2961 documents matched the search for D12 Q21 Q41 in JEL-codes.
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The European Union Energy Policy Analysis, Cibotariu Irina ?tefana and Maftei Daniel,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: energy politics, energy security, energy priorities, green energy.
La crisis de la deuda y la agricultura latinoamericana, Michael J. Twomey.,
in Revista Economía
Keywords: Latin American debt
Information Sharing and Strategic Supplier Partnership in Supply Chain Management: A Study on Pharmaceutical Companies of Pakistan, Ambreen Khan and Danish Siddiqui,
in Asian Business Review
Keywords: Strategic supplier partnership; quality of information sharing; Level of information sharing; firm performance
A Comparison of the Effects of Decommissioning, Catch Quotas, and Mesh Regulation in Restoring a Depleted Fishery, Paul J. Hillis and Vilhajalmur Wiium,
from National University of Ireland Galway, Department of Economics
A European model for waste and material flows, Frits Møller Andersen, Helge Larsen, Mette Skovgaard, Stephan Moll and Stéphane Isoard,
in Resources, Conservation & Recycling
Keywords: Econometric analysis; Environmental modelling and projections; Waste and material flows;
Elephants, Charles Morcom and Michael Kremer,
in American Economic Review
Global Environmental Risks, Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey Heal,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Symposium on Management of Local Commons, Pranab Bardhan,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Managing Local Commons: Theoretical Issues in Incentive Design, Paul Seabright,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Energetika – obnoviteľné zdroje energie a dovoz surovín, Michal Fabuš and Miroslav Mečár,
in Almanach (Actual Issues in World Economics and Politics)
Keywords: dovoz, nerastné suroviny, energetika, obnoviteľné zdroje energie, ropa, plyn, uhlie
The Clean Air Act Amendments and Firm Investment in Pollution Abatement Equipment, Amanda I. Lee and James Alm,
in Land Economics
How Do Respondents with Uncertain Willingness to Pay Answer Contingent Valuation Questions?, Richard Ready, Stale Navrud and RW. Richard Dubourg,
in Land Economics
Tradable Permit Tariffs: How Local Air Pollution Affects Carbon Emissions Permit Trading, Randall Lutter and Jason Shogren,
in Land Economics
Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Using GIS to Incorporate Visibility in Hedonic Property Value Models, Robert W. Paterson and Kevin Boyle,
in Land Economics
Discounting and Uncertainty in Climate Change Policy Analysis, Richard Howarth,
in Land Economics
The Death of the Pigovian Tax? Policy Implications from the Double-Dividend Debate, Eban Goodstein,
in Land Economics
Toward an Understanding of Technology Adoption: Risk, Learning, and Neighborhood Effects, Kenneth A. Baerenklau,
in Land Economics
Policy Design and Conservation Compliance on Highly Erodible Lands, Konstantinos Giannakas and Jonathan D. Kaplan,
in Land Economics
Market failure, perception and logic of the commons. Case: Sierra Nevada National Park, Venezuela, José Miguel Sánchez,
in Economía
Keywords: Market failure, common resources, open access resources, Tragedy of the Commons.
Calibration of Stated Willingness to Pay for Public Goods with Voting and Tax Liability Data: Provision of Landscape Amenities in Switzerland, Nick Hanley and Felix Schläpfer,
from Business School - Economics, University of Glasgow
Keywords: contingent valuation; indifferent voter; median voter theorem; referendum;valuation
En elmarknad i förändring - Är kundernas flexibilitet till salu eller ens verklig?, Thomas Broberg, Runar Brännlund, Andrius Kazukauskas, Lars Persson and Mattias Vesterberg,
from CERE - the Center for Environmental and Resource Economics
Keywords: efterfrågeflexibilitet
Supply Chain Optimization in Pulp Distribution using a Rolling Horizon Solution Approach, David Bredström and Mikael Rönnqvist,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science
Keywords: Supply chain; Ships; Scheduling; Mixed integer programming
Evolution of Large Retailers in Terms of Crisis, Cãlin Mariana Floricica,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: consumer, retailer, behavior, marketing strategies
Romanian Customer Perception and Behavior in the Current Economic Conditions, Cãlin Mariana Floricica,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: consumer behavior, market strategies
