graphics |
Multimodal human computer interaction |
Novel image data management systems and applications |
Object recognition |
Ontologies for annotation and search of images and videos |
Query models, paradigms, and languages for image/video retrieval |
Real-time collision detection algorithms |
Real-time rendering for VR |
Rendering methods |
Illumination and reflection techniques |
Image compression, coding, and encryption |
Image data structures for computer graphics |
Image feature extraction |
Image generation, acquisition, and processing |
Image geometry and multi-view geometry |
Image/video search and browsing on the Web |
Image/video summarization and visualization |
Image-based modeling and algorithms |
Learning and relevance feedback in image/video retrieval |
Machine learning technologies for vision |
Machine architectures/engines for graphics and VR |
Modeling of natural scenes and phenomena |
Simulation and virtual reality |
Software tools for computer graphics |
Software tools for virtual reality |
Sound rendering technologies |
Studies of information-seeking behavior among image/video users |
Surface modeling |
Virtual and augmented reality |
Virtual environments |
Virtual humans and artificial life |
Virtual laboratories |
Virtual reality and emerging applications |
Virtual reality software tools and languages |
Virtual reality techniques for behavioral and cognitive assessment |
Virtual reality, visualization, and education |
Visual computing and graphics |
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2025 Notification Deadline: June 30, 2025 Registration Deadline: July 15, 2025 Listener Registration: December 1, 2025 Tips: *Authors are encouraged to submit their papers as early as possible to allow sufficient time for review, |