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FPSAC'99: Barcelona
The 11th international conference on
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
Polytechnical University of Catalonia,
Barcelona (Spain)
June 7 - 11
FPSAC'1998: Toronto
FPSAC'2000: Moscow
Editor: Robert Cori and Marc Noy
Chairs of the program committee
Robert Cori, Oriol Serra
Chair of the organizing committee
Marc Noy
Invited speakers
George Andrews: USA
Miquel Angel Fiol: Spain
Claire Kenyon: France
Victor Neuman-Lara: Mexico
Cheryl Praeger: Australia
Arun Ram: USA
Dominic Welsh: United Kingdom
Jean-Bernard Zuber: France
Program Committee
Gert Almkvist: Sweden
Helene Barcelo: USA
François Bergeron: Canada
Robert Cori (chair): France
Jean-Marc Fédou: France
Kazuhizo Koike: Japan
Conrado Martínez: Spain
Alexander Mikhalev: Russia
Marc Noy: Spain
Peter Paule: Austria
Renzo Pinzani: Italy
Oriol Serra (chair): Spain
Rodica Simion: USA
Dennis Stanton: USA
Sheila Sundaram: USA
Jean-Yves Thibon: France
Volkmar Welker: Germany
Nick Wormald: Australia
Jiang Zeng: France
Organizing Committee
Josep M. Brunat: UPC, Barcelona
Maylis Delest: U. de Bordeaux, France
Pilar Esqué: UPC, Barcelona
Ferran Hurtado: UPC, Barcelona
Conrado Martínez: UPC, Barcelona
Montserrat Maureso: UPC, Barcelona
Antonio Montes: UPC, Barcelona
Mercè Mora: UPC, Barcelona
Marc Noy (chair): UPC, Barcelona
José Luis Ruiz: UPC, Barcelona
Carlos Seara: UPC, Barcelona
Oriol Serra: UPC, Barcelona
Supplementary files