New Strategies of the Retail Market to Attract Buyers, Cãlin Mariana Floricica,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: consumer behavior, market strategies
Consumer Behaviour in Time of Economic Crisis, Calin Mariana Floricica,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: consumer behavior, market strategies
Veniturile gospodariilor sarace si posibilitatea acestora de a face fata cheltuielilor cu energia electrica, Cornelia Barti,
in Romanian Statistical Review Supplement
Keywords: venituri, cheltuieli, plata intretinerii, energia electrica, gospodarii sãrace
Young Consumers’ Concerns About Meeting Their Food Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Obawy mlodych konsumentow zwiazane z zaspokajaniem potrzeb zywnosciowych w czasie pandemii), Irena Ozimek and Joanna Rakowska,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: young consumers, food, food prices, pandemic, consumer concerns
Che cos?? il buon cibo? (per lei, per lui, per loro), Mario Gregori,
La percezione della qualit? dei prodotti tipici da parte del consumatore in Sicilia, Gaetano Chinnici, Biagio Pecorino and Alessandro Scuderi,
in Economia agro-alimentare
Cognitive rationality and sustainable decision based on Maslow`s theorem: Acase study in Slovakia, Jana Majerova,
in Cognitive Sustainability
Keywords: Maslow's theorem, consumer characteristics, consumer behaviour, green marketing, car usage
Lebensmittelabfälle in privaten Haushalten in Deutschland - Analyse der Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Erhebung 2016/2017 von GfK SE, Thomas Schmidt, Felicitas Schneider and Erika Claupein,
from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Keywords: Lebensmittelabfälle, Haushalte, repräsentative Erhebung, Tagebucherhebung, Vermeidung, Deutschland, food losses and waste, household, representative survey, diary survey, prevention, Germany
Consumption Expenditure and Preferences for Animal Products among Low-Income Households in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State, Nigeria, Francis Ozoko Ogebe, Dorothy Patience Ani and Christopher Ugochukwu Nnama,
in Empirical Economic Review
Keywords: Expenditures; Household Preferences;
Economic Discomfort and Consumer Sentiment, Michael Lovell and Pao-Lin Tien,
in Eastern Economic Journal
Keywords: Consumer
Hard at Play! The Growth of Recreation in Consumer Budgets, 1959-1998, Jon Nelson,
in Eastern Economic Journal
Keywords: Budget; Consumer; Elasticities; Expenditure; Recreation
Interdisciplinary Approach to Winepreferences: Case of North Croatia, Dijana Vukovic, Damira Tkalec and Antonija Ivancic,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: wine market analysis, wine consumers, wine preferences, North Croatia wine consumer preferences
Prices and social behaviour: Evidence from adult smoking in Canadian Aboriginal communities, Jesse Matheson,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
El uso de las transferencias privadas inter-vivos por los hogares: el caso de México, David Mayer-Foulkes and Mai Linh Le Thi,
from CIDE, División de Economía
Keywords: private transferences, liquidity constraints, marginal propensities to consume
in Journal for Economic Forecasting
Keywords: household consumption, CEE countries, EU integration
Application of Qualimetric Methods for Evaluation of Urbanized Space Quality for Analyses of the Local Real Property Market, Cieślak Iwona, Strumiłło-Rembowska Dominika and Szuniewicz Karol,
in Real Estate Management and Valuation
Keywords: property market, quality, qualimetric, utilitarian space
How Impulsivity influences the Post-purchase Consumer Regret?, Sokić Katarina, Horvat Đuro and Martinčić Sanja Gutić,
in Business Systems Research
Keywords: consumer regret, attention impulsivity, motor impulsivity, non-planning impulsivity, Emotionality
Identifying State Dependence in Brand Choice: Evidence from Hurricanes, Julia Levine and Stephan Seiler,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Brand choice
Turns in Consumer Confidence: An Information Advantage Linked to Manufacturing, Lucia Dunn and Ida Mirzaie,
in Economic Inquiry
Método de valoración de preferencias "Análisis conjunto" una revisión de literatura, Oscar Espinosa Acuña,
from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, FCE, CID
Keywords: Measuring preferences, Conjoint Analysis, Multivariate Statistical Techniques, literature review.
