13989 documents matched the search for André Lapidus in authors.
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Bringing them alive, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: history of economic thought,presidential address,methodology
L'origine du gouvernement chez Hume – impatience et incohérence temporelle, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Hume,décision intertemporelle,gouvernement
The role of justice in Thomas Aquinas’ theory of price, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Thomas Aquinas,price,just price,commutative justice,distributive justice
History of economics as a social science, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: History of economic thought; methodology
Relire Adam Smith aujourd’hui: la « main invisible », une apologie du libéralisme ?, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Adam Smith,Main invisible
Stochastic Dominance of Any Type and Any Degree, and Expected Utility: A Unifying Approach, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: stochastic dominance,expected utility,risk,decision JEL classication: D81
Metal, Money, and the Prince: John Buridan and Nicholas Oresme after Thomas Aquinas, André Lapidus,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: John Buridan, Nicholas Oresme, Thomas Aquinas
Introduction: 2000-1950... et retour, André Lapidus,
in Revue Économique
Metal, Money and the Prince - John Buridan and Nicholas Oresme after Thomas Aquinas, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Oresme,Buridan,Thomas Aquinas,Thomas d'Aquin,money,monnaie,conventional theory of money,théorie métalliste de la monnaie,metalist theory of money,théorie conventionnelle de la monnaie
Introduction à une Histoire de la pensée économique qui ne verra jamais le jour, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Histoire de la pensée économique,épistémologie de l'histoire de la pensée économique,History of economic thought,epistemology of the history of economic thought
Revue économique 1950-2000: Un Demi-Siècle en Perspective, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Revue économique,histoire des revues économiques,histoire de la pensée économique,history of economic journals,history of economic thought
The theoretical stakes of Physiocracy, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Bringing them alive, André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Hugo Grotius on Usury: Acknowledging the End of the Scholastic Argument, André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Hugo Grotius on Usury, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Grotius,Usury,Interest,Contract,Money loan
Hugo Grotius on Exchange and Price, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Grotius,Price,Exchange,Contract
Pourquoi l'histoire de la pensée économique est-elle différente des autres histoires ?, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Why are philosophers more often right than others ? David Hume and general rules, André Lapidus,
from HAL
David Hume and Rationality in Decision-Making: A Case Study on the Economic Reading of a Philosopher, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Hume,economic philosophy,rationality,decision,passion,emotion,desire,preference,will,choice
Bringing Them Alive, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Interest loans vis-à-vis religion and law: Intermingling and separation in the early moments of a long history, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Interest,Usury,Thomas Aquinas,Hugo Grotius,Intérêt,Usure,Thomas d'Aquin
La rationalité du choix passionnel: En quête de l'héritage de David Hume, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: théorie économique,Hume,passions,rational choice,individual behaviour,economic theory,choix rationnel,comportement individuel
The Valuation of Decision and Individual Welfare: A Humean Approach, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: plaisir,croyance,choix intertemporel,utilité,intérêt,bonheur,Hume,welfare,desire,pleasure,belief,passion,intertemporal choice,utility,interest,happiness,décision,bien-être
Le profit ou la domination: La figure de l'esclave dans l'économie d'Adam Smith, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Adam Smith,esclavage,travail,slavery,labour
Norm, Virtue and Information: Individual Behaviour and the Just Price in Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologica, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Just price,juste prix,medieval economics,pensée économique médiévale,Thomas Aquinas,Thomas d'Aquin,ethics,éthique
The Possibility of a Welfare Policy in a World of Emotion-Driven Individuals: A Humean Point of View, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: welfare policy,violence of the passion,emotion,belief,pleasure,Hume,happiness,decision
Registered author: André Lapidus
Investissements et salaires nominaux dans la détermination de l'emploi et de la répartition, André Lapidus,
in Revue Économique
Avant-propos, André Lapidus,
in Revue Économique
La propriété de la monnaie: doctrine de l'usure et théorie de l'intérêt, André Lapidus,
in Revue Économique
Le travail qualifié est-il trop complexe pour se laisser réduire ? Marx sans les conventions, André Lapidus,
in Revue Économique
Introduction à une "Histoire de la Pensée Economique" qui ne verra jamais le jour, André Lapidus,
in Revue Économique
Hugo Grotius on exchange and price, André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
The valuation of decision and individual welfare: a Humean approach, André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Keywords: Hume, decision, welfare, desire, pleasure, belief, passion, intertemporal choice, utility, interest, happiness,
Information and Risk in the Medieval Doctrine of Usury during the Thirteenth Century, André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: usury,medieval economics,information,risk,interest
David Hume on the Origin of Government, Ecem Okan and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: David Hume; decision in time; history; government
Trading for no price, André Lapidus and Pierre Januard,
from HAL
Keywords: Thomas Aquinas; simony; usury; money loans; sacraments; just price; commodification
Adam Smith on lotteries: an interpretation and formal restatement, Laurie Bréban and André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Some Landmarks on the Prohibition of Usury in Scholastic Economic Thought, André Lapidus and Irina Chaplygina,
from HAL
Keywords: Medieval economics,Usury,Interest
Economic theory in historical perspective, André Lapidus and Alexandre Khudokormov,
from HAL
