For the 5th time, the International Conference Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) hosts a workshop for PhD students: The PIKM 2012. The goal of this workshop is two-fold: First, a PhD workshop gives doctoral students an opportunity to present their work in an early stage to a global audience. This allows the students not only to crystallize their ideas into a scientific article, and to practice scientific presentation, but also to receive feedback from reviewers, from fellow students and from the general CIKM audience. Second, we believe that the research community, too, benefits from such a workshop: PhD dissertations are the grassroots of research. They point out new research avenues and indicate current promising topics. They provide fresh viewpoints from the researchers of tomorrow. Also, we hope that the interaction with other researchers at the workshop itself, across all levels of seniority, will help propel science forward.
The PIKM workshop covers topics in all core areas of the general CIKM conference: information retrieval (IR), databases (DB), and knowledge management (DB). This includes subjects as diverse as link prediction, semantic search, query languages, and data mining.
This diversity of topics got reflected in the submissions we received. The call for papers attracted 25 submissions from nearly all continents of the world. Out of these, 10 papers got accepted as full papers. In addition, 4 papers got accepted as poster papers. The papers cover proposals at various stages of the dissertation, from early outlines of research plans, to in depth investigations of acute questions and mid-term reports of work in progress. The dissertations touch all three main areas of the PIKM, including, e.g., work on community discovery in Twitter, linked data, process modeling, advertising in social networks, and event detection. The best submission will receive a special best paper award.
As a special highlight, this year's PIKM features a keynote talk by Dr. Ingmar Weber from Yahoo! Research Barcelona. Dr. Weber said he will give "Advice for Young Jedi Knights and PhD Students". May the force be with us.
Proceeding Downloads
When big data leads to lost data
For decades, scientists bemoaned the scarcity of observational data to analyze and against which to test their models. Exponential growth in data volumes from ever-cheaper environmental sensors has provided scientists with the answer to their prayers: "...
Querying external source code files of programs connecting to a relational database
Multiple source code files reference metadata of an existing database. Consequently, any modification that needs to be done in the source code files or in the schema of a database requires asserting the impact of performing such change. This problem of ...
SciQL: a query language for unified scientific data processing and management
Science is more and more data-driven. This means, that a significant part of a scientist's work is dedicated to accessing, visualizing, integrating and analyzing data from a possibly wide range of heterogeneous sources. In this paper we propose SciQL, a ...
Feature selection for link prediction
Networks that model relationships in the real world have attracted much attention in the past few years. Link prediction plays a central role in the network area. Supervised learning is an important class of algorithms used to address the link ...
Exploring and analyzing documents with OLAP
When faced with a document collection of substantial size, it is difficult for users to explore and analyze the information contained in it. Tagging has been used to improve the organization of documents in a collection, but it has various limitations. ...
Is that scene dangerous?: transferring knowledge over a video stream
Activity mining in traffic scenes aims to automatically explain the complex interactions among moving objects recorded with a surveillance camera. Traditional machine learning algorithms generate a model and validate it with manually labeled data, which ...
Advice for young Jedi knights and PhD students
This talk will look at the task of pursuing a PhD with both a humorous and a serious eye -- while checking Facebook with yet another one. The goal is threefold: to give practical advice, to take a step back and look at the meaning at it all, and to ...
iTop: interaction based topic centric community discovery on twitter
Automatic detection of communities (or cohesive groups of actors in social network) in online social media platforms based on user interests and interaction is a problem that has recently attracted a lot of research attention. Mining user interactions ...
Search tactics as means of examining search processes in collaborative exploratory web search
Investigations on search processes can either be at macro-level or micro-level. The macro-level investigation focuses on establishing theoretical models while micro-level investigation focuses on the user actions. In this paper, we propose using search ...
Assessing the relationship between context, user preferences, and content in search behaviour
Searching information by using search engines and browsers is a tedious task for users. Navigational and informational search tasks are complicated by the fact that web servers always provide complete web pages and do not tailor their content to the ...
Recommendations using linked data
Linked Data offers new opportunities for Semantic Web-based application development by connecting structured information from various domains. These technologies allow machines and software agents to automatically interpret and consume Linked Data and ...
Intent-aware temporal query modeling for keyword suggestion
This paper presents a data-driven approach for capturing the temporal variations in user search behaviour by modeling the dynamic query relationships using query-log data. The dependence between different queries (in terms of the query words and latent ...
Towards an advanced system for real-time event detection in high-volume data streams
This paper presents an advanced system for real-time event detection in high-volume data streams. Our main goal is to provide a system, which can handle high-volume data streams and is able to detect events in real-time. Additionally, we perform further ...
Multilevel business process modeling: motivation, approach, design issues, and applications
Conceptual models organize the data as well as the processes from a business domain using a human-readable, yet formal representation language. For static data models, various modeling approaches have been proposed to represent complex multilevel ...
Towards a more efficient and personalised advertisement content in on-line social networks
Knowing what potential clients want, is the most important issue for companies. The current situation of social communication is generating a lot of information about users, such as favourite sites, food, politic tendencies, hopes or needs. This ...
- Proceedings of the 5th Ph.D. workshop on Information and knowledge