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10.5555/3018874.3018876acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesscConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Performance-portable autotuning of OpenCL kernels for convolutional layers of deep neural networks

Published: 13 November 2016 Publication History


We present a portable and highly-optimized Deep Neural Network (DNN) algorithm and its implementation techniques. Our approach is a novel combination of existing HPC techniques that methodically applies autotuning as well as data layout and low-level optimizations that achieve performance matching and/or exceeding what is possible with either reverse engineering and manual assembly coding or proprietary vendor libraries. The former was done inside the maxDNN implementation and the latter is represented by cuDNN. Our work may be directly applied to the most time consuming part of DNN workflow, namely the training process which often needs a restart when it stagnates due to, for example, diminishing gradients and getting stuck in local minima. With the result of performance tests on a consumer-grade GPU with the latest High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) stack, our methodology can match a server grade hardware at a fraction of the price. Another tuning sweep on a new GPU architecture from a different vendor also attests to the portability of our approach and the quality of our implementation.


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  1. Performance-portable autotuning of OpenCL kernels for convolutional layers of deep neural networks



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    MLHPC '16: Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Learning in High Performance Computing Environments
    November 2016
    66 pages




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    • (2021)Analytical characterization and design space exploration for optimization of CNNsProceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems10.1145/3445814.3446759(928-942)Online publication date: 19-Apr-2021

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