Keywords: History of economic thought
Economic thought in scholasticism, Irina Chaplygina and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Scholastic economics,Just price,Usury
Economic thought in Medieval Europe, Irina Chaplygina and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Usury and simony Trading for no price: Thomas Aquinas on money loans, sacraments and exchange - Chapter 7, André Lapidus and Pierre Januard,
from HAL
Keywords: Thomas Aquinas,Simony,Usury,Money loans,Sacraments,Just price,Commodification
Theorizing Interest: How Did It All Begin? Some Landmarks on the Prohibition of Usury in the Scholastic Economic Thought, Irina Chaplygina and André Lapidus,
from HAL
David Ricardo's Contribution to the Constitution of the Canon of Ricardian Economics: A Reconsideration of 1970's Interpretations of the 1815 Debate, André Lapidus and Nathalie Sigot,
from HAL
Keywords: Ricardo,Hollander,Eatwell,Sraffa,Essay on profits,corn-profit model,production prices,Essai sur les profits,modèle blé-blé,prix de production
Individual Utility in a Context of Asymetric Sensitivity to Pleasure and Pain: An Interpretation of Bentham's Felicific Calculus, André Lapidus and Nathalie Sigot,
from HAL
Keywords: inversion de préférences,utilitarisme,Bentham,endogeneous preferences,individual utility,pain and pleasure,preference reversal,utilitarianism,préférences endogènes,utilité individuelle,peine et plaisir
Adam Smith on lotteries: an interpretation and formal restatement, Laurie Bréban and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: asymmetric sensitivity,Adam Smith,risk,lotteries,stochastic dominance,rank-dependent utility,prudence,decision
Individual utility in a context of asymmetric sensitivity to pleasure and pain: an interpretation of Bentham's felicific calculus, André Lapidus and Nathalie Sigot,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Keywords: Bentham Endogeneous Preferences Individual Utility Pain And Pleasure Preference Reversal Utilitarianism,
Economic thought in scholasticism, Irina Chaplygina and André Lapidus,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Bentham and Ricardo's rendez-vous manqués, Christophe Depoortère, André Lapidus and Nathalie Sigot,
from HAL
Keywords: Bentham,Ricardo,James Mill,utilitarianism,foundations of Ricardian economics
Bentham and Ricardo’s rendez-vous manqués, Christophe Depoortère, André Lapidus and Nathalie Sigot,
from HAL
Keywords: Bentham Jeremy,Ricardo David,Mill James,Utilitarianism,Foundations of Ricardian economics
Decision and Time from a Humean Point of View, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Hume,desire,passion,belief,pleasure,intertemporal decision,government
Decision and Time from a Humean Point of View, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Hume,desire,passion,belief,pleasure,intertemporal decision,government
A Humean Theory of Choice of which Rationality May Be One Consequence, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Hume,rationality,passion,desire,preference,will,choice,rationalité,décision,désir,préférences,volonté,choix
Why Rationality May Be a Consequence of Hume's Theory of Choice, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: Hume,rationality,passion,desire,will,choice,rationalité,décision,désir,préférence,volonté,choix
Pleasure and belief in Hume's decision process, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: decision,pleasure,belief,discrimination,rationality,will,choice,preference,desire,passion,Hume
Pleasure and belief in Hume's decision process, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
from HAL
Keywords: preference,desire,passion,Hume,decision,pleasure,belief,rationality,indiscrimination,will,choice
Bentham and Ricardo’s Rendez-vous Manqués, Christophe Depoortère, André Lapidus and Nathalie Sigot,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: Bentham, Ricardo, James Mill, Utilitarianism, Foundations of Ricardian economics
La raison du protectionnisme: politique budgétaire et contrainte extérieure, André Lapidus and Mariette Tonnel-Martinache,
in Revue Économique
A Humean theory of choice of which rationality may be one consequence, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Keywords: Hume, rationality, decision, passion, desire, preference, will, choice,
Why rationality may be a consequence of Hume's theory of choice, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Keywords: Hume, rationality, decision, passion, desire, preference, will, choice,
Pleasure and belief in Hume's Decision Process, Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
From Decision in Risk to Decision in Time - and Return: A Restatement of Probability Discounting, Marc-Arthur Diaye, André Lapidus and Christian Schmidt,
from HAL
Keywords: Probability discounting,time discounting,logarithmic time perception,rank-dependent utility,rationality,attitude toward probabilities,attitude toward risk
From Decision in Risk to Decision in Time - and Return: A Restatement of Probability Discounting, Marc-Arthur Diaye, André Lapidus and Christian Schmidt,
from HAL
Keywords: Probability discounting,time discounting,logarithmic time perception,rank-dependent utility,rationality,attitude toward probabilities,attitude toward risk
Introduction, André Lapidus, Jean-Sébastien Lenfant, Goulven Rubin and Hans-Michael Trautwein,
in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Indirect and Invisible Regulations Set in Stone: A Driving Force behind the Rise of Private Health Insurance in Sweden, John Lapidus,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Keywords: private health insurance; privatization; regulation; Swedish welfare model; hidden welfare state
National Security at What Price? the Economic Consequences of Military Spending, Kevin Lapidus,
in The American Economist
Thinking Theoretically about Soviet Nationalities: History and Comparison in the Study of the USSR. Edited by Alexander J. Motyl. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. 284p. $45.00, Gail Lapidus,
in American Political Science Review
The Commissariat of Enlightenment: Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts under Lunacharsky. By Sheila Fitzpatrick. (Cambridge: The University Press, 1970. Pp. 380. $13.50.), Gail Lapidus,
in American Political Science Review
But which theory is right? Economic pluralism, developmental epistemology and uncertainty, June Lapidus,
in International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education
Keywords: economics education; pedagogy; economic pluralism; William Perry; contending perspectives; pluralist economics; higher education; learning theory; teaching economics.
