Power profiling of microcontroller's instruction set for runtime hardware trojans detection without golden circuit models
Runtime Identification of Hardware Trojans by Feature Analysis on Gate-Level Unstructured Data and Anomaly Detection
As the globalization of chip design and manufacturing process becomes popular, malicious hardware inclusions such as hardware Trojans pose a serious threat to the security of digital systems. Advanced Trojans can mask many architectural-level Trojan ...
A Bitstream Reverse Engineering Tool for FPGA Hardware Trojan Detection
CCS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications SecuritySince FPGAs are field-programmable and reconfigurable integrated circuits, there are many security concerns that malicious functions like hardware Trojans can be infiltrated into circuits not only in development stages but also in deployment stages -- ...
Is your FPGA bitstream Hardware Trojan-free? Machine learning can provide an answer
AbstractSoftware exploitable Hardware Trojan Horses (HTHs) inserted into commercial CPUs allow the attacker to run his/her own software or to gain unauthorized privileges. Recently a novel menace raised: HTHs inserted by CAD tools. A ...
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European Design and Automation Association
Leuven, Belgium
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