Child cash benefits and family expenditures: Evidence from the National Child Benefit, Lauren E. Jones, Kevin Milligan and Mark Stabile,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
Invariance, price indices and estimation in almost ideal demand systems, Adolf Buse and Wing Chan,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: AIDS model · invariance · price indices · conditional estimation · Monte Carlo
The economic impact of removing geo-blocking restrictions in the EU Digital Single Market, Nestor Duch-Brown and Bertin Martens,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: digital single market, geo-blocking, economic impact, consumer welfare, cross-border e-commerce, trade restrictions, consumer electronics
China credit constraints and rural households’ consumption expenditure, Changsheng Li, Liqiong Lin and Christopher E.C. Gan,
in Finance Research Letters
Keywords: Credit constraints; Consumption expenditure; Rural households; IV model;
How worthwhile is it to maximise customer satisfaction in public transport service contracts with a large captive user base? The case of South Africa, Mathetha Mokonyama and Christo Venter,
in Research in Transportation Economics
Keywords: Public transport service quality; Captive users;
in Ekonomski pregled
Keywords: privacy concern; Internet; personality traits; survey
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: War on drugs
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: General Equilibrium;
Testable Restrictions og General Equilibrium Theory in Exchange Economies with Externalities, Andrés Carvajal,
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: Nash- Walras Equilibrium,
Estimación de la demanda de agua para uso residencial urbano usando un modelo discreto-continuo y datos desagregados a nivel de hogar: el caso de la ciudad de Manizales, Colombia, Darío F. Jiménez, Sergio A. Orrego, Felipe Vásquez Lavín and Roberto Ponce Oliva,
in Revista Lecturas de Economía
Keywords: demanda de agua; maximización de la utilidad; estimación econométrica; elasticidad precio de la demanda
Sato's Insight on the Relationship between the Frisch 'Parameter' and the Average Elasticity of Substitution, Alan Powell,
from Victoria University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre
Efectos de la renta y los precios en la demanda de alimentos: un análisis para el caso español 1980-2015, Alejandro Alcay and Carlos Escudero,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Demanda de Alimentos, Renta y Precios, Modelos Microeconómicos, España (1980-2015)
An investigation on price elasticity of demand for protein consumption in Sylhet City, Bangladesh, Md. Azim Uddin Al Sayed, Das Susmita, Akter Farjana and Akter Nusrat,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Household, protein, price elasticity, income, consumption
Aplikasi Willingness To Pay Sebagai Proksi Terhadap Variabel Harga: Suatu Model Empirik Dalam Estimasi Permintaan Energi Listrik Rumah Tangga, Tongam Sihol Nababan and Juara Simanjuntak,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: demand, electricity, household, price, WTP
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Konsumen Listrik Pada Rumah Tangga Sederhana (Studi Kasus pada Rumah Tangga Pelanggan 450 VA dan 900 VA di Desa Hutatoruan 1, Tarutung, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara), Erikson H.P. Lubis and Tongam Sihol Nababan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: demand, electricity, family, household, income, price
An Analysis of Migration Patterns and Local Government Policy toward Public Education in the United States, Richard Cebula,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: in-migration; public education spending; bi-directional causality
Do Large Numbers of Americans Struggle to Make Ends Meet?, Clifford F. Thies,
in Journal of Private Enterprise
Keywords: financial distress, subjective well-being, household economics, consumer finance
Háztartási fogyasztói magatartás és jólét Magyarországon a rendszerváltás után, György Molnár and Zsombor Cseres-Gergely,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
The Social Embeddedness of Consumption: Towards the Relationship of Income and Expenditures over Time in Germany, Dieter Bögenhold and Uwe Fachinger,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Structural relations among the components of household income and expenditure in Kohima, Nagaland, Ml Ngullie and Sudhanshu Mishra,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Household Income; expenditure; marginal propensity to consume; Lorenz curve; Engel’s elasticity; Gini coefficient; Robust regression; Least Median Squares; canonical correlation; discriminant analysis; Nagaland; Kohima; India
Household expenditure on food at home in Malaysia, TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Food expenditure pattern, Working-Leser, Engel’s Law, income, income elasticity
Demand for meat quantitu and quality in Malaysia: Implications to Australia, TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Fatimah Mohamed Arshad, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed and Alias Radam,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Engel curves, Meat, Quantity, Quality
Analysis of demand for vegetable in Malaysia, TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Vegetable, multi-stage budgeting system, demand elasticities
Demand for meat products in Malaysia, TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Meat, Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System model, Demand elasticity
Demand for beef in Malaysia: Quality or Quantity?, TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: beef, quality, quantity, demand elasticity, quality elasticity
Déterminants du développement du porte-monnaie électronique: Analyse Théorique et empirique: l’exemple Moneo, Estelle Brack,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Electronic money, electronic purse, France
The Meaning Of Perceived Risk In Purchasing Decisions Of The Polish Customers, Grzegorz Maciejewski,
in Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - Stiinte Economice (1954-2015)
Keywords: consumer behaviour, perceived risk, purchasing decisions, Poland
The Response of Expenditures to Anticipated Income Changes: Panel Data Estimates, Martin Browning and M. Dolores Collado,
in American Economic Review
La salsa con sabor y sinsabor: culinaria y econom?a dom?stica en la m?sica del Caribe, Edgardo I. Garrido-P?rez,
in Economia agro-alimentare
Salsa, sauce, and other ingredients: nature, evolution and conservation of cultural heritage, Edgardo I. Garrido-P?rez and Katia Laura Sidali,
in Economia agro-alimentare
Consumer preferences for yogurt in Albania, Edvin Zhllima, Drini Imami, Elvina Merkaj, Irma Qinami and Erdit Nesturi,
in Economia agro-alimentare
Consumer attitudes towards organic food in the Western Balkans - the case of Albania, Drini Imami, Engjell Skreli, Edvin Zhllima and Catherine Chanb,
in Economia agro-alimentare
Household saving in Germany: results from SAVE 2001 - 2003, Lothar Essig,
from Sonderforschungsbreich 504
Keywords: household surveys , savings behavior , risk
Measures for savings and saving rates in the German SAVE data set, Lothar Essig,
from Sonderforschungsbreich 504
Methodological aspects of the SAVE data set, Lothar Essig,
from Sonderforschungsbreich 504
Keywords: household surveys , response behavior
Borrowing and socio-economic characteristics of households: results of sample surveys carried out by the Bank of Greece, George T. Simigiannis and Panagiota Tzamourani,
in Economic Bulletin
Keywords: household survey, household debt
Formation de l’audience et comportement du consommateur: le cas de la presse sportive périodique, Jean-François Etienne,
from Paris Dauphine University
Keywords: Utilisation des medias; Consommateurs; Audience; Presse sportive;
La tendance de certains consommateurs à tout garder, Valérie Guillard,
from Paris Dauphine University
Keywords: remplacement des produits; don; comportement du consommateur; échelle de mesure; relations aux objets;
Local rank tests in a multivariate nonparametric relationship, Natércia Fortuna,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Nonparametric relationship, local rank, local rank estimation, kernel smoothing, consistent tests, demand systems.
