It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 2015 Internet Measurement Conference. IMC has become the premier venue for measurement-based research into all kinds of networks that comprise the Internet ecosystem, and this year's program reflects that diversity of the IMC community.
IMC 2015 received 169 papers of which 96 were long and 73 were short. As usual, we solicited both long papers with deep treatment of topics and short papers that convey exciting work in progress, offer high-level visions, or present more succinct viewpoints. We accepted 43 papers, comprising 31 long papers and 12 short papers. As usual, we used a single-blind reviewing process, conducted over two rounds. In the first round, each paper was reviewed by three program committee (PC) members. The 90 papers selected for the second round were reviewed by at least two more PC members. In a few cases, we solicited an extra review from outside experts. The final decisions were based on all the reviews, extensive online discussions, and a day-long meeting.
We wish to thank our talented, committed and hardworking PC. Their rigorous reviewing and detailed insights were invaluable in this process. Many of our PC members made great efforts to attend the PC meeting, such as taking long international/overnight flights.
After slowly building for some time, this year saw a new change, with ethical concerns explicitly mentioned as reviewing criteria in the call for papers, and many papers responded appropriately and explained any ethical issues that arose in their data collection and methodology. As more measurements move away from network-level activities and toward more explicit human-level behaviors, we can expect more of these kinds of issues to arise going forward.
We adopted the change made in last year's IMC of discontinuing review summaries of the papers, and we also continued with the change made in 2012 of having separate awards for the best paper and releasing the best public datasets. We thank our general chairs, Kenjiro Cho and Kensuke Fukuda, for all of their organization and for making the process run more smoothly, and the IMC Steering Committee for their advice during the entire process starting with assembling the PC. Importantly, this conference is indebted to our generous sponsors whose contributions greatly benefit the experience of all participants.
Cited By
Yu Z, Fu Y, Shi W, Zhao X, Yang Y, Karras D and Yang S (2023). KPI anomaly detection method of AIOps based on GAN 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and High-Performance Computing (AIAHPC2023), 10.1117/12.2684664, 9781510666573, (26)
Abdurrahman , Ariyani F, Achmad A and Nurulsari N (2019). Designing an Inquiry-based STEM Learning strategy as a Powerful Alternative Solution to Enhance Students’ 21 st -century Skills: A Preliminary Research , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 10.1088/1742-6596/1155/1/012087, 1155, (012087), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2019.
Faye S, Louveton N, Gheorghe G and Engel T (2016). Toward a characterization of human activities using smart devices: A micro/macro approach IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 10.1109/INFCOMW.2016.7562162, 978-1-4673-9955-5, (676-681)
Faye S and Engel T (2016). Understanding user daily mobility using mobile and wearable sensing systems 2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 10.1109/ICTC.2016.7763503, 978-1-5090-1325-8, (387-392)
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2015 Internet Measurement Conference