Designing badges for a civic media platform: reputation and named levels
Designing an Online Civic Engagement Platform: Balancing "More" vs. "Better" Participation in Complex Public Policymaking
A new form of online citizen participation in government decisionmaking has arisen in the United States (U.S.) under the Obama Administration. "Civic Participation 2.0" attempts to use Web 2.0 information and communication technologies to enable wider ...
Badges of Friendship: Social Influence and Badge Acquisition on Stack Overflow
HICSS '14: Proceedings of the 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesBadges can provide a number of advantages to networked, self-directed learners, including making visible social networks of support and direction. If badges do allow for this, we would expect to see badge acquisition to be predicted by the presence of a ...
Designing interaction with media façades: a case study
DIS '12: Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems ConferenceMedia façades are one prominent example of how new technologies currently augment urban spaces. At the same time, they offer new, ubiquitous opportunities for novel applications. To achieve a usable and enjoyable outcome, however, designing interaction ...
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