Privatising, liberalising and dividing a welfare state without affecting universality? Debunking the myths surrounding the rapid rise of private health insurance in Sweden, John Lapidus,
in Health Economics, Policy and Law
in Feminist Economics
Keywords: Single parenting, lesbian and gay parents,
Private health insurance in Sweden: Fast-track lanes and the alleged attempts to stop them, John Lapidus,
in Health Policy
Keywords: Private health insurance; Healthcare reform; Privatisation;
The Divided Welfare State, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Divided welfare state, Hidden welfare state, Fiscal welfare, Semi-privatization, Social tax expenditures, Swedish welfare model
A Spiral of Rising Costs, John Lapidus,
from Springer
A Burden for the Common, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Rhetoric and Practice, John Lapidus,
from Springer
The Ambivalent Actors, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Non-profit organizations, Ambivalent actors, Advocates of change, Third way, Divided welfare state, Hidden welfare state
Right or Commodity, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Objectivism, Welfare and civil rights, Welfare and human rights, Welfare and social rights, Second bill of rights, Swedish welfare model
The Twisted Debate, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Lobbyism, Newspeak, Anti-intellectual arguments, Depoliticization, Opinion forming, Framing
Future Funding of Welfare, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Cost disease, Internet of things, Artificial intelligence, Future funding of welfare, Divided welfare state, Hidden welfare state
A Choice Between Two Models, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Divided welfare state, Hidden welfare state, Fiscal welfare, Social tax expenditures, Private social benefits, Swedish welfare model
To Buy Ahead, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Adverse selection, Public care guarantee, Health declaration, Excluding mechanisms, Healthcare coordinator, Divided welfare state
Private Provision and Private Funding, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Privatization of provision, Privatization of funding, Profits in welfare, Provision and funding of welfare, Procurement Act, Act on Freedom of Choice
State as Sponsor, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Divided welfare state, Hidden welfare state, Fiscal welfare, Semi-privatization, Social tax expenditures, Swedish welfare model
Half-Private Healthcare, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Keywords: Reverse selectivity, Reverse means-testing, Tax break, Benefit taxation, Health tax, Divided welfare state
Half-Private Elderly Care, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Half-Private Education, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Relieve or Hollow Out, John Lapidus,
from Springer
A Farewell to Trust and Tax Willingness, John Lapidus,
from Springer
The Quest for a Divided Welfare State, John Lapidus,
from Springer
Studia Semitica. Volume II: Islamic Themes. By Erwin I. J. Rosenthal. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. 222. $9.50.), Ira M. Lapidus,
in American Political Science Review
The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam, Ira M. Lapidus,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Macroeconomic Aspect of the Evolution of Railway Transport, B. Lapidus and D. Macheret,
in Voprosy Ekonomiki
A gender analysis of U.S. labor market policies for the working poor, Deborah Figart and June Lapidus,
in Feminist Economics
Keywords: Gender (women), labor market, comparable worth, minimum wage, poverty, pay equity,
Unions, insurance and changing welfare states: The emergence of obligatory complementary income insurance in Sweden, Jesper Hamark and John Lapidus,
from University of Gothenburg, Unit for Economic History
Keywords: Unions; public unemployment insurance; obligatory complementary income insurance; welfare models; Swedish welfare model
Cargo-and-Passenger High-Speed Railway “TransEurasiaâ€: A Unique Megaproject, Boris Lapidus and Alexander Misharin,
in Economy of region
Keywords: Trans-Eurasian belt “Razvitie†, One Belt One Road, megaproject “TransEurasia†, target arrival date, e-commerce goods, world network of high-speed highways, economic efficiency
Remedying "Unfair Acts": U.S. Pay Equity by Race and Gender, Jane Lapidus and Deborah Figart,
in Feminist Economics
Keywords: Wage Discrimination, Race And Gender, Comparable Worth, Poverty, Occupational Segregation, Pay Equity,
Comparable Worth as an Anti-Poverty Strategy: Evidence from the March 1992 CPS, June Lapidus and Deborah M. Figart,
in Review of Radical Political Economics
Will Comparable Worth Reduce Race-Based Wage Discrimination?, Deborah M. Figart and June Lapidus,
in Review of Radical Political Economics