Zuviel Konsum auf Pump? Überschuldung im regionalen Vergleich, Carolin Fritzsche and Michael Weber,
in ifo Dresden berichtet
Keywords: Konsumentenverhalten, Konsum, Schulden, Insolvenz, Ostdeutschland, Sachsen, Deutschland
Harmonisierte Verbraucherpreisindizes - zur Inflationsmessung in Europa, Wolfgang Nierhaus,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Lebenshaltungsindex, Preis, Dienstleistung, Privater Haushalt, EU-Staaten
Digging deeper: How do different types of organic consumers influence the increasing organic market share?, Laura Andersen and Thomas Bøker Lund,
from University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics
Keywords: organic budget shares, organic consumers, consumer segments, latent class analysis, demand
Does Organic Crowding Out Influence Organic Food Demand? – evidence from a Danish micro panel, Lars Hansen and Laura Andersen,
from University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics
Keywords: Organic consumption, crowding out, separability, AIDS model, home scan data
Constructing Taiwan?s motorcycle diffusion model against government subsidy, Shihping Kevin Huang, Lopin Kuo and Kuei-Lan Chou,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: government subsidy, greenhouse gas emission, Taiwan
Quand un et un ne font plus deux: calcul d'échelles d'équivalence intra-familiales au moyen d'un modèle collectif, Frederic Vermeulen and André Watteyne,
from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum voor Economische Studiën, Working Group Public Economics
Keywords: collective household models; household bargaining; intrahousehold allocation; consumption; public goods
The Economics of Consumer Credit, Giuseppe Bertola, Richard Disney and Charles Grant,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: consumer credit, european union, debt
The Economics of Consumer Credit, Giuseppe Bertola, Richard Disney and Charles Grant,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: consumer credit, european union, debt
Consumption Modeling: Country studies on Sweden, Denmark and Japan, Aleksandar Vasilev, Andrii Tsokol, Irina Zharikova, Noemi Szasz, Ralica Starcheva and Norbert Kiss,
from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Keywords: Consumption, stationarity, Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, Cointegration, Error Correction Mechanism, Distributed lag Models
More Or Better? Measuring Quality Versus Quantity In Food Consumption, Corinna Manig and Alessio Moneta,
from Philipps University Marburg, Department of Geography
Keywords: Food consumption patterns, calorie intake, income elasticity decomposition, Engel curves, method of average derivatives Length 26 pages
Conscientious consumers? Preferences, personality and expenditure in the UK, Benjamin Volland,
from Philipps University Marburg, Department of Geography
Keywords: Personality, Five Factor Model, Expenditures, Leisure, UK
Echtzeitmessung und Prognose der privaten Konsumausgaben in Deutschland, Friederike Fourné and Robert Lehmann,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Privater Haushalt, Privater Konsum, Prognose, Deutschland
Eine Flash-Schätzung für die privaten Konsumausgaben in Deutschland, Robert Lehmann, Wolfgang Nierhaus and Magnus Reif,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Privater Konsum, Wirtschaftsprognose, Deutschland
Consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for integrated production label on common beans, Aluisio Goulart Silva, Maurizio Canavari and Alcido Elenor Wander,
in Economia agro-alimentare
Declining Benefits to Membership in Micro Finance Programs - Theory and Empirical Evidence, Nidhiya Menon,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Micro finance, diminishing returns, consumption smoothing
Heterogeneous Wealth Effects, Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Luigi Pistaferri and Maarten van Rooij,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Wealth effect; Housing; Heterogeneity
Testing the aggregation of goods and services without separability using panel data, Manami Ogura,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Generalized composite commodity theorem, Cross-sectional dependence test, Panel cointegration test, Nonparametric weak separability test