Welcome to The 9th ICAAI 2025

ICAAI 2025 conference committee sincerely invite you to take part in 9th International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence (ICAAI 2025) during September 11-13, 2025 in Manchester, UK. It is co-organized by Birmingham City University, Staffordshire University London (SUL), Science and Engineering Institute, and Bubo.AI, technically supported by QAHE at Northumbria University London Campus, Middlesex University London, etc.

ICAAI is the premier forum that brings both industry and academia for the dissemination of technological advances, research results and applications in the fields of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Technologies. The conference will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers and industry experts to exchange their ideas face to face. We have the strong organization team, dependable reputation and wide sponsors all around the world. We welcome you to be a member of our big family.

Sincere gratitude would be extended to all keynotes speakers and conference members for their technical advices and pertinent suggestions, and to all the scholars and experts in this field for eager supports.

We're looking forward to your attendance in London, UK.

Conference Proceedings

Honorable authors are cordially invited to contribute their research papers. All papers submitted to the conference will be subjected to the rigorous peer-review process. For accepted papers, it will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus and other academical databases.

You are welcome to submit abstracts for presentation and share the latest research. However, abstracts are solely intended for oral presentations and will not be included in the conference proceedings.

ICAAI 2024 | ACM Proceedings ISBN: 979-8-4007-1801-4 | Online | index ming soon......
ICAAI 2023 | ACM Proceedings ISBN: 979-8-4007-0898-5 | Online | EI Compendex and SCOPUS
ICAAI 2022 | ACM Proceedings ISBN: 978-1-4503-9694-3 | Online | EI Compendex and SCOPUS
ICAAI 2021 | ACM Proceedings ISBN: 978-1-4503-9069-9 | Online | EI Compendex and SCOPUS
Please get more information from the publication.

Important Dates



Technically Supporters

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